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ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10

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    ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10

    You cannot think your way into sober living. You live your way into sober thinking. - from Daily Recovery Readings

    When I first started this journey, I tried and failed so many times! I didn't think I could ever go more than 4 days AF. Finally, I managed it! Four days AF, then I caved yet again. Then I made it 7 days. I couldn't believe it! On another try, I made it a month! It has not been a straight line for me, but my point is, the accumulation of AF days has indeed changed my thinking, just as the quote suggests. I'm not out of the woods yet. I could choose to drink today. But I won't! ODAT. Peace and strength to all.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10

    Hey Dill, how many days are you? Good morning! It's so great to be AF -Day 7 for Fluff!
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10

      Hi there I am on day 4 great feeling,hope everyone is as positive as I feel today,


        ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10

        Hi ODATers!

        Day 7 is Great, Fluff. You're doing something right! Keep doin' it!!

        Tawny - you go girl!!

        I was a month AF last Sat. - so now it's getting a bit odd counting. Do I sometimes think of drinking? Sure. But it's becoming less often and not those strong urges I used to experience. More like a passing thought...

        I wanted to let people know who are just starting that if you hang in there (and it may take several "false starts")... you really do start feeling better, physically and emotionally. For me, the emotional part has been most dramatic. I was getting Really depressed there for a while... and couldn't seem to shake it (drinking was my "cure" - gee, no wonder, eh?).

        Sure, I feel down at times. But it's not the type of thing that lasts - and it's easier to divert my attention. I'm ABLE to do things to distract, etc. that I wasn't while drinking... since I didn't want to drive. So I would end up sitting here - getting More depressed!

        Now, I can go out for a change of scenery with no fear.

        YES, it's worth it.

        3 wks. tomorrow for not smoking... which has been more difficult for me. I think it's Finally getting better! Lotsa chewin' goin' on...
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10

          Fluff, Congrats on day 7! December was a tough month and I drank a couple of times. I had an AF New Years but caved again in the first week in January. I prefer not to count consecutive days. I look at the big picture. My total accumulated AF time over the year. I have redoubled my efforts to take it a day at a time and just let the days accumulate. Does that make sense? I participate on a monthly thread (January Just Do It) to keep my eyes on long term as well. I gain a lot of inspiration on that thread that keeps me going.

          Tawny, Savvy, you guys are doing great! Savvy, you have really helped me in recent days with your committed effort. I think it's rubbing off!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            ODAT - Thursday - 1/14/10


            You guys are rockin' this joint!!!

            Dill, I love your kick-off!
            Savy... awesome!
            Fluff & tawny, glad to see you racking them up!

            Savy you're so right about going out for a change of scenery. Being AF is incredibly freeing. You realize you can actually live your life!! And you WANT to!

            Rock on!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

