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Here I go....

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    Here I go....

    First time here....I drink 10 to 12 beers a day. My spiral started almost 3 years ago when I lost my job. I'm now a stay at home mom. I have a 4 and 8 year old. The stress of every day stay at home, neve going anywhere makes me nuts! So I have a beer, usually starting around 1:00 and stop around 8 or 9. Then the vicious cycle starts again the next day and hate it. I want to be normal and enjoy my life and kids and not Scream all the time. I went to my Dr. yesterday with my research on meds.....had a long talk with him. He wants to talk with a dr. friend of his who specializes in addiction before choosing a med for me. He did give me a script for Buspar for anxiety which I pick up today....I hope this works.....I want to be a moderate drinker, but not sure if I can...will try tho. I ordered the My Way Out book and should get it tomorrow. That's just a little about me, but am glad I found this site to be able to talk with peeps like me.

    Here I go....

    :welcome: Ready,

    You've come to a great place with masses of support. We've all walked in your shoes at one time or another.
    Great news that you've got your doctor on side.
    Take a look in the tool box to help you get a plan started.

    Wishing you all the luck in the world and keep us posted about how you're doing.

    J x

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Here I go....

      Thanx Jackie!


        Here I go....

        A big :welcome: to you.

        This place is great. A lot of info and helpful people.

        L-Theanine is great for anxiety too, and is all natural.

        Good Luck to you, stay strong
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Here I go....

          welcome RTT, there is so much love and support here stay strong


            Here I go....

            :welcome: Ready.
            Good for you, you have already taken some very important steps in facing your problem. One, you admit that you have a drinking problem. Two, you joined MWO, three you ordered the book and very important, you talked to your doctor.
            I don't know if you have read much about alcohol but I know that it does add to depression and anxiety. Being a stay-at-home Mom is stressful enough and more so since it was not really your choice (you said you lost your job 3 years ago). Dealing with kids all day is really tough - been there, done it. Of course you scream all the time because, first, you probably do not sleep well at night and so never wake up feeling rested, you have the anxiety and stress that alcohol leaves you the next day and deep down you are probably looking at the clock anxiously waiting for it to get to 1pm so you can have your first beer. Which may leave you feeling chilled out and calmed down after the first few drinks but then it starts to make you feel worn out and then you drink more to make you feel better and it never does. Speaking from personal experience - I rarely drank before 8:30 or so at night and whenever I did have a drink in the afternoon I just felt like all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and yet I had to wait another 8 hours to do that. So I ended up being stressed out even more and had another glass to give me a lift. Which it never did.
            Anyway, as the ladies before me said, you have come to a great place to help you find a way to deal with your problem. There are many kind folks here holding out a helping hand. No one judges, no one criticizes. We've all been where you are.
            Take care and be strong for your children. They need you. Healthy and sober.
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Here I go....

              Hi Ready! :welcome: This is a great community to support you as your sort out your issues with alcohol. Read and post lots! All the best to you,

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Here I go....

                Thanks for all the advice.....hard for me to find time to do alot of posting with my two boys but will do my best....feel like I've been throw a iife line thru this site.....thanks again!


                  Here I go....

                  You have been thrown a life catch it, and we'll help reel you in !!!!!

                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    Here I go....

                    Hi Ready,

                    Welcome to MWO!
                    Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread - lots of folks there just getting started as well.

                    Wishing you the best on your journey
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Here I go....

                      Hi I'm new here and fumbling around on the site. But am sober, for the moment! Mine is a long story and will relate it sometime. My cravings pop up in the evenings. I live alone, am divorced, but have a good job and a social life (which I sometimes mess up by drinking too much - the embarrassment is so horrendous that I drink again to forget about what I might have done - how ludricrous - absurd thinking) To add to the embarrassment I have a PhD in Psychology - oh my word!!!!.
                      I have tried the AA intermittently throughout the years but I just couldn't relate to the higher power bit.
                      Please help me as to how to travel through this site - it seems like a maze! Thanks Caryl


                        Here I go....

                        Where is the Newbies Nest thread - can't find it under 'Forum Jump' thanks again


                          Here I go....

                          Dear Ready!

                          Good luck to you! As everyone says, this is a great place to be. Sincerely no judgement, no ONE way to do anything, just lots of good people with good advice.

                          Staying at home is really hard and for me the drinking got worse and worse. I telecommute so what was once 1 pm, turned into noon, into 11, into 10 am, into.... you get the picture. Not that you would do that, but it's a good thing to start now rather than test it! It's amazing how one can justify things.

                          Best to you!


                            Here I go....

                            Welcome Ready and Kayz. You both may be tired from the huge giant step coming here to MYO. heheh

                            Read, read, post, post, ask, ask, and then start over again!!



                              Here I go....

                              Welcome Ready and Kayz. You both may be tired from the huge giant step coming here to MYO. heheh

                              Read, read, post, post, ask, ask, and then read, post, and ask some more.


