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New Person checking in!

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    New Person checking in!

    Hi there everybody!

    I have finally plucked up the courage to post after taking a keen interest for a couple of months now. In a nutshell my story is not unlike many many others here.

    I am now into my thirties and am beginning to take a good look at my life and how I have spent my twenties - mostly being wild and drinking far far too much. Both my parents died suddenly when I was 20 - it was a huge shock. They both died within 6 months of each other and my dad committed suicide. I loved them both dearly and they were the best parents ever. I have a wonderful sister and a loving aunty. To be honest I have been gradually getting more and more dependent on alcohol throughout the years following the tragedies. However despite the booze my life hasn't suffered too much as a result YET. I know it could be better and i could be a far better mummy to my children if i was without it. I am now very happily married with two children (11months and 3). I'm happy, have found ways of coping with my grief and am starting to 'come out of the fog' of having two children under three. I have my own very successful business and work very hard and long hours. We don't have any family or very close friends nearby (we are both living four-five hours away from our home towns). I am starting to realise that the old vino although I love it is starting to hamper my love of life, motivation and most importantly, my time with the kids at the weekends. My weekends are so so precious and although I am an expert at not allowing the hangover to obviously affect me, if I'm honest it does. I have a big list of things I want to do for me, to be a better mother - start running again, get back into various hobbies, not be constantly looking at the clock waiting for 7pm, bedtime to crack open a bottle. My husband and i are as bad as each other and although we manage not to drink mon-fri I can't stop going OTT at the weekends. I know deep down that I will be unable to moderate as I've tried so many times in the past...... so here I am - goal is to give it up really....! hello and thanks for unknowingly helping me reach this big decision! i want to be 40 and look back on my 30s and my time being a mummy as the best decade of my life. i know this can only happen without the booze as once i stop i havent got an off switch (1 bottle to myself fri, sat & sometimes sun....) thanks for listening and wish me luck! :new:

    1st goal: 100 days
    2nd goal: 1 year
    ultimate goal: forever

    New Person checking in!

    Hi Nellie :welcome:

    and well done on reaching these decisions relatively early in your life. Your kids will have a mummy who is present for them and you will have your weekends back and lots of great memories. Stick around - good place to be
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      New Person checking in!

      You'll never regret it. I wish I had found this site in my thirties. Life is so much better AF, time for being the real you, not the drunk, looking to drink, or hungover person. You sound like you have so much to live for AF. Is your husband on board? I know it can be hard if you are doing this alone. Good luck to you.


        New Person checking in!

        :welcome:Hi Nellie, I also wish that I had stopped in my thirties. All the best to you and your hubby.
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          New Person checking in!

          :welcome: nellie 78 !!

          good for you nipping your al problem in the bud so early on.
          I was once a weekend drinker,when my kids were young,never throught the weekend but looked forward to my wine at weekends.That was 6yrs ago,my kids were then5,6,& 11.
          Fast forward and i was drinking every night of the week and ALL weekend.
          Have been af 7 days now and plan to stay clear from it.It stole 6yrs of my kids precious upbringing.
          Now i want to be the mum they deserve to have.
          Do it now nellie78,it never gets any better,just worse...
          Stay close to the boards,there are wonderful,wonderful people here to help you along,,,,

          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
          Bring it on!


            New Person checking in!

            welcome , my story is similar, was af for 4 days this week then blew it last night, but back af today and determined to stay that way, this is an amazing place to be, so much love and support, stay strong, you can do it,love and hug's Twitch xx


              New Person checking in!

              Hi Nellie,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
              You probably have discovered that you need to download & read the MWO book & write yourself a plan. Look in the Tool Box (in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas

              Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread for support. Lots of nice people there just getting started as well!

              Wishin you the best on your journey!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                New Person checking in!

                WELCOME ABOARD

                We are all on this journey of good and bad (hopefully mostly good) days together
                Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                • Yesterday is History
                  Today is a Mystery
                  Tomorrow is a GIFT


                  New Person checking in!

                  Hi Nellie - this really is a good place to come for help - I can really only say what the others have said - wish I had found this site in MY thirties - it does escalate and so slowly that you don't know it is escalating until wham - all of a sudden, there you are - drinking every day and wondering where the time went. Please download the book, read the loads of other stuff on this site, come back often, ask questions - tons of help here from wonderful people! You can do it, and so can your husband - if he wants to. Welcome!
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    New Person checking in!

                    Hi Nellie
                    Welcome aboard you are in a good place. You sound like you have a great positive attitude which will help you through this.

                    At 30 I was binge drinking at the weekends but also drinking 4/5 glasses of wine on mid week night too. Over the years it gradually creeps up and when I stopped to December i was drinking 2 bottles a night so if you can conquer this beast before it gets to that stage you will be so rewarded by years of freedom & happiness.

                    Wishing you great strength.
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      New Person checking in!

                      Welcome, nellie! It's wonderful that you see what is happening and that your life is more important. You will find a lot of support here. The tool box thread is always a good one to read.

                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        New Person checking in!

                        Hi Nellie:welcome: This is a great site with caring people. You sound as if you have solid goals and that will help you.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          New Person checking in!

                          my goodness! im absolutely bowlled over by all the great replies from everyone - actually brought a bit of a tear to my eye! its so weird but i felt a bit ashamed finally being honest and putting such private deep thoughts about myself down on paper as it were. but i know that unless i actually face up to this dark shadow in my life i can never conquer it. its so strange i just cant stop thinking about it at the moment and already im thinking what do i do when i go out, what to i say to my family, maybe i can just do 'special occasions' (whilst knowing odds are ill fail if i start this kind of bargaining with myself). is it really bad to admit i almost feel like im about to loose out and almost morn the loss of something?... i know its just a crutch and really after the first lovely sip its just a race to get as hammered as possible...hmmmm so many thoughts. thanks for the advice on downloading the book and plan - ill defo do that. my husband i think is in slight denial although we have talked about my concerns on several occasions. he tends to sweep stuff under the carpet whereas im the opposite. i feel that i need to lead by example and quietly gain weekends alcohol-free under my belt and take as much a part in this site as i can. i feel this is my battle for now as i am wanting to put a stop to things now. my little boy is 1 next week so feel the time is right.... thanks so so much everyone for all your generous replies already to someone you don't know. it has already strengthened my resolve. right off to search for the earliest exercise class i can book myself onto saturday morning to further prevent me from hitting the bottle friday night!!!! thank you so much xx

                          1st goal: 100 days
                          2nd goal: 1 year
                          ultimate goal: forever


                            New Person checking in!

                            hi nellie just like to welcome you,this is a great place with fantastic support and advice,hope to see you around :-)

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              New Person checking in!

                              Welcome Nellie. Your post struck a chord with me, as I also recently decided to quit, having reached my 30th birthday and reflecting on the wasted decade of my 20s where I was, well, wasted! You strike me as a very goal-oriented person, which will serve you well in your decision to quit alcohol. And like several others have pointed out, many of us started our descent into major league alcoholism by weekend binges. But slowly the days become more and more frequent, so your recognition that moderation likely won't work for you is very astute on your part. After all, whether we drink a couple times a week or every day, if we can't stop once we start, that is a serious problem. Best of luck to you!

