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Advice please

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    Advice please

    HI, im a 14 year old and i only drink on weekends for the purpose of getting drunk and having a good time. Recently ive been feeling very strange a few days after being drunk. The day after, i feel happy and comfortable but a few days later i get really depressed and often paranoid in school, i feel as though everyone is watching me. During the days i sometimes have spells where i feel as though i am dreaming or am drunk. The main issue for me is the depression it really gets me down. Please Help . Thanks


    Advice please

    It could be the effects of the alcohol wearing off and clearing out of your system; the beginings of addiction; or it could be something more serious. Your mental health sounds like it's begining to deteriorate. I would highly suggest seeking out a therapistto talk to. Also, why are you drinking so heavily at such a young age? It is just for fun or is there something else you're dealing or not dealing with?
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Advice please

      Preciouspinot wrote: It could be the effects of the alcohol wearing off and clearing out of your system; the beginings of addiction; or it could be something more serious. Your mental health sounds like it's begining to deteriorate. I would highly suggest seeking out a therapistto talk to. Also, why are you drinking so heavily at such a young age? It is just for fun or is there something else you're dealing or not dealing with?
      For fun and a bit of dutch courage aswell im afraid


        Advice please

        how much are you drinking ?
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Advice please

          14 years old? Why are you drinking so much, and how? Sorry to sound harsh, but that is awfully young, to have a strong habit. Guess it takes all kinds... Can you tell us more about yourself?
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Advice please

            Preciouspinot wrote: how much are you drinking ?
            either a quatre bottle of vodka mixed with juice or 2 litres of cider .

            These feelings are new to me. Drinking with friends is the climax of my week. Everything in my life is fine its just that I go through spells where i feel as though i have nothing to look forward to and often really anxious.


              Advice please

              So glad you are here. You are very young but what a great step you have taken to reach out and at least try tounderstand more about your drinking at a young age. Take it from me - I wish I had done this years ago.
              It sounds to me like you are having reactions that are quite typical for drinking. My understanding from my doctor is that it typically takes the body about 2 full days to rid itself of alcohol so that you will really feel the depression of drinking about two days later. That might account for why you feel depressed a few days after drinking. Alcohol is a "depressant" because it slows down your nervous system and makes you feel calmer. However, this makes you feel depression in the long run. Its not surprising you are feeling this depression, in other words. It goes with the drinking!
              As for the feeling of anxiety - again because alcohol effects your nerves - it can cause a lot of panic/anxiety. Believe me, this will only get worst if you keep up the habit of drinking a lot. I am NOT trying to lecture you - believe me I am not in the position to do that - just some friendly facts so maybe you can understand what the drinking is doing...and maybe you can stop before it goes further?
              Hope that helps...
              Over 4 months AF :h


                Advice please



                  Advice please

                  I think at 14 you have a lot to be anxious & excited about !! :h You have your whole life ahead of you...! You're also going thru a lot of questioning times ... I know I did.... (& still do @ 46!)

                  I'm glad you've found this site. There's some great support here.
                  I know what the pressures were like at that age wayyy back in the 70's... I doubt it's gotten any easier!:welcome:
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Advice please

                    I think it is great that you’ve identified that part of your social scene that really doesn’t suit you, and is making you feel very uncomfortable about yourself.
                    Part of growing up is experimenting, sometimes you go further than you want to because of peer pressure.
                    You’re obviously drinking with friends, that, at the moment don’t find it an issue, they’ll probably move on soon and leave it behind when they get a steady boyfriends/girlfriends or whatever. However I think that you’re ready to move on now.
                    I know you think that you’re enjoying your weekends, I can see getting ready with your friends for a night out is something to look forward to, but you’re not happy with the drinking side of it, and your body is telling you it’s not happy either. You must have other friends that aren’t into this scene who you can spend your weekends with. Or maybe you can identify one of your drinking friends who too isn’t comfortable with things, who you can pair off with.
                    You’ve had lots of replys to your posting, that’s because we care. We too have come here because we want to move on, although it’s taken most of us a hell of a lot longer to do something about it and also hurt a lot of people on the way.
                    Keep in touch, and be strong! You are alot stronger than the peer group you’re with!


                      Advice please

                      great advice overit ...from your profile we have alot in common
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Advice please

                        Iam an alcohloic who started drinking when I was your age(now41),I now have a 15 year old son ,so I understand the peer pressure on you please stop ,it leads no where ,it is good that you have become aware of the problem so early in life,I wish I had. Where are you from? I an from the UK.Please keep posting this is a good place to be. Big hugs



                          Advice please


                          I think the fact that you came on here and reached out is wonderful!! It must have taken work to find this place...and a lot of courage to post. It also tells me that you are really worried, and want some help. The problem is, we can give you advise here, but you really should try to get someone to help you in person. Is there anyone you can talk to? Do you think you could muster the courage to talk to your parents? Or, if they are not easy to talk to, is there another adult you trust? I just am worried about you (sorry, I guess it is the mom in me )

                          I know it isn't all that uncommon for kids to experiment with alcohol, but take it from us on can cause all sorts of really lousy problems in life later on, and it sounds like it is already not working really well for you. You also may have other stuff going on, with the things you describe, but the only way you can find out what it all is would be to talk to someone who can help you check it all out. You have lots of really good things ahead of you...14 is hard, but guess what....for most, things get better after those "middle school" years.

                          Anyway, as the mom of a 14 year old myself, I would not be mad, or freaked out or anything if my own child came to me with your story. I would be concerned, but proud that he did the right thing, and would get him the help he needed so he would get on track, stop worrying, and get on with the good stuff in life. That is what I want for you.

                          Big hugs!!!

                          formerly known as bak310

