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Day one down...

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    Day one down...

    Well yesterday was my first day AF, without even one sip. One day is not that hard for me, it's day 2 and beyond that will be harder because I say "see, I didn't drink yesterday, I can drink today".

    My plan is to moderate, and for me that means that I will not be drinking during the week anymore. I have a pdoc appointment to get meds but it's 3 weeks out so I'm using only the supplements right now. I have read the book but can't afford the hypnosis just yet.

    I will post my whole story later today hopefully but... one day down. Yay for me!


    Day one down...

    Well done honey, I'm on my second night now, I getting twitchy now and I can feel a headache coming on,

    I need to go and find something to do

    Well done again

    Just taking it day by day.......


      Day one down...

      Luckily I don't get physical withdrawal symptoms, it's mainly mental for me. Definitely try the supplements if you haven't. Good luck! Let's check in later and see how we're doing, ok?


        Day one down...

        panicprincess;792979 wrote: Luckily I don't get physical withdrawal symptoms, it's mainly mental for me. Definitely try the supplements if you haven't. Good luck! Let's check in later and see how we're doing, ok?
        :goodjob: Ladies. That's it - just one step at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. You can do it! We all can!!! Everybody together here at MWO helping each other get through this....:l Stirly
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Day one down...

          That what I'm doing now, hour by hour, before I've tried to see the bigger AF picture and it hasn't worked for me.. this time I'm taking baby steps..

          Just taking it day by day.......


            Day one down...

            Great going! I'm on day "I can't remember" not to count, but about a week plus or so...the Campral really, really helps....just makes you not think about it, and if you do, you have time to talk yourself out of it, its pretty amazing. I have been with friends since I started taking it, and walked back to the table from the potty and they'd ord'd our "usual", and I just sipped it the whole dinner to not make it an issue, and could've cared less, this has happened twice....don't have any in the house, been doing Tazo tea, San Pellingrino, cocount juice with lime, whatever....they Campral had tummy upset for a few good days, but its gone now...much easier to deal with than a hangover!
            Just take baby steps and soon you'll have run a marathon! Glad you are here with us!
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              Day one down...

              Panic- nice to have you here- keep up the great attitude and keep posting!
              Luv, Fluff
              It's always YOUR choice!


                Day one down...

                Panicprincess, that's exactly the logic I use, I didn't drink for 1 night so I can reward myself tonight, stupid isn't it? I am trying so hard to stop, good luck and maybe we will meet in chat soon, love and hug's Tawnywitch.


                  Day one down...

                  Exactly! Bravo!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Day one down...

                    :lHi everyone, I found the first 4-5 days are the worst. When the thoughts come into my mind I say ,as loudly as circumstances permit, " I don'r drink - alcohol is not an option" Somehow this brain of mine is getting the message. As Christian I also ask for, and believes in help from God. Day 13 now.
                    Take care, I love you all and this is doable.
                    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                      Day one down...

                      So far so good... although now that I'm home from work I really, really want a drink! I considered sneaking a sip of something before my boyfriend gets home but that's pointless since I'm not cheating him, I'm cheating myself. I may try to muster the energy to go to yoga tonight, that will take up a bit of my time and leave me feeling relaxed.


                        Day one down...

                        Try not to honey, you don't need it, like you said it'll be yourself you're cheating not him.. stay strong:l
                        WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                        Just taking it day by day.......


                          Day one down...

                          Panic- Once you get past the first couple days it won't be so bad... Yoga-I hear- is supposed to be very helpful- so Go!
                          Luv, Fluff
                          It's always YOUR choice!


                            Day one down...

                            Hey gals,

                            Hang tough! You can do this. Don't think about tomorrow, next week, forever. Just do today (or this moment) and let the next one take care of itself. Every moment, hour, day counts. They add up. Post, eat things you like, treat yourself to a massage, crawl under a blanket, watch a movie, do yoga, chat, whatever gets you through.

                            Sending huge strength your way! Great going you all!

