Hi to everybody!!! English isn't my native language but i found this site accidentally and i like very much principles of support and welcoming atmosphere here..
I can't speak about my problem with anybody,,even my psychoterapist who i visit rarely because of lack of finanses..Actually i tried but i had shame.. Very stupid but i can 't..And he didn't believed me that i REALLY have a problem..
Shortly - 7 years ago i had a divorce which i tought will be the death of me..And the first problem arose - i started to drink alone..To kill my pain, to forgett, to avoid reality..Maybe once or twice per week but ALONE..It was a step to hell..I drunk only wine..I felt in love with a man who drunk only vodka and so it was getting worse.. Normally with my ex we were having once per week a dinner with 1 bottle of wine for two of us..Now i started to finish 1 bottlle of wine alone while he was drinking vodka.. No, we're drinking not for sorrow, but for joy..I splited up with him, met foreigner man, took my daughter and went abroad with him..Those were 2 great years in my life.. He knew about my problem but still it was more emotional rather physical addiction from wine..To compare my life in post-soviet country now i had normal life conditions and tried to struggle with my problem..My boyfriend helped me a lot..I was doing a lot of fitness, travels, exploration of most beautiful cities of Europe...And tasting exceptionally tasty and expensive wines in Italy, France, Spain.. Unfortunatelly i have very good smell and taste abilities.. I ended up with my man and went back with my daughter to my post-soviet country ..Totally broken..And now really i started to drink..Almost every day.. Last year my mother died..She had vascular dementia and i was hiding my drinking problem.. After funeral i started to drink more..Sometimes not only wine..I have now new relationship, very splendid man and i can't still speak with him about my problem..He is almost non-drinker and i have really fear to loose him, to loose my life..At once i had suicidal toughts..Now i'm taking antidepressants but anyway can't quit drinking... Oh thanks to everybody who will read my huge story...