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New beginnings?

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    New beginnings?

    Hi All

    Stumbled upon this place a while back, but only just got round to joining up. So I stopped drinking on Monday after years of a abuse and a particularly rough couple of weeks hitting the bottle hard. I'm worried I may have damaged my liver as I have pain around my right rib cage and my stools are quite pale and just not right.

    Anyway I am going through a break up with my fiancee as well and yesterday I felt so bad I just went and got drunk. Now I feel even worse, but am tempted to just have a couple. I know I shouldn't and I'm not going to... I don't think. Don't wanna end up drinking myself to death.

    Anyway, just wanted to sound off really and maybe get some support.

    New beginnings?


    No maybe about it

    You've made a huge step today by reaching out and asking for help.

    There are masses of good people here to give support and advice.

    Good idea to start off with is to make a plan for your journey. Have a look in the tool box to give you some ideas.

    Read and read then read some more. Keep posting and shout out if you're struggling.
    You're not alone in this any more.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      New beginnings?

      Hi, Good Intentions, welcome!

      This is a great place - keep reading, posting, asking questions. I found staying close to here very helpful especially in the first days. You've taken the first step and that is huge. Hope to see you around. Much love! :h
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        New beginnings?

        Hi GI and :welcome: from me, too.
        Jackie is right on all accounts....just want to add my two bits to what she said.
        First, you have acknowledged the fact that you have been abusing alcohol. That is the first step towards facing your problem and doing something about it. You took another positive step by joining MWO and yet another by asking for support. Most people are too proud to admit that they need help, but in facing our problem with alcohol, we need as much help and support as we can get . I am fairly new here at MWO but I can say from my experience that you will get lots of both from the caring people here.
        Jackie has posted you the link for the Tool Box. She is right when she suggested that you read and read. You will learn that you are not alone, that so many others are in the same situation as you are. Post whatever you need to say and ask what you want to know. There are lots of experienced folk here to answer your questions. Need to talk? Go to the chat room. No one there? - just post that you need to chat and within minutes, someone, somewhere in the world will answer your post and will go to chat to talk to you. I wish you good luck in your journey to good health.
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          New beginnings?

          Thanks for the responses you guys. It helps to feel you're not alone. And alone is exactly how I've been feeling with everything else that's going on, the break up. It's like I have to give up the two main things in my life all at once. Thanks again.


            New beginnings?

            Welcome good intentions! Good on ya for taking steps to be free of alcohol! Treat yourself kindly - eat frequent small healthy meals, drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day (with fresh lemon squeezed in it if you can), get out and get a bit of exercise, hot soak in the bath in 1 cup each baking soda and epsom salts for 20 min. will help draw out the toxins. Stick close!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              New beginnings?

              . It's like I have to give up the two main things in my life all at once.

              Hi goodintentions,
              I am in the same boat as you.Painful shit!
              I have to end 2 love affairs,one with bottle and the other with my partner of 5 yrs...
              My doctor gave me a script for antabuse which i started today,so turning to the bottle isn't an option for me (like it would help!!)

              It's scary when you realise you have to change your whole life as you knew it but i'm taking this one day at a time and trying my hardest to work on my feelins instead of numbing them.
              Hope you can too.#

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                New beginnings?

                I just wanted to tell you that I am onmy 3rd day -and its very hard like now, Ididnt realize I award myself with alcohol. Just because I cleaned the house and there are no kids home-I want to drink-instead I sat down and pulled up my playlist and listening...just for now. Just for now.


                  New beginnings?

                  Keep hanging in there mommyd....

                  be strong,2moro is day 4!!!

                  cling on by a thread if you have to

                  i,too am struggling,(im on day 4)

                  "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                  Bring it on!


                    New beginnings?

                    Days three and four we're hardest for me, but I got through them by coming here, keeping busy and telling myself I got through yesterday I can get through today...I'm now on day six and it seems a little easier... even if it has been the day from hell family wise and there is an open bottle of wine downstairs, I'm here for the long haul..

                    Just hold tight and stay strong and shout if you need anything:l
                    WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                    Just taking it day by day.......


                      New beginnings?

                      bbbiggg hugggg!!! I am!! thanks a million!


                        New beginnings?

                        Thank is the first time I am going to take a nap and not just pass out.I am happy that I came to this site.


                          New beginnings?

                          So I sort of screwed up last night and ended up having eight beers. I went for a weaker drink though. A 3.8% bitter instead of the 5% cider and didn't have a hangover etc. Didn't get black out like I usually do. So today I'm pretty much back at stage one I suppose. Starting out all over again. My aim for now is to get to the weekend without a drink and then I know I can't on Friday as I'm having a tattoo re-inked on Saturday. This will give me six days AF and then I'll deal with Saturday night when it comes around. Am seeing the fiancee on Saturday afternoon when I fear it may all be over so I might have to admit that I'll need a drink if that's the case, but the key now is to get as many days AF as possible. Thanks again for the support guys.

