Just got out of the shower and it occurred to me that all I think about is alcohol. I want it - I hate it - don't drink it - are you going to drink today - it's the only way you can sleep - it will quiet the voices - it will soothe the lonliness and of course, I realize that alcohol is the reason for these being my only thoughts in the 1st place.
I saw a couple of familiar taglines from another forum I signed on to over a year ago. It was a woman's only place. I thought it would be a kinder, gentler forum but it was a little like climbing into the ring at the WWE! Like Bette Davis and NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!! I ran screaming for the door and never looked back.
Needless to say that no one knows how pathetic I am more than me, and everyone else in my life has already handed me my "Loser of the Year" award, but I wasn't quite prepared for the verbal evisceration. I'm go'in out on a limb here once again. Play Nice!!!
So my questions: How did you pick your meds? Will Kudzu and L-Glutamine help enough on their own? AND...Tiger Woods is in sex addiction rehab so he can learn how to enjoy sex again like a normal person??? Sounded to me like he was enjoying the HECK out of sex. If he can learn control - is their hope for all of us - or is it because we use chemicals for our physiological fixes? Maybe I should try sex addiction? Maybe I would be better at it. Learn to moderate. Hubby would love it - HAH!
Briefly, (as I've seen some irritated comments about long posts - which is probably something I'd say when I was drunk

Did I mention they compensated by making us go to mass every morning? That's one addiction I've overcome. I don't drink the Kool-Aid anymore!!!
Been doin the dance my whole life. Got bad in my late 30's. Quit when I was 40 - well hubby told me to pick him or it. He drinks daily - mother was an AL - God Bless her, she was the nastiest woman I've ever met - but she got to drink her Korbel and smoke her Lucky Strikes until she was 84 and then just dropped dead. Husband HATED her. He hated the label. It is a great badge of shame in his eyes and indeed it is. So, at 40, he quit with me for about 3 months, just to get me over the hump and then he started again, which didn't bother me in the least and I went for about 2.5 years. It was a festive time in our lives. Only daughter getting married. Son gets a scholarship to a private school out of state. Lots of parties and merriment and hubby ASSURES me that I was never really an AL, but was just going through a rough patch and I was all better and nothing like his mother. I had a Jamaican Rum. It felt like a take-it-or-leave-it moment. It was not.
I will be 50 in a few months here. Hot Flashes & Night Sweats & Depression - OH MY! Daughter's new husband got himself a girlfiend and took a liking to throwing her around. Son lost his scholarship because he didn't realize that going to classes was a key factor in keeping it. Middle son has Down Syndrome and Autism and fused hips - just another gift he got from the heavens - and he exits high school at age 21 with a pretty fair amount of odd jobs, but the economy tanks and businesses close and he has no where to go anymore so I am forced to quit a job I LOVE to stay home with him all day. And no, he is not eligible for housing (waiting list is 15 years) and NO, no one lining up to help out.
So...we sit around alone together all day. He watches movies and sings and plays with marbles and I drink - pretty much as soon as hubby leaves for work. I was endeared by the Royal Crown guys story. Being a stay-at-home-full-time-caregiver has made me feel like a starved, caged, junk-yard dog who's being poked with a stick over and over and over. Or maybe it's the booze. Can anyone say LONELY??? Thanks for reading. XOX