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Starting again . .

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    Starting again . .

    JackieClaire, I haven't heard that version before! Yuk! I am a Rock Chic and I like the original version by Journey! I think I've heard a dance version on the radio, but I don't like that either!

    Doggygirl and Meech, I agree about that first drink. I found it easier tonight when I got in from work than I did the first time around. I felt so good after those 11 days, and then so awful over the weekend. And I know if I have one that will be it. I find I have to have something when I get home, so I have a fizzy ginger or diet coke or something.

    Its 11pm, and I got throught the 1st of February!


      Starting again . .

      Great day, Little Owl!!!

      I'm off to bed and can't wait to connect with everyone tomorrow. I was to0 hungover to drink today, so tomorrow is when the real work begins. I fully expect to be online much of the evening tomorrow soaking up as much encouragment as I can. Thanks to everyone for a great AF1!!! I am so grateful to have found this site.

      For my family, for my health, for me...


        Starting again . .

        Hi Little Owl!

        How are you today?

        For my family, for my health, for me...


          Starting again . .

          Hi Stiteal,

          I'm very confused by the times here. The site keeps telling me its two hours before the time it is where I live, and people are on here from all over the place!

          Its 10pm now, I was at work all day, went line dancing tonight and just had a diet coke, then took my daughter home, I'm exhausted! I briefly fancied a drink this afternoon, but haven't really had time to think about it.

          How are you doing? I hope your second day goes well. Mine is nearly over!


            Starting again . .

            Good going Owl!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Starting again . .

              :goodjob: Little Owl,

              I have to say I'm also a rock chick much more AC/DC, Deep Purple/Sabbath etc etc.

              But I have to admit I'm glued to Glee (much to my embarrassment). It is truly awful.

              J x

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Starting again . .

                Rock on Little Owl for a great day!!! My AF2 is going great...I feel like Al talks to me here and there, but has not been screaming at me at all. I'm feeling pretty confident about the weekdays, as I'm usually pretty good during the will be Friday-Sunday where I will be looking for support! I will be curious to see what kind of weight loss you experience with the lack of booze and the continued excersize (line dancing)!!! I feel like my lapband is actually going to start earning it's expensive price tag now that I'm not drinking 5000 calories a day, ha! Cheers to us (with diet coke, that is)!!

                For my family, for my health, for me...


                  Starting again . .

                  Thanks Doggygirl, I'm tryin'!!

                  JackieClaire, I have never watched Glee, I may have to now to see how awful it is! I saw Deep Purple a few years ago. A mate had some tickets last year for AC/DC for me and my best mate but she couldn't make it so we didn't go, what a bummer!!

                  Stiteal, keep up the good work, you are doing great! I think weekends are difficult too. I'm in the process of dejunking my house so I intend to be really busy and not think about it. Trouble is me and my mate are seeing a band saturday night, she never drinks so it should be possible for me to drink diet coke with her. There is a party sunday for my daughter's birthday. I shall take my diet coke. And I'll say I'm trying to lose weight. I lost half a pound at the work weight in today. I'm losing a little each week, and all I've really done is stop drinking!


                    Starting again . .

                    Little Owl,

                    I've never seen AC/DC, but I once stood next to Brian Johnson at a gig and chatted away all night to him. Just thought he was a good Geordie lad. It was only after he had gone that someone told me who he was. ( it was a bit dark and after far too many lagers)

                    I could have :upset:

                    J x

                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Starting again . .

                      Its saturday morning, I am not hungover! I just did my banking online and I shouldn't be overdrawn at the end of the month! I have debts to pay off but that is under control. I have lost a few pounds! I am on day 6 today!

                      Had a bit of a rubbish week but I didn't have anything to drink. It is possible to get through bad times without turning to alcohol. It would have just made me do bad things.

                      Have a busy weekend, night out saturday, daughter's birthday get together and watching Superbowl (GO SAINTS!!) with family and daughter's American boyfriend sunday, daughter's actual birthday and Mexican meal out monday, line dancing tuesday. All difficult situations. But I am feeling positive and think I can handle it. Lets here it for diet coke!!

                      Good luck to everyone out there, stay strong and positive!


                        Starting again . .

                        Good stuff on 6 days Little Owl, Saturday mornings feeling good are precious! You've lots of outings lined up for the weekend, be positive and aware. I find a lot of things that used to be AL linked like meals out and birthdays etc. are easier the second time you do them without AL sort of learned experience ' I did it before I can do it again' sort of thing
                        Happy weekend everyone
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14

