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Cutting down and new

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    Cutting down and new

    Hi all

    Today I start my journey of two major things. Weight loss and cutting back on my alcohol consumption. I have slipped into very bad eating and drinking habits, and have been polishing off 1.5 bottles of wine a night. Thats the first time I've actually admitted that. I've set some rules for myself. One is no drinking during the week, and no drinking by myself at home. The weird thing is that if I don't buy it, I don't miss it. I'm a mum to a gorgeous 18 month old boy, and want to try for another baby this year. I didn't find stopping drinking a problem at all during my first pregnancy. It was easy as I had a good reason not to!
    anyway fingers crossed for my journey and that I can achieve my goal of weightloss and being able to drink in moderation. :-) Any tips for the moderation bit would be appreciated.

    Cutting down and new

    Welcome Poppet!

    Good for you deciding to get control. I was drinking about that amount nightly too when I decided to quit. I am afraid I have no good ideas for moderating. I've tried it and haven't been able to manage it. I'm going for af (alcohol free), currently.

    Best wishes to you!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Cutting down and new

      I suffer from an addictive personality and in all of my bad habits I was either all in or none at all. This went for my smoking as well as my drinking and it was impossible for me to only have an occasional cigarette or drink. I would quit for a time and then say I would only drink on the weekends and I always failed until I stopped the "should I" "shouldn't I" "how many" "when can I" logic and quit totally. Maybe others can moderate, I have to abstain. I would advise going at least go 30 days alcohol free before trying to moderate.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Cutting down and new

        good luck poppet! i'm with you...i'm cutting down. i currently drink about half as much as you, but i don't want it to progress. i'm sick of it actually.

        i love the age at 18 months! favorite. my son is 9 and i remember that age like it was yesterday


          Cutting down and new

          good luck poppet, i also fell into the habit of finding "me time" with wine at night. my daughter is five and i've been totally focused on raising her. when she would fall asleep at night, having a glass of wine really helped me feel free. i just couldnt stop with one. even tho, i was aware it wasn't freedom it was a trap. so i've invested the money in the supplements and i'm thinking about getting a medicine. i hope you can too. it will help you keep up with your son. good luck.


            Cutting down and new

            :welcome: puppet. Funny how so many women are able to quit the moment they find out they`re pregnant. I was the same, it`s like it completely left my mind for the length of my pregnancies and for the following year that I was nursing. Could it be hormonal changes going on in our bodies? or was it just the euphoria of having a child? The brain is very strange indeed... Anyhow, it`s great that you`re trying to cut down on the amount of days you drink and maybe on the days you do you will find yourself wanting less. After all if you`re hoping for another baby then what you`re doing is great, so best of luck to you Puppet:thumbs::


              Cutting down and new

              :welcome:Welcome Bunny, there's lots of advice and support here.
              make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.

