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Not Sure what to do from here

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    Not Sure what to do from here

    I just registered and being not very computer savy just need to feel my way around the pages for a while I guess. I don't know how the chat rooms work since I've really never used them before. Plus I don't know the "Thread" option or what it means. I'm really a very back woods guy when it comes to computers and I didn't use to be that way.
    I finally decided I need to do something with my drinking before things get any worse at home. My wife has started attending Al Anon but wouldn't tell me anything that was going on or helping me recover or solve my problem. I understand my issues but I feel I'm in this recovery on my own but I would really like to feel my wife is with me with true feelings of love and compassion but I'm sure this is awakward for her since this is the first time either of us has experienced this drinking issue.
    I would like to know if there are any medatation tapes I can purchase and I would like to know more about this holistic or hypnotic treatment that's available.
    My wife is a Reiki (sp) Master and I don't know if that is of help or not.
    Mostly good medatation tapes and reading material.
    I went to my very first AA meeting last night and I'm more on the shy side of things to be able to talk to a room full of people I don't know about several certian issues I feel is very personal to me and my wife that contributed to the delema "I'm" in now.

    Not Sure what to do from here

    Hi Clancy! You will find lot's of support here and we will be happy to answer all your questions. If you want to chat go to the blue bar running across the top of the page. Click on Live Chat, then public chat in new window. I'll head over there now if you want to chat


      Not Sure what to do from here

      :welcome::welcome:Clancy, I had never done anything like this either, but everyone here is soo supportive and question's are answered very quickly, to go to chat just press live chat at the top of the page and 2 options come up in a drop down, on my computer either work ok, then you just start typing and there is usually someone arund, you can post in the help asap thread and someone will be there really quickly, I am starting out again, there are meditation cd's available abd a book and lot's of information and advice, but just get to now us and ask question's, I will be in chat later, hope to see you there, love and hug's Tawnywitch


        Not Sure what to do from here

        hi & welcome clancey, you have come to a great community with lots of advice & support,read as many posts & threads as you can,and you will soon find your way around,you could start posting in the newbie thread,they will give you a great welcome,but you can post and say (more or less) what you want anywhere,ask questions as we have all been there and wore the t-shirt,you are not alone.goodluck hope you stick around.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Not Sure what to do from here

          Hi Clancey,

          Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
          This is a lot of help available for you here, don't worry about your computer skills!

          At the top of the home page, click on the tab that say Heath Store. There you can purchase the MWO book and the Hypnotherapy CDs. It's a bit of an expense but well worth the investment.
          The book explains everything you need to know about the program. I highly recommend the CDs - they teach you to relax & reinforce all the new things you learn.

          Right here in the Just Getting Started section is a thread called 'Newbies Nest'. Please feel free to visit us there, ask questions & let us help you along

          You've made a great decision & you can turn your life around, I did!
          Wishing you the very best on your journey.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Not Sure what to do from here

            Hi Clancey and welcome. This is a great place. I joined in October and it saved me from going further into the hole than I had already gone. I didn't feel comfortable attending other types of meetings in person for a variety of reasons, so I stumbled around here and have found so much support. I highly recommend the book, although I haven't tried the cds. I'm sure they would only help. The supplements have made a huge difference in my life and you can get stuff you need at a health food store if you want to try things out right away. That's what I did and it worked for me.

            Best wishes to you!


              Not Sure what to do from here

              Hi Clancey,

              Welcome, you've found the right place for help with this.

              I'm sure you will soon come to understand how the forum works. A thread is each of the titles you see displayed in the various sections, "just starting out for" example, you started a thread when you posted here. The posts are the individual comments within each thread. If you want to contribute to a thread just click on the post reply button, you have to be logged in of course.

              I am certain that Reiki healing would be helpful to you, it can help you to relax and to release anything that is standing in the way of your progress, it is more than for physical healing only. Regarding meditation there are a number of threads with links to recommended sites and books, some are free to download, here is a thread on meditation (just click on the blue text following this and it will open the thread up in a new window for you)
              I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

