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Just want to say thanks

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    Just want to say thanks

    :h You know something this site is just like having a very large extended family who actually care about you, even when some of you are very possibly going through your own kind of hell right now.
    Well today I am glad to say has been another positive one for me. Went for a long walk and just let my brain ramble as well and this is what I came up with ( hope this may help someone out there ).
    I am now on a journey, a very long one I think. All journeys begin with the first step, and how quickly you reach your destination depends on the size of your steps. One day you may take giant steps then the next day just one very tiny one, so it will take some of us a bit longer to reach the end of the journey. Some of us may even get off the bus when we reach a town called JUST ONE MORE BOTTLE but dont worry you can always get back on as theres always a seat for you, but just remember, never, ever get off the bus at that awful place called I CANT DO THIS, also beware of that lovely little village called I GIVE UP. I am sure if we all pull together then we WILL make it to the end of this journey.

    God Bless you all

    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life

    Just want to say thanks


    Somewhere, I have a sad, sad video of myself. It exists only my head, and I don't know how I could ever show it to anyone.

    Its a video of me crawling on my belly out of those villages. The villages of I CAN'T DO THIS, and I GIVE UP.

    It's a video of a broken and beaten man. The only way I ever made it even to the crawling stage again, was by the grace of something outside myself. Sometimes it was just a kind word. Once, it was the painful whine and cry of a little dog long gone now, who knew how much I hurt.

    I like your metaphorical descriptions of those villages. This is my longest ride on the bus ever. I am trying to handcuff myself to the drivers seat this time, because I have been guilty of throwing myself off the bus just when its going great, and I see something at the side of the road I think is worth getting off for. It never is, I have found. Just hope I can keep on driving this time, without thinking it's time to jump off for something too compelling to resist a look at.

    Be well.



      Just want to say thanks

      Hi Xtexan, your reply certainly touched me deeply, and by the sounds of it you have been battling with some bl;;dy awful demons. You have at least one success though as this has been your longest ride on the bus so far. So what if you get off for awhile just as long as you get back on again when you are ready, I'm sure one of us will save your seat for you.
      God Bless
      Love irish xx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Just want to say thanks

        and much thanks to you too Irish Lady, it was your post of that nice poem that I read on Halloween just over a month ago that helped yank me out of an incredible dark time. As I recall it was a farewell to drink type of any rate it's what I needed at the time. It's been a darn fine month.
        best to you all..
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Just want to say thanks

          Thank YOU Determinator

          :thanks: You know this was so weird. I was feeling really down this morning, not depressed, just, I don't know, a bit fed up with myself and when I saw your post here Determinator I went and read that poem again, it's called...... Don't Look Back....and I had such a happy feeling about what you said, I feel quite different now. I'm really glad you found comfort in those words.

          It sounded as though you were having a hard time of it a while back, but it's good to see you back on course.

          Keep up the good work Determinator,

          I wish you all you wish for yourself,

          Love Louise xxx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Just want to say thanks

            Hello Irishlady,
            I've only been here a few weeks and you are one among many inspirational posters here. Thanks for your input.


              Just want to say thanks

              Hello Paul,

              You know this morning when I got up, for some unknown reason I felt really down, then I paid a few visits to this site and read some very nice things which made feel quite good, although right from my childhood I have found it very difficult to accept compliments. Then this evening my daughter, who is a school teacher, called in on her way home from work and she had brought me a beautiful boquet of flowers, because as she said, she was very proud of me and my progress so far, the thing I have learnt today is even if the day starts badly sometimes it ends on a lovely high note.

              I have been following your progress Paul, it is'nt easy but your doing alright, just keep on doing what feels right for you.

              Cheerio and Good Luck

              Love Louise xx
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life

