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Day one?

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    Day one?

    Ok, so it still works!

    Day 7, one week! I forgot on day 5 we had our weekly weigh in at work and I had lost over a pound! On day 6, a stressful day, someone said to me "you need some wine." I said "I've given up drinking wine." She smiled, looked confused, and shuffled back to her desk. On day 7, another hot, stressful day in the office (I wish someone would turn the heating down), I came home, had a diet coke, ate and went round to see my best mate. We drank tea and put the world to rights as usual. Then we were both so fed up she said "we need a vodka!" I said "I haven't had a drink since last friday." She was very impressed and didn't mention the vodka again. She can have a great night out drinking water, I think she has a vodka before she goes though. I don't think I can have just one, it wouldn't work. Once I start . . . . .


      Day one?

      Rosepetal, I've still felt drunk on a monday, and other days come to think of it, and don't know how I made it to work and lasted a day. I think you're right, you build up a tolerance and just need more and more. And I stopped feeling drunk even, just a bit groggy and then fell asleep (or maybe passed out) and it just wasn't fun any more. Its a drug, but a socially acceptable one. You got to 33 days, that was amazing, I hope I can last that long. You can do it again!

      Mazzie, a totally af detoxed Little Owl, I don't think I've been one of those for a long time, since I was a child maybe. A little Owlet! I'm fed up with living my life in a haze and not remembering things. And getting so angry. Trouble is I'm eating way too much chocolate now!

      I think I'm going to do things a week at a time. This week was giving up alcohol. Next week will be eating properly. The week after getting more active. I'm not a gym person so maybe a walk on the beach or somewhere on a saturday, I've got the line dancing once a week, and my daughter has made me a mii on her wii so I will go round and do a work out once a week on that.


        Day one?

        One day at a time turns into one week at a time turns into changing one life at a time.
        Congratulations on 7 days!
        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


          Day one?

          Thank you! I'm starting to look at alcohol and think of it as poison. I've got a night out next saturday and I though maybe just a couple . . . Then I thought I'll stay sober, everyone else will be drunk and they won't even notice!


            Day one?

            Little Owl,

            :yay::yay::yay: on 1 week,

            I :h chocolate.

            J x

            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Day one?

              More seriously now, Little Owl

              In my early days of AF ness. I always had an escape plan, like I had an early start the following day.

              Or little white lies high cholesterol, new meds, tummy upset.

              J x

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Day one?

                Good idea! At line dancing I told my daughter I wanted to lose half a stone. I think that will be my excuse. Somebody told me yesterday a bottle of wine has 1,000 calories in it! No wonder I have been putting on weight! A bar of chocolate has nowhere near that many. I'm still not speaking to my husband but thats a long story. I'll try tonight. I have had three long discussions with my best mate, my best work mate and my cousin in law (the three closest friends I have) in the last few days. Ended up in tears every time. And I've been reading what everyone has written in the last week since I first posted. I'm so grateful to everyone for being there. I'm in the house on my own so I'm going to do a spot of sorting out and Spring Cleaning.


                  Day one?


                  little owl i am lost and scared too. i can't figure out how to stay in a discussion site i seem to keep hopping around but im not drinking. so each moment im not is good, anomymous
                  is so important for this process i can be brutally honest here but not have to deal with more shame.


                    Day one?

                    Willow, I have had enough of just drinking wine like its water and trying to blot everything out. I think thats why I drink. I have decided that if I can only get through my life by being drunk all the time then there is something very wrong. I'm going to sober up and face everything. I've done it for too long now. Its difficult not having a drink, everything just seems to hit me in the face. I've cried a lot. I'm not sure what to do, I need to change something in a major way but I'm not sure how to go about it yet. I'm not taking any supplements and I haven't read the book, I'm finding its helped talking to my friends, I didn't think I would but somehow once I started I couldn't stop. I spent all day on here last saturday on and off, I was hungover and so guilty and low. I think hopping around is good, there are a lot of stories out there and knowing there are other people with similar problems really helps.


                      Day one?

                      Little Owl well done on 7 day AF:goodjob: I was like you the first day I was here, hungover...etc etc.. and talk about crying.. I didn't stop for two days.... but being here as helped so much, getting the support helped such a lot, knowing that everyone understood me, knew exactly what I was going through:l I'm now almost at the end of AF6

                      Willow....being here was the first time I was honest with myself and it helped seeing it down in black and white, how I was spiralling down and down, don't feel shame though honey, hard I know when you feel alone in RL... since joining I've admited my problem to two of my closest friends, I wanted to tell them before but I just couldn't do it as I was frightened they'd think badly of me... stupid I know as all they want to do is help and get me through this.. Just stay strong:l
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Day one?

                        :lLittle Owl, Willow can be done. I'm on day 17 today and feeling great. I joined in 2007 and have been slipping forward and backward all this time. I not complacent at all, I know how treacherous this particular demon called alcohol is. I cling to Jesus ( I'm Christian) and I repeat my own mantra when the thoughts come....I didn't drink yesterday, I don't plan to drink today, and I pray that I'll not drink tomorrow.
                        On a practical side, I keep juice and lots of different teas handy. I went out to a dinner party last night where the beer and other alcohol flowed and stuck to Cola. When someone asked why (because they know I love(d) beer, I simply said that I have stomach problems. No further q's asked. I also keep busy - previously I deliberately isolated myself because I'm one of the alkies that prefers to drink alone - but now I accept invitations and and my New Year's resolution is to built friendships. Freetime is used for MWO, movies, TV and intensive Bible study. I am absolutely amazed at how the time flies by as previously boredom and loneliness was huge triggers.
                        You can do it, we can do it - leaning on God and each other here in MWO.
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          Day one?

                          Hi Little Owl. Glad to hear you are still going strong.
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Day one?

                            Good morning Little Owl - You are doing great! Coming back here day after day has kept me strong (I'm on day 17 AF) - I also find that keeping busy helps - even if you have to go look for things to do.
                            Willow - I have not shared this with anyone as I used to drink at home without anyone knowing. Everyone at MWO are now truly my best friends because I share with them what I can' with anyone else. Please feel free to PM me if you need to - The satisfaction you get from waking up sober is almost a giddy feeling! I love it and want to stay this way. Temptation is strong - the rewards of being AF are greater.
                            Jessie - I agree - I've slipped up before as well but came back - hopefully for good this time.
                            Hippy - nice to see you - how are you doing?
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              Day one?

                              I'm losing track, this is day 9, it has been difficult. I've never read so many books. I've cleaned the house until I was exhausted yesterday and today, watched a dvd last night. Today was the first time I've ventured into a shop, I bought fruit and some stuff for my packed lunches for work during the week. I've eaten loads of chocolate. In the end last night I threw a leftover bag of christmas toffees in the bin! At least going back to work tomorrow will give me something to do. I could easily have slipped today.


                                Day one?

                                Little Owl,

                                :thumbsup on day 9,

                                It does get easier, cross my heart.

                                L-glut helps with the sugar cravings, it's worth a try. You can get in most health food shops.

                                J x

                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

