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Setting up

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    Setting up

    Hi Sandy. Sounds like we both have come to the right place. All the suggestions and help I have received so far have been great. I will be visiting this place daily so if you feel like talking send me an email or start a thread as all these wonderful people will reply. I think you can send private emails to individuals however I havent worked it out yet. Seems like just a matter of playing around with this site.
    Good luck with your journey.
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Setting up

      Hello Sandy and welcome. It might not be a great idea to post your personal email address on an open forum. You can do that through PMs. You can delete it from the post by hitting the edit button. If you want to send a PM (personal message) just click on the persons name and the option pops up. You have the option within there to send and recieve PMs as emails also.

      Hello again Hippy Chick glad you posted. You will be flying around the site in no time. Did you look into getting the L-glutamine to help with the cravings? Anyway welcome again and I look forward to seeing you around.
      Keep safe
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Setting up

        Hi KTAB,
        Nice to hear from you again. Yes I did get the L-Glutamine finally. Didnt think to look in the body building section of the health food store. Ironic really as it will be building more than just my body! Am really getting a lot out of checking this site whenever I can thru the day. I dont know if I am in a "honeymoon phase" or what but I just feel so fantastic. I am at day six and just love waking up in the mornings feeling rested and having no reason to feel bad about what I may or may not have done the previous night. What a feeling hey! There is so much help and understanding available if you just know where to look.
        Hope it has warmed up a bit for you..... we are heading for 42 (celcius that is) on the weekend so I will swap with you a bit of warmth for a bit of your cool.
        Take care.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

