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Day one?

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    Day one?

    But you didn't and thats great:goodjob: I guess we're all going to have days like that, we just need to stay strong and ignore that voice telling us just one little one won't hurt now..

    A couple of times cooking lunch I reached round for my usual glass of wine almost dismayed it wasn't there, but when I came to sit down and eat even though h/b still had his wine in front of me I didn't even think twice about wanting a glass...

    Well done honey for not giving in:l

    Just taking it day by day.......


      Day one?

      Hi Lis,


      It took me ages before I could cook meal with both hands, I was so used to having a glass in the other. I think that's brilliant.

      Is he still sulking?

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Day one?

        Yeah he's still sulking

        I know what you mean, I'm finding I have two hands to use more often

        Oh Little Owl I've been using L glut since Monday, I found it helped once it had been in my system a few days..

        Just taking it day by day.......


          Day one?

          Day 10 and I'm wondering why I'm so tired, and I keep making misakes at work. I just can't seem to concentrate. It crossed my mind that I shouldn't have stopped drinking! Then I remember how out of it I was over christmas, and the incident with the curtains, and I know I've done the right thing. I keep thinking about things I have missed because I don't remember them. I can get by without chocolate, it was just handy. I take fruit to work and no money so I don't raid the tuck shop, which is right behind my desk!! I don't know where this determination has come from. I have started eating properly this week, I don't feel like exercising yet - its cold, dark and drizzly here. I can't remember the last time I saw the sun. At least the snow and ice was nice and bright!

          I used to drink wine while I was cooking. Then I'd have to get another bottle!

          I'm a bit worried about taking supplements, I don't want to end up addicted to anything else. I've got some fizzy bitter lemon, dry ginger, diet coke, none of them seem to have too many calories if you only have a small glass. I can't drink fruit teas, I love the smell but hate the taste!


            Day one?

            Yeah I was the same a new bottle to actually have with dinner after I cooked , then my spare bottle upstairs that I didn't have to share with my h/b....

            I'm on day 8 and my brain is the same, still fuzzy as if I've been drinking and I'm so clumsy right now, just like I am when I think I'm sober and I'm obviously tipsy. I guess it's just my body trying to rebalance itself now that I haven't got the huge amounts of alcohol in it anymore, I used to keep it pretty much topped up with red wine.. I'm tired too even though I've been taking some herbal sleeping tablets the last few nights I've only managed one nights proper sleep since last Monday..

            I've used the L glut in the past and didn't have any problems stopping it, it's a pretty natural substance anyway, I do find it helps with the cravings especially after I've changed the times I take it to later in the day and on an evening... I'm going to try Kudzu tomorrow...

            I'm finding good reasons not to drink at the moment especially after tonight when I came so close to needing one..

            Just taking it day by day.......


              Day one?

              hi littleowl & lis,

              i'm on day 6 and like you 2 im feeling really odd at the minute.saying things back to front and stuff like you said lis,like being tipsy when you think you're
              you two are doing really well..
              I have the extra aid of antabuse,it really puts the 'will i? won't i?' saga out of your head...

              Anyway just wanted to say well done to you,i think the hardest bit is over with now,the learning how to live af has to kick in soon.
              I pray we all get the 'inner peace' the long timers are experiencing now.I would love to be posting next year to say my life was better without alcohol.Here's hoping!!!

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                Day one?

                Hi Little Owl,lis, Miss M,

                The night nurse here just doing her rounds

                I was an open the bottle of wine, to hell with dinner, lets have another one and make sure there's one open in the fridge for the next day drinker.

                To keep my hands busy I am making what feels like the largest cross stitch in the world.

                J x

                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Day one?

                  So on day 11 I got home, my daughter was here ready to go line dancing. I got to work a bit late, so was home late and had very little time. My daughter was in one of those "nobody loves me" moods and whined all the way there (she's almost 27!). I asked for two halves of Carling. She said she thought I wasn't drinking, and I said I needed one. It was quite strange. Normally I would knock back a half, but I sipped it and thought how strong it was, and actually wished I'd got a diet coke. It took me the whole hour we were dancing having odd sips, and then a bit longer to drink it. I felt a little strange, not really tipsy, tired, and I just felt it wasn't really worth it! Sometimes in the past I have come home and had more beer or wine, but I just wasn't bothered really.

                  I think I have been tired because I have been browsing on here too late at night, so I didn't last night. I'm on here now because my son has come round to watch football with my husband and we don't have another tv that works! So - maybe I can just have one drink. I think wine may a big problem, and having alcohol in the house. I don't feel too bad about my one drink, I think 10 days with no alcohol helped me realise what I had been doing, made me stop and think. Where to go from here? No alcohol in the house definately. And if I go out maybe just one or two. I'm going to my son's house friday evening, he is cooking rainbow trout for me! I won't take wine. I have a night out saturday with my daughter celebrating birthdays ((a friend at work and my daughter) and I shall see if I can just have three. That always used to be my magic number, it was enough to let me dance and have a good time.

