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I can't control myself....

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    I can't control myself....

    Hi everyone, this is my first time at this site. I have been reading through the threads and have been able to relate to so many of them. I will try to keep my story short and concise to give you some understanding as to where I'm at. To start off, I have been a social drinker all of my life...a very social drinker. For the last four years I have been living in Asia as an expat teaching.

    My first couple of years approx. were great, lots of social drinking, but was able to keep my s*!@ together, so to speak. Then I had a bout with a bad relationship, we lived together for almost a year. I was never happy in the relationship, so I would retreat everynight after work and drink and smoke (at this point I was working approximately 60+ hours a week, with no support from x). My time at night was my alone time. like many relationships, I began to withdraw from friends (due to 'love', work and the drinking). This became a daily thing. Then all my friends left Asia, and broke up with X. I was hurt and angry, as I was left with an expensive apartment. I also quit my job and began to work privately (to avoid early morning wakeups and having beer breath), I went on to work privately, which is illegal and you will be deported with a hefty fine if you are caught...but the money and hours were worth the risk. Two months after the break up, my best friend at the time was caught and gave my name to the police. I spent the next year cancelling classes, and constantly looking over my shoulder for the ones I would show up to. It was a true nightmare. During that time it seemed everyone I had ever known for some reason turned their back on me. I don't know what I did, however these were never close friends....For one year I hermitted myself and went into hiding, not trusting any foreigners...That was a year and a half ago, that is when my habits escalated.

    I always told myself that I was depressed and needed to get through. Now the uncontrollable part, the last year has been bliss, I have an amazing job, a few close friends, no stress...but I am drinking more than ever. I lost one job because I would constantly call in sick due to hangovers. There is no reason for me to be drinking, in the meantime I have now completely isolated myself and do not associate with anyone. I do not even answer my phone. For no reason, I drink alone every night. Not in small quantities either. Two days ago I went to buy some wine, I decided on a box, 5 litres, this morning there is less than a litre left.....I really want to quit. But the more I want it the more I drink and smoke, it is always like the last farewell blowout..problem is the farewell never happens, only the blow out. Sorry, this is now much longer than I wanted it to be. However, in the end, what I really need is some help. I cannot go to AA meetings because of my fear of recognition, I also teach a sport hear that without proper training people can get seriously injured, and worse, death. I have not taught it in two years, and that sport is my passion...but I just lost it. I really need some help and would love to hear any advice that anyone could provide. It is 1oclock in the afternoon and I am already contemplating finishing off that wine....problem is, I know once I start, I wont stop and will then have to go out to get more.....ugh, a viscious cycle....
    sunshine and happiness to all, I would love to hear from you....I need to hear from you..Thank you in advance.

    I can't control myself....

    wow! i wish i had read this before i saw you in chat... we have alot in common, hope to see you again.


      I can't control myself....

      Stay around here

      4everakid, do stay around and post. :welcome:

      I'm a newbie too, and I know the wine demon very well. I live in the states, in Florida, and they sell it in the supermarkets. Everynight I have 2 or 3 glasses, and my glasses are larger than most people's glasses. Haven't hit any bottoms but definitely can't stand this limbo middle ground when I can't have clarity. Please stay and post and read so you don't feel so isolated. Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        I can't control myself....


        welcome newbie

        I am also from florida...been here since may..nice to meet you. I am from the west palm area. Maybe we have bumped into eachother in the wine isle in publix!!

        formerly known as bak310


          I can't control myself....

          Hi 4EKid, :welcome:

          Order the book(and read it) you can download it right now! the supps, CDs and get the topamax per your choosen path ASAP.

          Keep posting in the drink tracker.....keep it public. It helps make you accountable, even if it is to strangers.

          Keep talking to people here, it helps so much to have the support of these great people.

          Soon you will find people that you connect with and you won't know what you ever did without them.

          This is a process that takes time, but you will soon be making progress to get your drinking under control just like we have.

          You can do this.....just put one foot in front of the other. It won't happen over night, but it will start to happen!:l
          :h :h :h :h


            I can't control myself....

            Jump in with both feet

            Hi and welcome to a bunch of the craziest but neatest people you ever want to meet!!! Your at the RIGHT PLACE!! First off we've all been EXACTLY where you are so don't feel alone! My advice buy or down load the book and read it two or three times. Next follow the script as RJ outlines can vary it later as you see fit. Me...........I've been in several treatment centers and was doing over a gallon of Vodka a day!! MWO saved me....... In my personal case the Topamax is the thing that keeps me in line along with some of the supps. Keep up with the various threads as well theres good info there.............It helped me enormously in the beginning. RJ also has a "blog" too super medical info there too!!!!! Hang in there kid!!! We are all here to help you along 24/7 from all over the world!!!


              I can't control myself....

              You can make it!

              Welcome! You are among friends, we all understand and have walked in your shoes. We will never judge you. Try chat! It really helps! You will get lots of answers and encouragement there. :l
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                I can't control myself....

                Thank you for the support

                Wow, thank you so much for the words. I am blown away by this website and will continue to be active on it. I really need to do that. Mojo, it was nice chatting with you, yes, we should definately talk some more, would love to hear your story (now I guess you may understand what I meant about the expat questions). I can relate to the supermarket alcohol thing, I guess that is one of the many problems that I have control any longer. It doesn't help that you can buy anything 24hours at any corner store as well..and they are everywhere. Someone had once made a comment about having to switch up the stores so they did not realize the amount that was being drunk...that is exactly like me. Before doing so, I used to use one store and the owner one day said he was worried about my health. Immediate reaction....spread it out. I cannot say I have stopped, although I do have a strong desire to. Well moderate, I can never imagine never having another drink in my life...I guess that is another fear about AA. The funny thing is, I am from Canada, where in my province you must go to gov't approved either beer stores, or liquor stores. Keeping gov't hours and definately closed on holidays. Sort of keeps you more in check, and definately keeps the drinking more social, as you must go to the bars...i am not one to drink alone at a bar, thus my hermithood.
                Anyway, thanks again so much, I feel this support network will greatly help with my indulgences...ok, overindulgences. I look forward to reading more stories. Oh yes, I am definately going to download the book. Next step.
                Thanks, sunshine and happiness


                  I can't control myself....

                  there is alot to read fer sure

                  4everakid, you will receive everyone's support in a non-judgmental way, because we are where you are at or been where you are.

                  Beth! Could have happened in my travels, I'm on the Treasure Coast! Lots of new Publix going up all the time around here. So I can mix it up, my purchases.

                  I'm still figuring out the boards and trying to find where I posted so I can reply and not appear to be rude

                  Have a great day all.
                  The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

