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I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

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    I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

    :new:Thank You God for giving me this day....I am very afraid. Today is my second day and its Friday- my permission for drinking. If I dont go out what will I do? Even though I have been drinking in my house mainly. I've done alot of things that I am soooooo very ashamed of that I dont like who and what I've become. .What will I do for fun? How will sex be interesting? How will I handle conflict?That is so sad but I am being honest.And here in this faceless place I found solace.:thanks:

    I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

    welcome MD72, Iknow what you are saying, today is my day 3 and its not good, but i have nothing to drink in the house so dont have a choice, thank god, tomorrow, we go shopping all those shelves plus Ive been so good for 3 day's I know it's going to be sohardnot to reward myself, and then back to square 1, but not this time,lots of support here, I am going to chat if you want to join me, I could do with some company tonight, love and hug's Twitch


      I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

      Welcome MD72! You have found a very wonderful place to be to support you!

      I am just finishing up on my first week of being almost AF. Some days are better than others, but I can tell you how much better I feel after going down this path - you will discover that life can be just as relaxing and interesting w/out alcohol.

      Also .... we all have regrets - but nothing will change the past and all you can do is look forward and try to be optimistic about the future.



        I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

        Welcome MD! I was a heavy daily drinker for many many years. In the last several years of it, I mainly drank at home and kept myself very isolated from the world. I started losing sight of good reasons to live.

        My life is so much different now. So full and gratifying withough alcohol in it. The journey to sobriety has been challenging - especially at first. But SO worth it!

        If you haven't already done so, I recommend reading the My Way Out book which you can download from the Health Store and have immediate access to get started. There is also this Toolbox Thread with tons of good ideas to help you make a plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I believe that.

        Get involved in some daily support threads - there are a bunch of them around the forum. Find the people who have been sober for awhile and see how they did it. If you do what they do, you can get what they got.

        Most of all, remember that alcohl is NOT a reward. Especially not for people like us who have problems with it. ALCOHOL IS A PUNISHMENT FOR US. And sometimes a deadly punishment at that.

        A hot bath and a good book? Now THERE is a reward I can believe in!

        Strength and hope to you,

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

          Welcome Mommy
          It gets easier day after day after day and soon its not easy its just better and nicer and realer and its so worth it, my husband is sitting beside me drinking and annoying me and asking me what I'm doing and I don't want to be him drinking I want to be me. This is a great path, we all fall off, I will I'm sure loads of times but once we keep getting back on thats all that matters Good luck
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

            welcome Mommy - this is a great place to be. Stick around and get to know us all. When you are feeling tempted to drink just come on here and chat, there's always somebody about.

            I was an at home all day drinker also and have now got 5 months AF under my belt and there is no looking back. The first month can be hard but as you get to know the new sober you, life is wonderful.

            Looking forward to getting to know you
            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


              I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

              Hi & welcome MD & Twitch,

              MWO is a good place, I'm glad you found us!
              DG gave you great advice - listen to her AL is not a reward, never has been, never will be!
              I wouldn't worry too much about the what ifs right now - just concentrate on getting thru today AF and then tomorrow AF.
              Your future will reveal itself to you soon enough, I promise

              Wishing you both the very best!
              Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread, let us know how you are doing!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

                Just concentrate on getting though Friday. You will feel so good on Saturday morning and it will give you motivation. Good luck and stick with it because it is so worth it!


                  I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

                  Thank you Twitch for your response. I am working on Day 3 today and realize its me consuming myself with the thoghts of alcohol also, that make me want to drink- so for this moment Im going to happy I didnt wake up miserable.-L


                    I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

                    Thanks New girl, and you were right I got through yesterday...Im gonna be brave about today and not opt out...-L.


                      I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

                      Thank you Mollyka...I appreciate your comment and you (like myself) are surrounded by people who drink. That makes it harder, but it makes my resolve abit stronger...Im looking at everyone around me and saying to myself-"thats me"...I dont want to be that me ever again.


                        I Never Thought I'd Be Here...

                        Hi Zeppie, I am doing just that! When I want to I'll come here, take some deep breaths and focus on being in the moment. Thanks for the encouragement!