                  Leave in Silence, I have hidden wine in a boot in the bottom of my wardrobe. And vodka. I've never admitted this before. I'm not going back there again. I got in tonight and had a fizzy ginger, I think I used to have a glass of wine when I got home from work just because I was thirsty, or I wanted a treat for getting through the day at work. It doesn't have to be wine.

                  Having a beer last night hasn't made it any worse or any better, I still fancied wine when I was hot and busy this afternoon.

                  Well done to everyone who didn't cave in in a stressful situation like I did (darn daughters, why are they so good at getting us uptight!)


                    Day one?

                    JackieClaire, I love the little puppy, I would like one just like that!


                      Day one?

                      Thats one of my positive thoughts... not having to hide the empties from my h/b and being able to open my wardrobe now without worrying about a bottle of something tumbling out...

                      Along with going shopping and not having to somehow sneak my spares in without him seeing them, boots are so good for hiding bottles in, if he'd ever looked closely in the shoe cupboard of our porch if he was in after I got back from a shopping trip, 'd hide them there until I could sneak them in the following day, having to make sure I was up before him however bad I felt to make sure he hadn't discovered them...

                      Good luck for the next couple of days anyway, I'm dreading when I get into a situation where everyone is drinking around me, I know I wouldn't be able to do what you did last night and sip at one lager, I'd have had three or four then stopped at the wine shop over the road on the way home..
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Day one?

                        Hi Little Owl,

                        You made this post just 11 days ago and have done so well since.

                        Little Owl;791496 wrote: Its remembering things I've done and finally being honest with myself thats so difficult.
                        Can you honestly say to yourself that you will only have 3 drinks and not crave more?

                        J x

                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Day one?

                          Hi JackieClaire

                          Yes I did didn't I, it seems so long ago. I'm already thinking of the way I used to be being in the past. I don't know if thats good or not. I didn't drink tonight. On the way home I was thinking about the almost two bottles of port left over from christmas. I didn't have any. I had one chocolate and felt bad about that! I lost half a pound at our weigh in this week, I think that is one of the reasons I'm not going to drink too much.

                          I'm hoping I can keep it together saturday. Usually on a saturday I go to see a band at one of our local pubs with my friend and I don't drink anyway! I used to make sure there was something to drink when I got back. I know some of the people that are going will drink a lot, but I'm not really interested in doing that any more.

                          I seem to have got this quiet determination from somewhere. I'm a little worried I'm shutting myself off, but I'm a bit fed up with some of the people in my life and I'm taking a bit of a break from some things. Life is strange how it goes along the same for a while and then changes. I think I've hit one of those times this year.

                          Thank you for reminding me of what I said. Its made me stop and think!


                            Day one?

                            Well the Little Owl tried to fly and hit the ground with a bump. I've hardly left the house since christmas except to go to work.

                            I only had half a carling at line dancing on tuesday because our class only lasts an hour and then we went home.

                            Last night my son had invited me to his house for dinner. There was a blizzard, I wasn't expecting more snow! So I didn't drive, I walked. And I stopped at the shop for wine. I only had three small glasses, I have drunk far more than that, but it really affected me, maybe because I haven't had wine for two weeks. My husband had said he would pick me up but he wasn't too happy to come and get me, he had been watching the news! So I had a glass of port when I got back. Maybe because I had started with the wine, maybe I was angry that he was angry when he had said earlier I could ring for a lift home. You were right Jackie.

                            So I'm going out tonight. Its a birthday celebration, maybe clubbing. People will be drinking. If my daughter wasn't coming I don't think I would go. But her friends are always letting her down, she doesn't go out much and has been looking forward to it.

                            I felt a bit rough when I first got up but feel ok now. But I'm very angry with myself. What happened???!!!!


                              Day one?

                              Hi Little Owl,
                              Today is my first day here, so I know how you feel. I am very hungover and feeling terrible, yet encouraged at the same time...just having found this place. I am a young mom of one. Are you married, do you have kids?

                              For my family, for my health, for me...


                                Day one?

                                Hi Stiteal,

                                Yes I am married, I have two children. My daughter is 27 next week and my son is 24. I was terribly hung over my first day here and scared and ashamed of the way I had been the night before. I don't get nice drunk any more. I get angry and violent and then fall asleep (or pass out?).

                                And then I found this place. There is no way I would go to AA, I might bump into someone I know! It is encouraging being on here isn't it? It helps to know you are not alone.

                                I tried and succeeded for 11 days. All I can do now is try again.

                                I wish you lots of luck. Tell me a little about yourself too?

