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I'm the new girl

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    I'm the new girl

    Hi everyone

    I'm new here, registered today, I just ordered the book today, I'm hoping that it'll arrive quickly! I've spent too many years telling myself that I'm just like my friends, having the occasional glass of wine during the week, maybe a few more at the weekends, when infact 2-3 bottles of wine everyday for a very long time is not the same :-( waking up everyday with a massive hangover, feeling so anxious I dont want to leave the house, retching when I brush my teeth, being foul to my lovely husband and kids, not the same.

    Obviously I dont have a drink problem, I never drink in the day, only in the evening...... This little delusion has worked for quite awhile!!!! I've known for awhile that I needed to address my problem, it isnt going to fix itself, I've read loads of books (AA big book, Alan Carrs-Easy way, plus a shelf full of others) non of them were right for me, but I've spent a couple of weeks on this site and my face has been lighting up everyday!!!

    I gave up drinking on Wed 14th Jan, not a massive achievement, but after over 15 years (exc 4 pregnancies) it is huge to me, I'm taking the supp's, eating really well, and coming on here loads and I'm not going to drink. I hate alcohol, I hate what its done to my life, I hate the wasted years I've had, I'm not going to let it ruin other minute of my life.

    Sorry for waffling on!!! Your stories and advice have been a huge support for me.
    Thank you xxxxx

    I'm the new girl

    Hi and :welcome:
    Admitting you have a problem, and then doing something about it, is a massive acheivement, congratulations on your AF days, I hope you have many more. Wishing you the best of luck.
    Take care:l


      I'm the new girl

      Northgirl;791115 wrote: Hi everyone

      I'm new here, registered today, I just ordered the book today, I'm hoping that it'll arrive quickly! I've spent too many years telling myself that I'm just like my friends, having the occasional glass of wine during the week, maybe a few more at the weekends, when infact 2-3 bottles of wine everyday for a very long time is not the same :-( waking up everyday with a massive hangover, feeling so anxious I dont want to leave the house, retching when I brush my teeth, being foul to my lovely husband and kids, not the same.

      Obviously I dont have a drink problem, I never drink in the day, only in the evening...... This little delusion has worked for quite awhile!!!! I've known for awhile that I needed to address my problem, it isnt going to fix itself, I've read loads of books (AA big book, Alan Carrs-Easy way, plus a shelf full of others) non of them were right for me, but I've spent a couple of weeks on this site and my face has been lighting up everyday!!!

      I gave up drinking on Wed 14th Jan, not a massive achievement, but after over 15 years (exc 4 pregnancies) it is huge to me, I'm taking the supp's, eating really well, and coming on here loads and I'm not going to drink. I hate alcohol, I hate what its done to my life, I hate the wasted years I've had, I'm not going to let it ruin other minute of my life.

      Sorry for waffling on!!! Your stories and advice have been a huge support for me.
      Thank you xxxxx
      So glad you found this site. It has helped me so much and I've only been here since the 1st. Not totally AF yet, but getting closer every day. Coming here a lot helps me too, that's the beauty of it. You can log in whenever you aren't feeling strong and we will be here fighting too -- One Day At A Time!



        I'm the new girl

        Hi Northgirl! Good for you coming here! Isn't it amazing how we don't drink during pregnancy
        but drink like fish when we're not? Hope you stay and stick it out!
        Luv, Fluff
        It's always YOUR choice!


          I'm the new girl

          Big Hello Northgirl :welcome:

          You'll find lots of support here and lots of things to think about which others on the same road have written and experienced. I'm just 2 weeks af today and am feeling really good. Love waking up these mornings - no hangover and no anxiety over what I have/might have done. Is so good and so worth it.

          Seeing al for what it really is - poison and a thief is something I reaffirm every day especially if I feel my resolve weakening.

          All the best in your af journey. You and your family will reap the benefits and appreciate it.
          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


            I'm the new girl

            Hello and :welcome:

            You will find wonderful people and tons of support here. So keep reading a posting, maybe check out the newbies nest.

            Make your plan and just don't give up!

            One of the supps that I don't think is in the book is L-Glutamine, it helps a lot.

            Good Luck
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

