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message of hope

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    message of hope

    I wanted to send a little message out to all the 1st of the month quitters and the new year resoluters. As I know, this is about the time it starts to get dicey.

    How soon we forget the discomfort of a hangover and feelings of being in a full time stupor. The look of a puffy face, baggy eyes and general bloat. The worry about how you smell and who suspects you have a problem. A night of *&%$y sleep and being outrageously tired. The need to have enough Al in the house to get you through until the next day.

    NOW is the time to focus on how great you feel. Being liberated from guilt and lying to your loved ones. The fact you've lost a bit of weight. Your eyes are bright and your mind is sharp. You feel good when you wake up and you're not dragging all day. You may have begun eating a bit better. Your home is cleaner and more organized. Your personal relationships are improving and you're saving your money and you life.

    If you have stumbled try again, Lord knows we all have had bumps along the way and we learn from them.

    Focus on you, because you are well worth this change!!

    On my way
    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    message of hope

    Perfect, on my way! Great to see you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      message of hope

      Great post, on my way


        message of hope

        On my way
        Thank you for verbalizing it so nicely. Every AF day has been so worth it! And every benefit you listed has materialized - good, sound sleep, organized house, clear mind, money in your wallet, face and eyes looking healthy, good apetite, new- found energy.
        In my case - nausea is gone... I suffered from it and went through whole bunch of treatments. And the solution was right there, in front of me. Just stop drinking...
        I cannot believe I suffered for so long without connecting the dots. Duhh
        Thanks again for the reminder.
        "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
        Ralph Waldo Emerson


          message of hope

          Wonderfully said, On MY Way. Good word to take to heart.


            message of hope

            What a wonderfully motivating post, on my way!


              message of hope

              Thanks on my way for the timely post.
              I'm one of the new year resoluters and have to say it has been easier this time than in previous attempts, especially at the two week mark. In the past I have only used willpower and that can only go so far. This time I used the supplements and came here to this website often and read alot of posts from wonderful people who comment, share, and motivate. I can't say enough about how it has helped.
              Best to everyone!
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                message of hope

                Very good reminder, on my way.

                I actually tackled a housework job yesterday that I'd been putting off for a Long time!

                Feels good to get something DONE.
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  message of hope

                  Thank you on my way for this great reminder of why we're all here...

                  For my family, for my health, for me...

