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did you taper down?

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    did you taper down?

    so, did you taper off your drinking or go cold turkey? I know i'm not drinking enough to warrant going to a dr for drugs to help me get to some AF days. I'm wondering if those of you who have had about the same habit as me quit cold turkey or if you tapered off? If you tapered, how did you do it and over how long of a time period?

    Here is my drinking pattern:
    for about 5 years, 1-3 glasses of wine weekdays, 3-4 weekends.
    for the past 2 weeks, here is what i've had to drink:
    2 jan 11
    2 jan 12
    2 jan 13
    2 jan 14
    2 jan 15
    2 jan 16
    4 jan 17
    2 jan 18
    2 jan 19
    1.5 jan 20
    1.5 jan 21
    2 jan 22
    3 jan 23

    yesterday and today i have had a headache and fatigue. is this withdrawal? it seems weird that it would be....

    so. help me out people.

    did you taper down?

    I didn't taper. I did quit after I had 3 days worth in one night. Possibly 3 makes you feel that much worse if you've been doing less. At times when I did have only 2 a day, when I had 3-4, I did feel a lot worse the next day.

    You will feel something quitting - sweating, anxiety, headaches, etc. I believe some of the supplements, vitamins, etc are to prevent or relieve some of the withdrawal symptoms. Also staying hydrated and eating healthy helps.

    It is ultimately your decision how and when you want to quit. In my case I knew if I kept drinking, it was slow death, but sure death. I figured it wouldn't get any better if I prolonged the process. When you are ready, you will find a way. Best of luck - take care.
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009


      did you taper down?

      When I went for detox I was told (rightly or wrongly?) that some people needed a detox even if they couldn't have less than two drinks a day - which is nothing to me. I was surprised, but felt educated.

      The basic fact is, your brain's used to the daily alcohol hit, at whatever level you consume it at. Stopping cold turkey is always going to have some risks if your brain's reliant on alcohol imho (though obviously the greater your alcohol intake the higher the potential risk).

      If you can cut down, even having 10ml less wine per day for however many days it takes, why would you ever choose cold turkey over tapering?
      I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


        did you taper down?

        I used to drink atleast 1 $20 bottle of hennessy black a day or everyother day depending on if I blacked out or not. I did that and other brands of hard stuff for atleast 5 yrs. I stopped and start was a problem beause it was beer...I liked beer because I thought it was easier on me...It wasnt- I drank as much if not more . I still blacked out, I still had the shakes, I still hated the hangovers...Now I just stopped-cold turkey-only on day 4. But I like waking up not fucked up. Best of luck to you and take care of yourself!


          did you taper down?

          I was drinking a bottle ( 75 cls?) of vodka a day plus a bottle of wine most days also, and I just went cold turkey, didn't know it was dangerous, but I was ok bit shaky, but I gather since not a very good idea I was just lucky, day 17 this time round and feeling good!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            did you taper down?

            So glad you guys are ok after quitting cold turkey I don't know the percentage, but just the risk of permanent brain damage and/or seizures puts me off completely. Why risk it when (if) you can taper?
            I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


              did you taper down?

              eight days a week;795607 wrote: So glad you guys are ok after quitting cold turkey I don't know the percentage, but just the risk of permanent brain damage and/or seizures puts me off completely. Why risk it when (if) you can taper?
              Good advice and something to consider. I quit on the spur of the moment, and am the type of person who will literally procrastinate forever, given a choice. Fortunately it worked out for me and withdrawals were the milder form.

              If you are able to taper, that's maybe a better way to go. I don't know if I could have or not - I tend to always want more if I have any. Thanks for sharing this information.
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                did you taper down?

                I have always totally admired those who could taper.

                It is not in my psyche. If I have one drink, nothing will do but a whole lot more.

                AWS can be very dangerous and none of us know who is going to suffer from them.

                I know that even with the Baclofen, if I binge, my withdrawals are horrible. Shakes, nausea, sweats, the whole shebang.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  did you taper down?

                  i think i can taper(i'm fairly successful until saturday night, when i allow myself 3, instead of 2). but NOT this saturday.

                  i just am sick of tapering and thinking about it so much. I just want to be AF now.
                  but, i'm too scared to do it.


                    did you taper down?

                    Hi there,

                    Tomorrow will be two weeks for me. I was drinking 1 -2 bottles of wine a day, so 5 - 10 glasses about. I could not taper at all. I just had to quit. I didn't have any bad withdrawal symptoms except not being able to sleep very well for about the first ten days. Now I am sleeping fine.

                    One thing I really relate to is being tired of thinking about it too much. I got tired of it, too. Every day gets better, though, and I can now obsess about other things. :-)

