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I'm new...where do I begin???

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    I'm new...where do I begin???

    Hi Melissa and welcome to the greatest place on earth for all of us! You are welcomed with open arms, not judged, only encouraged. Please read, read, read and is amazing therapy. Have you decided you are ready to give Al (alcohol) the boot? If you are ready to try, we are ready to cheer you on! My only words of advice (though keep in mind I am a newbie myself) is to start off by taking baby steps...if you normally start drinking around 6pm, maybe your first goal is to wait until 7pm. Try not to make it too scarry for yourself...and continue to leverage this site, especially during your "witching hours"...good luck to you and we're here for you!

    Lookingforpeace, mumtotwo and mollyka: Thanks for posting! Yesterday, I sat for about 30 minutes typing a response to you all and when I was just about done, my computer blue screened. I was too angry to even log back on and try again! Anyhoo, I'm going to post this now and then will do another one, just to make sure if my computer has an issue again, my hard work won't be lost, ha! BTW, go AF5, whoo hoo!!

    For my family, for my health, for me...


      I'm new...where do I begin???

      :welcome: Melissa and...

      :yougo::yougo::yougo: Stiteal on AF5!!!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        I'm new...where do I begin???

        mumoftwo, I am with you on the sleep thing. I finally gave in last night and took a Unisom and for the first time in the last AF week, slept like a baby, and therefore woke up early! So tonight, I will give going to bed early another go (w/out Unisom). Have you tried Tylenol PM? It's very mild and may help assist you in falling asleep. You may also want to consider talking to your doctor about some different options. Just don't use cabernet, you'll regret it in the morning! Now, with that said, I also have not tried some of the suggestions on this site, such as the hot teas and such...probably should give those a whirl. What day AF are you? Keep me posted on how you're doing!

        Looking for peace, I am heart broken to hear about your struggle with Al and coping with your son. My heart goes out to you. I have an aunt who admitidly drinks to comfort herself while dealing with a sick child (lyme disease). I can only encourage you to keep trying. I don't know if you are a believer, but I cling to the knowledge that God will not give us more than we can handle. Please pull that God given strength from inside of you and keep going forward...don't dwell on the past and past mistakes (words from some of the angels on this site).

        Mollyka, I'm so happy you've found this site and are getting as much out of it as we all are! My enthusiasm and excitement about my journey comes from the many angels on this site who continue to succeed...and when they slip, they get right back up! Keep reading and posting, it's great isn't it??!!

        Melissa, welcome! You are preaching to the choir, my love! We all worry about our little ones (and sometimes not so little ones) seeing us make asses out of ourselves and dread their reaction or how it will affect them. This is one of my main driving forces behind my road to recovery. I don't want my precious little girl to think that a stumbling drunk is the model of a good woman. I want better for her. How are you doing on your journey? Have you had any AF days? Keep me posted!

        AF5, whoo hoo!! Doing great, however, I am acutely aware that I have a challenge ahead of's Friday (my big drinking day) and we leave on Sunday for vacation. I fully expect to be on here reading and posting for support. Love to all of the dear angels on this site, I will be thinking about you!

        For my family, for my health, for me...


          I'm new...where do I begin???

          You CAN do vacation AF. Start now making your list of stuff you want to do each day.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            I'm new...where do I begin???

            Hi DG, I don't know if it was you who gave me some tips on AF vacations, but someone gave me some pointers on focusing on a wellness vacation...complete with my regular workout routine at the hotel, good food, swimming, etc...I'm so gung ho with my AF mission, I'm not too too worried, I just have it in the back of my mind that if I'm going to slip, this will be a good recipe for that to happen. I did have a conversation with my best friend (who lives where we are going) this morning and told her that when she's planning things to please consider things that don't involve alcohol. She of course asked why I wasn't drinking and I simply told her that we're trying to get pregnant and I don't want my baby to be born with 3 was a great way to skate by the subject with a bit of humor. I plan to stick with that reasoning if asked again about my AF-ness. You are one of my main rocks on this site and really appreciate your words of encouragement. I hope you know how much you and the rest of the angels here bring to the lives of others...specifically me!

            For my family, for my health, for me...


              I'm new...where do I begin???

              Sounds like you handled it great with your friend. 3 heads.... :H Definitely don't drink or you will make the cover of National Enquirer.


              PS - I think it might have been Greenie with the suggestion to focus on your healthy lifestyle changes just like you do at home. Good suggestions too, whoever made them!
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I'm new...where do I begin???

