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You have to replace it with something...

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    You have to replace it with something...

    Someone from an AA meeting once told me that. It's like, if you don't find a way to fill the need, you'll be more vulnerable. I keep forgetting. Maybe it should be exercise, or meditation. I have a long way to go, but I'm hopeful...

    You have to replace it with something...

    I think you are on a good track with that line of thinking. I believe it's critical to my sobriety that I have really changed my life in a lot of ways - far beyond simply removing the alcohol. A healthier diet and lots of exercise was a huge first step. For me, I have also had to work on stepping out of the isolation in which I drank in the end, and rejoining the main stream of life. These days it's very rare for me to even be involved in an activity or event where excessive drinking would be possible or appropriate.

    We all have to find our own way, but I think it's dangerous to believe long term sobriety is possible for us addicts if all we change is what's in the glass.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      You have to replace it with something...

      Doggygirl;789982 wrote: We all have to find our own way, but I think it's dangerous to believe long term sobriety is possible for us addicts if all we change is what's in the glass.

      Very well said!
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        You have to replace it with something...

        I agree Doggie! That says it all! Now how do I get my hubby to realize this.....?


          You have to replace it with something...

          I so agree with this! Stopping the alcohol is the first step to Sobriety, but Happy Sober Living is what will carry us into Long Term Sobriety. For me, this meant and still means changing the way that I lived my life as a drinker and creating a healthy mind and body.

          Hart, I don't think that we are able to change other people, only ourselves. Perhaps as you make and sustain changes, your example will encourage him!

          Have a Happy, Healthy and Sober Rest of Today, All!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            You have to replace it with something...

            Thanks Agapanthus. This is something I have to work at.
            Doggygirl -WOW! I just love what you wrote ( I have copied it into my journal so I can refer to it often). When I (used to) get bored I would get drunk to stop the boredom. Rather than think of something else to do, I would take the easy option and fill my belly with mind altering liquids so I forget I am actually bored. My life is in for such a shake up!! Look out world here I come...
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              You have to replace it with something...

              lI agree, I have to get my whole body and mind in the right place, then it seem's natural, if I just stop the drink it never lasts, now my boy's are back at school, today finally!! I am going to do the whole exercise, meditation thing, also started watercolour's, I;m rubbish but it's fun and treated myself to a new camera, so getting out and getting some good shot's will be my aim, it's actually fun and enlightening after year's of drowning in a glass, I still want the wine, I love wine but I know that for me that's a long way off, I cannot mod, I just don't know when to stop!!anyway, everyone seem's so strong here at the moment ,it's great isn't it?love and hug's Tawnywitch:l:l


                You have to replace it with something...

                :hallo: and good morning to all.
                What great thoughts and advice to start the day with. I especially liked Happy's saying that...Rather than think of something else to do, I would take the easy option and fill my belly with mind altering liquids so I forget I am actually bored. How often is that true!! Just reaching out for a glass of wine out of habit more than anything else.
                Tawny, good for you getting new things to do now that your boys are off to school. How did Freddy do this am? Any tantrums? And how is your cold going? Hope you're better. Great talking to you in chat last night.
                Hart - I agree with Kate - your fine example of what life can be AF may just make your husband sit up and take a second look at how AL is affecting him.
                Hope you all have a loverly, loverly day.
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  You have to replace it with something...

                  Hi Sg, yes cold a bit better, it's so quiet here today, feel a bit lost, Freddy was fine, got to school and they were promised hot chocolate and toasted marshmallow's so he was fine,really nice to chat last night, speak soon, bey for now,


                    You have to replace it with something...

                    In rehab and AA they say you only have to change one thing if you want to stay sober.

                    That is everything.

                    I am just beginning to understand how right they are.

                    Whether you choose AA or MWO or both or any other path to sobriety, and I work daily with people who have chosen other paths and have been successful, I believe the above is true.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      You have to replace it with something...

                      instant self care

                      Doggygirl;789982 wrote:

                      We all have to find our own way, but I think it's dangerous to believe long term sobriety is possible for us addicts if all we change is what's in the glass.

                      Well said.

                      I think one of my reasons for drinking was/has been to alter my mood, and deal with doing mundane, frustrating things and not having time for myself to do the healthy things that would make me feel better, so I would grab a beer while doing is also possible to put on some nice soothing music and it doesn't take any additional time away from what we are doing. And I got some nice scented soap for the 100's of times I have to wash my hands every day anyway, and I get a nice little aromatherapy treatment every time. And I eat a good lunch with protein, and that seems to help with those long afternoons, too.

                      Take care, everyone


                        You have to replace it with something...

                        well I am putting everything into practice today, drawing and a ballet class for the first time in year's, I am knackered!! but satisfied.


                          You have to replace it with something...

                          tawnywitch;790363 wrote: well I am putting everything into practice today, drawing and a ballet class for the first time in year's, I am knackered!! but satisfied.
                          BALLET CLASS??? Are you kidding me. I got instantly tired just reading about it!!! Just "knackered"? I'd be flat on the floor unable to move a single bone!! Good for you. :rockon: Go for it Tawny!!!
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            You have to replace it with something...

                            Good job!! What does "Knackered" mean? (I'm American)


                              You have to replace it with something...

                              "knackered" implies being extremely tired.

                              I agree that you have to make changes in your life in replacing old habits with new and more healthy ones. But also as an addict I have to be careful that those new ones don't become my new addiction. Whether they are healthy or not something simple like going to the gym can take over my life if I allow it. It becomes my new way of 'fixing' me. The most important thing I have replaced alcohol with is a whole new way of thinking. That's the biggest one for me, is to replace my old thinking with new thinking that gives me a much more positive approach to life.

                              Love and Light
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009

