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Visit to my doctor.

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    Visit to my doctor.

    Hi Everyone,

    Well I finally did it and went to see my Doctor this morning. What a waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!
    The questions he asked about my drinking history sounded as if he was reading them from a book,he gave me two phone numbers one for AA and one for CAN. I asked him if he could prescribe something for the craving as Ihad stopped drinking ( for the last three days anyway ) he actually told me not to stop yet but just cut back to one bottle of wine a night for a period of time and then try to abstain for a day until i eventually stopped altogether. He may as well have given me the keys to the off licence. I tried to tell him that everytime I opened a bottle of wine I only intended to have a glass or two OR three, it would have been less painful to bang my head against a brick wall.
    So being positive about this situation, I have decided that DESPITE his non-help I will succeed.
    Most of the rest of the day was spent on the internet looking at all sorts of herbs and vits, then I paid my local chinese herbalist shop a visit and bought some Kudzu. Then the health food shop for the rest of the vits, and do you know something I have been so engrossed in doing all that today that I havent had many cravings for a drink.
    I do have a question though about Topamax. If I managed to buy some will I have to stay on it for ever or just until i feel safe enough to come of it?
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life

    Visit to my doctor.

    Hi there Irish lady, your doc sounds useless! Well done for having the guts to go in the first place and welcome here :welcome:
    Stick around and keep learning about alcohol/behaviour and how it relates to you and where your at....maybe you can get to a point where you can develop your own system and behaviour that works for you, with the support and advice you'll find here. Good luck and keep coming back Ann


      Visit to my doctor.

      Hi Ann, thanks for your support. At the moment I am still on a high and determined not to drink again but I am not complacent about it because i have been here before. Last November I actually went for four weeks without drinking, then I thought well surely I can have just one bottle of wine now, and then go another two or three weeks without, STUPID mistake. This time I know that to be successful i will not drink again.

      Once again thanks for your support

      Irish xx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Visit to my doctor.

        Hi Irish Lady!
        You are certainly strong! Good for you. You know, my mother who is in a rehab facility learned that General practioners (at least in Canada) are only given a total of approximately 3 hours of training in addiction in their medical careers??? No wonder they dont know what they are talking about! I'm sure its not much different elsewhere...
        Well, good for you for perservering! As for the question with regard to the Topamax, I believe that some people only take it for 12 weeks or so but others take it for longer, even for I think its up to you...
        Best of luck, stay close.
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Visit to my doctor.

          Hi Irish

          Doctors in the UK are C**P ,I have tryed many times too get help, still good for you for trying!!. There is such a drinking culture in this country it is un beilevble!! Ever soap opera etc revloves around a pub!But no one will help when you have a problem, keep fighting though one day you will be the winner



            Visit to my doctor.


            get another doctor!!!! I cannot believe what an idiot that guy was!! Thankfully, I had a wonderful experience with my own doc. who first put me on campral, and then switched me to topamax, because I was unable to stop drinking on the campral (and had terrible stomach problems on it). For me, once I titrated up to about 75mgs, the topa helped tremendously with cravings. In answer to your question, i plan to stay on the topa for as long as it takes. I am working towards complete abstinence (not there yet) and when I get there, plan to stay on the topa for at least a year, and then hopefully try to go off it and see what happens. If I can't stay sober, I will go back on I guess.

            I suggest you try another doc and see what happens. sounds like you just got a real lemon!

            formerly known as bak310


              Visit to my doctor.

              Hi Irishlady

              Saw my doctor yesterday too and he said "we don't prescribe meds" and suggested I cut down, but again I agree that once that bottle is open....The culture in the UK does seem tilted towards self help and support groups. He gave me the number for "Turning Point".

              Having had a stessful day at my new school where I attempt to teach French I made an excuse (my son wanted fish fingers) to go to the shop and bought a bottle of white and a mini bottle of red (250ml). This is a reduction....but my resolve has gone.

              I sympathise...don't think the GPs have the answer here in the UK; too short time slots and too large a case load. Hang on in there. I have lapsed today but I intend to stay alcohol free for the next two days after tonight.

              Take carexx


                Visit to my doctor.

                Just to say thanks

                :h You know something this site is just like having a very large extended family who actually care about you, even when some of you are very possibly going through your own kind of hell right now.
                Well today I am glad to say has been another positive one for me. Went for a long walk and just let my brain ramble as well and this is what I came up with ( hope this may help someone out there ).
                I am now on a journey, a very long one I think. All journeys begin with the first step, and how quickly you reach your destination depends on the size of your steps. One day you may take giant steps then the next day just one very tiny one, so it will take some of us a bit longer to reach the end of the journey. Some of us may even get off the bus when we reach a town called JUST ONE MORE BOTTLE but dont worry you can always get back on as theres always a seat for you, but just remember, never, ever get off the bus at that awful place called I CANT DO THIS, also beware of that lovely little village called I GIVE UP. I am sure if we all pull together then we WILL make it to the end of this journey.

                God Bless you all

                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Visit to my doctor.

                  Nicely said, Irish.....
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Visit to my doctor.

                    Keep walking Irish, I am Irish too, so I'm there each hard step - on the same journey myself. Not easy. Isn't it mad when you look through the postings and see that so many people here (especially women) have so much in common - drinking wine..not being able to stop...rushing for the bottle after work...holding down good jobs...craving alcohol...trapped into drinking every night...trouble/strife as kids....creative giving individuals...destroyed by drink...WHAT IS THIS THING THAT CRIPPLES US?
                    Surely there is some common denominator????
                    Anyway, Irish girl, stick around...I need friends and so do you...nice to meet ya :man:


                      Visit to my doctor.

                      Hello Ann, Yes it is mad but one thing I learnt is this, I always told myself it was just a habit I had and I could stop if I wanted to. What a lie. About two weeks ago I finally admitted to myself that I was addicted to alcohol and needed help. I am not a religous person but I feel as if I have had some sort of spiritual experience in as much as the feeling of relief is enormous and I still get a craving for " just one gllass of wine " but this time something is stopping me from giving in. Just hope I can see it through to the end.
                      Anytime you want to chat you know where I am.

                      Irish xx
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life

