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little nervous..trigger tonight

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    little nervous..trigger tonight

    hi folks
    i've been modding pretty good tapering down. tonight, my friend is coming over and she loves to drink wine. she drinks every night too. more than me, but apparently it doesn't bother her.

    anyway, in my "plan" i had hoped to only have 1.5 tonight, but allowed myself 2 if i want it. she will be a big trigger for me and a big test of my will power. i've got my pellegrino chilled but am a little nervous about being able to stick to my plan this evening and not go over my limit...

    little nervous..trigger tonight

    How did the night go? Just curious because that one is my big weakness too. I can be strong with strong people. But when it comes to drinking - if they're having another one...boy I want one too.

    That's why sometimes friends, events, things have to change if we really want things to work for ourselves. I had to say no every time one set of girlfriends were going out because I knew I couldn't stop at one and drive safely home so I just had to say no. One friendship changed because I refused to drink with her at lunchtime - she would have 2-3 with lunch!! And so it goes...keep me posted.

    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      little nervous..trigger tonight

      the night just started, it's about 730pm my time. i took my son to waffle house for dinner(cause he loves it and they don't serve drinks), so i've managed to push off the time when i will start drinking. my friend will be here at 8pm.
      so, i'll sip my beer(once i open it)hopefully for an hour or more.

      anyway...we'll see...i think it'll be ok, i'm just gonna be uncomfortable, which, well, will pass.



        little nervous..trigger tonight

        so, had my one now having my half glass of wine and feel strong about that being it! know, the anticipation was actually harder than the actual event this time.