                You're doing wonderfully Stiteal!! With your attitude you'll be fine on vacation... just keep your focus. Does your husband drink at all? This is what I'm struggling with. Mine drinks... not as a problem drinker, though. He can do without easily and is more the type to go out and have a few drinks than to have them at home. I'm the opposite these days (used to like to go out in my 20's)... I'd much rather drink at home either with friends or in the evenings to "relax"... ha! I'm on day 5 and am getting quite tempted. Both my husband and my best friend know that I haven't had a drink all week and both are encouraging me to do so tonight. My friend and her husband want us to come up there and spend the night and just hang out with them. They have a daughter who is friends with my kids and our kids are comfortable staying up there. I know I likely wouldn't get myself "drunk"... it's just that if those closest to me are believing that I don't need to quit forever, just take a break from it for most days of the week, then who am I to try to set a longer goal?

                Sorry, I'm just thinking out loud. I need to make a decision soon as we need to feed the kids dinner and get going if we're going to. We go over there/they come over here all the time on the weekends, so this is nothing new. Maybe I'm trying to do too much at once with this whole thing. Maybe moderation is the way to go... I'm so confused!!!!


                  I'm new...where do I begin???

                  Hi Mumtotwo,

                  Can you say that your on a New Year Health kick and just say you've started late.
                  That your doing the whole of February because it's the shortest month.
                  Just a thought.

                  J x

                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    I'm new...where do I begin???

                    Mumoftwo, you and I are hubby can have a few and stop or just stop after 1...clearly he doesn't have the same problem as I do, because I CAN'T STOP! However, he drinks beer, which I don't, so his drinking won't bother me, because I'm not envying what he's having. You and I are both on AF5 and I'm just now starting to get that Friday evening itch. I went ahead and poured myself a glass of coke (regular, which I never drink, so it's a big treat) and am hoping that will satisfy my longing for a glass of something else. I hope you do well with your friends tonight...we have a group of friends that we hang out with and the kids are friends too, so I understand all about that. Just stay strong and do your best!

                    AF5: A good day so far, as I said above, I'm starting to get that Friday evening itch...Friday is typcially when I go buy my barrell of wine and start drinking at 5:00pm and don't stop until after midnight...and Al is pissed that I'm not giving him his usual attention! My husband is having a relatively late night at the office, so at this point, I have a lot of time on my hands and I'm bored. I have plenty of things I could work on, but don't feel like doing anything but sit on my sofa. I need to get off my tush now. Good luck to seems that Friday nights are challenging for many of us, but we're in good company!

                    For my family, for my health, for me...


                      I'm new...where do I begin???

                      Hi everyone
                      Stiteal, Mumtotwo, Doggy, Jackie, and welcome Melissa, and everyone else on this thread. Everytime I check back on who said what I loose my message and have to start again. I think Stiteal you mentioned bluescreening and loosing the plot SO AM I!!!
                      Just to say I'm thinking of you all and will be posting tomorrow am going to bed now so a happy AF night to you all
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        I'm new...where do I begin???

                        Update on AF5: I am now feeling extremely grumpy. I will not drink, but I'm not going to be happy about it, damnit. I need to take a deep breath and be nice to the people in my house! ARGHHHH!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm PMSing. Grumpus.

                        For my family, for my health, for me...


                          I'm new...where do I begin???

                          BTW, the stupid little cheerleading smiley face in my auto signature is about to get her bum kicked, she needs to take it down a few notches.

                          For my family, for my health, for me...


                            I'm new...where do I begin???

                            stiteal;801770 wrote: BTW, the stupid little cheerleading smiley face in my auto signature is about to get her bum kicked, she needs to take it down a few notches.

                            here's a couple more

                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              I'm new...where do I begin???

                              Okay, after I burned my dinner, which didn't help matters...I took some Aleve, got in the car and went for a small drive, and got some yummy food. I can/could (feeling better now) feel my neck tensing up...I really hate Al right now. After my therapy of Aleve, driving and food, I'm already feeling better. I think after my dinner digests, I'm going for a walk on the treadmill...I've already done my full workout today, but may go for a second round to keep me occupied. I'm not mad at the little cheerleading happy face any more.

                              For my family, for my health, for me...


                                I'm new...where do I begin???

                                Ha, that's nice JackieClaire! The next time I become a raging bear, your on my list right there with that damn cheerleading smiley!!!

                                For my family, for my health, for me...

