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I want to save my life...

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    I want to save my life...

    Hello Audrey 14,

    I haven't talked to you in a while.

    It sounds like you are in a difficult situation. You aren't ready to tell him that you desparately don't want to drink.

    You have got to figure out a plan and fast. If you aren't ready to tell him the truth, try to come up with something. If you are skinny then saying you are off the booze because of calories won't work. If you are like the most of us and could shed a few pounds tell him you want a lower calorie AF choice of drink.

    Say you have a stomach ache and the alcohol will make it worse. No one should argue that!

    Good luck I will watch for you posts. I am praying and hoping things get straightened out. You are still here posting at MWO. That's important. Keep sharing your situation with us we are listening and care about you. It's going to get better.



      I want to save my life...

      Thanks a lot Meech!!!! We're watching movie "Moliere" and i slowly was getting drunk.. I know - if i have to write in Engish i have to be at least more or less sober but i'm not.. It's a proof that drinking for a while prevents from consciousness of reallity..
      I think i'll try to tell him the truth.. Otherwise i'll never quit of this...
      The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
      /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


        I want to save my life...

        Audrey ! Do you have some sort of support group like Alcoholics An. their ? Go to a meeting.....get sober. Let them help you. You don't have to stay their....just let them get you started ! Stay here ! We can give you advice.....The rest is up to you !We have Herbal help and cd's ....etc. to help. Plus our MWO Program........Good Luck. IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          I want to save my life...

          IAD;805056 wrote: Audrey ! Do you have some sort of support group like Alcoholics An. their ? Go to a meeting.....get sober. Let them help you. You don't have to stay their....just let them get you started ! Stay here ! We can give you advice.....The rest is up to you !We have Herbal help and cd's ....etc. to help. Plus our MWO Program........Good Luck. IAD
          I'm sorry i went once to that group in my captal city..I felt like in a desparate land...i don't wan't to try here for once more.. That' s whay i trust more verified power..... in MWO
          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


            I want to save my life...

            Ar the moment i'm in living in the centre my hometown'''Fucking Russians are screaming, i hate them so much...
            The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
            /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


              I want to save my life...

              Hi Audrey,
              I just read your story.
              It never ceases to amaze me how we can be on opposite sides of the planet, and have such similar problems with this.
              You just keep on trying girl, and eventually the negatives with alcohol will outweigh the positives.
              You're in a very difficult position there politically I see. You will be so much more able to deal with your life, and ALL of it's challenges sober.
              The very best to you.
              PS: I think your English is delightful.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                I want to save my life...

                Hi byebyebridgetjones!!! Greetings to Australia!!! Many Latvians after 2nd war emigrated to Australia too....
                And thank you for your evaluation of my English!!!!

                Last night, precisely at 4 a.m. i told my friend about my problem...I was already drunk, i woke up him and said that i have to talk.. I don't know he was shocked or not but he reacted very calm... He told me about his friend (male) who entered in Minessota healing program...and that he'll never leave me because of my problems with alcohol... He blamed himself!!!!!! about buying Metaxa!!! for me... and he'll try to help me... I feel like a real shit because he's so good for me...Today i woke up still drunk because "normally" i drink wine and don't like this feeling of drinking "hard spirits'..went to manicure..still having glass of red wine and veeeeeery strong determination to finish my "alcoholic career".. He's at work.. yes, here is total unemployment, so he's happy to have a good paid job.. I'm trying to be a good housewife (which i'm not... i like cooking, that's true..) and hoping to find a job somewhere...i have idea of my own yoga lessons because i studied in Rome in a teacher's class.. and - then i completely have to leave behind my current life style...
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  I want to save my life...


                  It's been a bit since I posted last. I want u to know I'm sorry if I offended you. After reflecting & posting when I'd drank some. I realized my frustration was about my own life. I found you to be interesting, artistic & loving. Living in a different part of the world, perhaps has made me more curious as to woman's cultures. Such a beautiful person who's smart. Reminded me, of me once upon a time. But, than I saw those signs of being dependent on a man. Maybe it's OK where u live. But hear in the states, I feel as though it's a setup 4 woman to fail. Yes, I failed by not educating myself. Depending on some one else~ a man for happiness. I think because I feel like my life is passing me bye, I could become a woman's libber. Both my daughters are college students. Have taught them to be independent. The negative is they think(not totally believe marriage is a heart breaker). Again I've been selfish. Your post hit an unpleasant nerve within me. It's my own insecurities. Plus my rebel spirit. The one who keeps trying to stay alive.

                  I hope you will accept my offering of a mixed apology. I just want the best 4 you. I want you to succeed. Our looks won't last forever. Yet, with proper care we can look amazingly good when we do age. I just don't want you to base yourself worth on your looks & how sexy you are. Yes, I suppose some of us alkie's are too co-dependent. I am.

                  Be good to yourself Audrey. Your honesty is the 1st step. You've done that. God Bless.


                    I want to save my life...

                    Hi everybody!!! After 3.5 months i'm back here....So many things - good and bad happened in my life... But i'm still alive
                    Still struggling with al problem.. At least i managed to reduce al, had maximum 4 days al free etc. But now i'm back here to continue "this cruel way out"..
                    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                      I want to save my life...

                      Hi Audrey,
                      I just wanted to say welcome back, it's good to have you here. I hope things are well with you. I read your previous posts and you seem like a very intelligent, interesting lady. Please update us on how you are doing!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        I want to save my life...

                        Audrey14;873499 wrote: Hi everybody!!! After 3.5 months i'm back here....So many things - good and bad happened in my life... But i'm still alive
                        Still struggling with al problem.. At least i managed to reduce al, had maximum 4 days al free etc. But now i'm back here to continue "this cruel way out"..
                        Hi Audrey and welcome back. I remember when you joined MWO and I read a lot of your posts. You were struggling then. Hope things are easier now.
                        Have to say tho' that I don't understand the last part of your post....."this cruel way out". If you are coming back to the fine folk at MWO for support to try and fight the problem you have with alcohol then I think it would be kinder to the people here if you used a different expression. I know that English is not your native language but I also know from your former posts that you are well-educated and fluent in several languages. There is no "easy way out" but surely here at MWO it is not "this cruel way out".
                        I do wish you strength on your journey towards a sober and healthier life...
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          I want to save my life...

                          Audrey14;873499 wrote: Hi everybody!!! After 3.5 months i'm back here....So many things - good and bad happened in my life... But i'm still alive
                          Still struggling with al problem.. At least i managed to reduce al, had maximum 4 days al free etc. But now i'm back here to continue "this cruel way out"..
                          Hi Audrey - Welcome back. It's great to see you making further strides in this struggle we all share. I'm impressed that you have reduced your consumption and are trying to go alcohol free. I'm still a newbie here but I'm making progress. Lets keep in touch as I find the posting and sharing of feelings, frustrations, and ideas to be very therapeutic for me. I think you'll find it to be this same. Be well and hope to hear from you soon....john
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            I want to save my life...

                            Hello Audrey. I am new here too. When I came I wasn't sure whether I would give up drinking or just cut down. I'm not sure yet either, but I do know that the first step is to go for one month without drinking. At the end of that time the picture should be clearer. After that who knows? I have always been fit and strong (male) and perhaps that reduced the impact of the alcohol. In any case I can't rely on that forever so, yesterday I did not have a drink. First time for many years. Didn't sleep too bad dreams, just wakeful. I intend to do the 30 days.
                            Hope all of the advice you get here will fix the problem. Travel hopefully.

