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    This is my first time here. Just saying hello and I look forward to talking with all of you.


    I spent a lot of time posting an introduction and have no idea where it went.

    I have never been in a chat room-and wrote this very detailed, and I might add, rather brutally honest thread, and God knows where it is. And-I'm a bit scared that it wasn't anonymous-because I don't know how to do that either. Wonderful-Hi Rick...



      no worries

      Don't worry about the "brutally honest" text. You're not alone. I'm always somewhat confused with all of this technology stuff. It's human.



        So-am I anonymous? If I am now-I probably was before...

        as soon as you let me know whether I'm anonymous-I'll talk...By the way-do you have any idea where my first, ridiculously long "thread" might be. I think I might have created a thread-but don't know how I did it-therefore don't know if it is somewhere out there...




          I haven't seen anything. I think you may be safe. The best approach is to play it safe, especially with so many strangers in this forum. I've been reading the stories and just getting adjusted. I put my story on there...but of course a "safe" version. I don't intend this "thing" to be a cure all by any means, and I will treat it as such.



            Okay-baby steps

            My weakness is wine. In fact-nothing else has any interest for me-I don't mean nothing in the world-I mean no other alcohol. Long before I had a problem-I was afraid I had a problem-I feel as though this was self-fulfilling prophecy.



              Frances, calm down! . You actually posted it under long-term moderators when I think you meant it to go under the General Discussion. That is where the most people will see it. I responded to you to say welcome. We are a nice bunch and are here to support each other. The only thing we can see on your posting is the screen name you give yourself. Other than that we know nothing more about you other than what you tell us. So if you go under the long-term moderators forum you will see your post. Hope that helps!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                I also thought I had a problem before it became a problem.



                  Now I'm really freaked out.

                  Someone responded to my posting and called me by my name-and there is no way to reply to them. Apparently I went in under the Moderators link-which, by the way, Rick, is under the title-"How did I get in this position?" Or something similar. F.



                    I read it

                    I think you're thinking too much. If someone knows your name, who cares. The point is to focus on why you're here. The rest is small in nature.



                      Frances, truly, do calm down! All we know is Frances! That's it! Unless you tell us what your full name is, where you live, name address, telephone number, etc. all we know is Frances. You could be anywhere. Lush is trying to reassure you, not freak you out. If you want, you can copy your post, register under a new "alias" and then paste it in to your new screen name. We're just here to help. As you get to know the board better, you will realize that we are just here to help!

                      Incidently, welcome, Rick! Hope to be seeing more of you around here! Aren't we idiots?? I worried that I had a drinking problem back when I was having a glass or two of wine just a couple of times a week!! Those were the days, weren't they??

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012



                        Hi - I had the same problem

                        Hi - I had the same problem when I originally registered, I put my real name in. I totally freaked when I found what I had done. I have a unusual name, so its not like having John Smith where there's millions of them. There's probably only one of me.

                        I have private messaged you hopefully help you sort it but I think you'll have to log on to see it.





                          If my name was rick-maybe...but i believe that both my first and last name was on the original posting. and it would bother me. of course my reason for being here is important-but i'm a school teacher-a role model. francie



                            We are all here because we've got a problem, which we are sharing together. If anyone happens to work out who you are which they most definetly wont, it means they too share your problem, otherwise they wouldn't be here. I certainly don't think anyone would waste there time gate crashing.
                   let me see we know your name is Francie and you're a school teacher...any more clues?
                            - only joking sorry probably not funny.
                            Francie I'm new here too and I too would be devestated if I thought any one knew. I started a thread yesterday called "another injury" I too teach and not only that I own the school!
                            Good luck and hang in here noone will know.
                            love Alison



                              Francie - I am going to send a Private message to Roberta Jewell - the administrator of this site - to get in touch with you - she may be able to delete the thread for you.
                              I can tell you how to do it in the meantime - Go to the main page - click on "our community" - go to "Long term moderators" - you will see your post under "how did I get in this position" - click on that and you will see your post - you will see an option to be able to delete your post. Then you can delete it!
                              Also, you can go to the main board, click on "Members list" - look for Roberta Jewell - click on her name - there wil be an option to send her a provate message - she runs this site in case you need her in the fuiture. You can ask her to remove your name as a member - so you can create a new member name that does not include your real name. I hope this makes you feel better - but please know that we are only here to help...
                              Over 4 months AF :h

