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Depression Omega-3...

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    Depression Omega-3...

    Omega-3 in fish oils might ease depression -

    Pretty sure I mentioned this before... but I discovered that taking Omega-3 every day REALLY helps my overall mood.

    I feel even More sure about this, because after I ran out a few weeks ago, I didn't buy any more... and found I was getting more negative in general and depressed.

    Walgreen's had them on sale, and I bought two bottles yesterday which I will now take Every day. It's nice knowing that something that is good for your heart, joints and skin is ALSO good for your MIND (on the label)...

    Of course, the Best way to lessen depression is to NOT drink! That one took me a VERY long time to figure out...
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    Depression Omega-3...

    D3 is helpful also...


      Depression Omega-3...

      Interesting. I've been reading similar reports for years, and then of course before those family members would swear by fish oils for all sorts of things for, oh, decades!

      I take 5-HTP as well. Still drinking but not depressed at all. A bit low sometimes, but nothing more than that (and is there anyone in the world who isn't, drinker or not?)
      I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


        Depression Omega-3...

        Hey Sav... I too found that Sam-E is really helpful. I used to take Zoloft-but weaned myself off using Same. I better get some O-3 and Sam -e... Thanx!

