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Another injury

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    Another injury

    Hi all
    I threw a leaving party for one of my staff last night and woke up with a broken wrist, I had no idea how it happend! I still have a huge lump on my leg from when I was away at a conference four weeks ago, apparently I fell in a flower bed.
    I?d already decided yesterday that I was going to try and stop drinking today after the party was over. I?ve been hovering around this site for a few months now. I have the supps but I?m going to try without the topa. I still haven?t got the cds, do you think I should wait until I get them?
    Since I found this site I?ve tried many times to stop but never get passed day three. Is there a certain number of days when it starts to get easier. I don?t understand why your own body does this to you! It?s like you?re fighting with yourself.
    Wish me luck guys - here goes, for real this time.
    ...It?s really painful typing with a broken bloody wrist!

    Another injury

    Hi Allison! I broke my wrist last year as well and I am sure my drinking helped contribute to it. I stupidly went rollerskating and had had a bunch of wine, not a good combo. I am sorry for your pain, both mentally and physically today. I am trying to moderate so do not have much advice on how long it takes to feel really comfortable with not drinking. A lot of abstainers have said around the 30-45 day mark....I agree wih you that our minds are fighting with our bodies. Try and make small steps and let those become habits and then move on from there. For me going cold turkey does not work so I am trying for 2-3 days a week without a drink and I am doing it, without the CDs or the topa. The supplements help. Good luck and stay in touch!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Another injury

      wish you the best

      I hope you find your way.


        Another injury

        Thanks Lush and Rick and good luck to you both.
        I live in Australia so I'm on a different time line to you so my replys will be delayed.
        I didn't make it yesterday so today IS going to be day 1. I'm going to try to abstain as moderate doesn't suit me - one leads to another to another.
        I read an article in an old National Geographic magazine called 'Secrets of Longevity' it's about the three longest living cultures in the world and their lifestyles which accounts for their long lives. This is what I want for me and my family so I realise I have got to make some dramatic changes! I own and run two businesses which accounts for a lot of stress, but I do actually enjoy them. I have a husband and four great children who hate the way I drink. I am not setting a good example for them. My 18 year old daughter drinks too much, hopefully it's an age thing but I've got to do this for them. I really want to do this more than anything. I find it incredible how many mes there are out there. I feel that the support here will be such a life line.


          Another injury

          :welcome: Allison

          Glad you are here. Sounds like you have a lot of good reasons-family, job - to make this happen.
          Lost safer being sober - in so many ways. I wish you the best. So many people here in the same situation. This is a great place to get information and to get support.
          Good for you for starting this journey.


            Another injury

            Thanks Lisa


              Another injury

              Greetings, Overit!

              I can relate to everything you wrote. So far, my kids have not noticed how much I drink--probably because I never seem "drunk"-- but I worry that they will. It's a solid reason to stop (your choice) or moderate (mine). I'd rather they develop better coping skills than relying on booze the way their mama does.

              I, too, had a broken bone incident due to my drinking. It was Mothers Day, a holiday specific to America for all I know. My kids were taking me to dinner where I would surely have wine but that didn't stop me from treating myself to a glass or two while getting dressed. The day was warm and sunny and so I decided to wear my new sandals--slides with 3" heels. Someone called from the car and told me to hurry or we would lose our reservations and so hurry I did! The elevator can be balky and so I decided to run down the stairs, something I had done without incident many times. It isn't exactly wise to run on freshly polished stairs in unfamiliar shoes, but did I bother to consider that? Of course not! And so run I did, and after hitting a particularly slippery spot, I fell two flights. I spent that Mothers Day not at a nice restaurant but in an emergency room where I was taken to see if my ankle was really (yes it was) broken. I came home hungry and not in pretty sandals but an ugly cast that came to my knee.

              I'm sure that there are many others at MWO who have their own broken bone stories. You've come to the right place and I wish you a happy beginning!

              :welcome: Eustacia


                Another injury

                Hi Eustacia
                The awful thing is I have list of injuries as long as my broken arm, and don't know how I got most of them.
                Day one nearly over yeah


                  Another injury

                  oh the list of drunken ouchies....i so dont want to think about the stupid stuff i have done.welcome welcome. honey trust me you have found your home hang around youll like it here


                    Another injury

                    Hi Alison,

                    Someone wrote above that it takes about 45 days to get over withdrawal. I have found that the first few days are the hardest, and after about a week, I start to feel proud of myself, and THAT really helps a lot. I think it takes a month or two to start feeling emotionally comfortable being sober, but you always have to be ready for a craving to come out of nowhere, or for your brain to start whispering that "I can handle it!"

                    Good luck!

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Another injury

                      Welcome ..
                      your story sounds similar to my my own ...broken ankle included!
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

