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Day One - Take Two

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    Day One - Take Two

    Well, here we go again! Starting seems to be the hardest part of this! I had a great two weeks under my belt then thought, "Oh, I can drink at New Years." I sure could! And the day after and the day after and the day after ..... While I had heard and read over and over again that would happen I just had to do it myself to really know.

    So, here I am again. It's my first day and I am going to be positive about this. I want to think of this more like an adventure than a sentence. Life without drinking for a couple of weeks was sweet. It will be this time, too!

    Day One - Take Two

    :welcome: back Maxray,

    With hand on my heart I can say life gets better and better without alcohol in my life.

    Keep reading,keep posting.

    Just logging on each day and having a look round really helps.

    Good luck.

    J x

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Day One - Take Two

      Hi Max. Stirly here. Nice to meet you.
      :welcome: from me, too, to MWO.
      Jackie has put it so well that there's not much else to add except to say don't beat yourself up about not staying AF. It takes most of us many tries to get it right. There are some fine examples here of people who are living AF and enjoying life for the first time in many years.
      Like Jackie said, just logging in and reading their posts and stories can be a huge help. Good luck to you.
      Take care, be strong,
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Day One - Take Two

        Hey Max- I think you've got a positive head on your shoulders! A good sense of humor! Nothing wrong with starting again, and again, AND again! Do whatever it takes!
        Luv, Fluff
        It's always YOUR choice!


          Day One - Take Two

          MaxRay, good for you dusting off the britches and getting right back to it. The first time I stayed sober for more than 2 days in a row I managed 60 days of sobriety. Then I had that same thought - not I can drink. I got the same results you did, only my drink and drink and drink lasted about 8 months before I could some how muster it up to get back firmly on the wagon.

          As much as I would not wish that or recommend that type of choice to ANYONE who is struggling to get free of AL's grip, I too believe it is something I just HAD to do and see for myself.

          I hope I never feel compelled to repeat the exercise, and I hope you don't either! Onward...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Day One - Take Two

            Great attitude, MaxRay!

            I've left my mood thingy on "LEARNING" for a looonnng time!! Seems I had to learn certain things.. more than once!

            I'm looking at this as an adventure, too. I want to see the ME that existed Before Al got its hooks into me. I'm already seeing some good things that were ... hidden.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              Day One - Take Two

              Good on you for starting again, thats what I did and I am now on Day 13 A/F and I feel great, life is so much better without the booze, and yes it is an adventure and a very good one
              Take Care
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                Day One - Take Two

                I want to think of this more like an adventure than a sentence.

                Great way of looking at it Max!

                Love and Light
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Day One - Take Two

                  Thanks for the support everyone! Today was both good and bad. It's amazing how just one day without alcohol can be worlds more productive than an entire week with it!! Today I miss it just a little. It would be nice to have a glass of wine right about now, but I can't. There is going to be an entirely new thought process going on here, but I am up for it. Glad to have so many new friends on my side!

