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Feeling quite lost

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    Feeling quite lost

    My prayer for you is that you will pull out your God given strenght that you really don't think you have...but you do. If you fall, you can get back up. I pray for an extra boost of strength for you today and this evening. Your honesty is very inspiring to me, because I know exactly how you feel. We all do. You did a good job steps...

    For my family, for my health, for me...


      Feeling quite lost

      Hi skeert,

      Welcome to MWO!
      Glad to hear your day went well, as it should!

      Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread for some extra support. There are lots of people there just getting started as well.

      Wishing you the best on your journey!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Feeling quite lost


        Boy do I know about rewarding myself. I think that's is by far my BIGGEST Trigger. That's why I usually cave after day 2 or 3 AF because I need to reward myself. I am feeling fresh and not hungover so I REALLY WANT TO DRINK. Just putting this down on posts or threads makes it sink in even more. The typing out of your thoughts, worries, regrets, hopes and goals somehow makes it better and more therapeutic then just letting it fester in your own mind. So keep posting, keep sharing.

        We all have times where we could be a better parent. Lord knows I have been a complete deadbeat when I'm really hungover. I make sure my kids are fed, are safe but the "Fun Mom" who does stuff is not there on those nasty days where I feel like crap and I can't get those days back. So I am for now trying to have more "Fun Active Days" and less "Dead beat boring Mom days".

        Yesterday you had a choice: to drink and miss the play or hold off for a while and be a GOOD SUPPORTIVE DAD. Yes you drank after, but remember you achieved the most important goal you made that day by going to see your daughter. Build from there. Be your own best friend. When it comes to baby steps you did just fine.

        We all just have to start with baby steps and gradually the steps will get bigger with time and support.
        I have already started to feel a little transformation in myself in just a week or however long it's been since I started with MWO (not long though). I have a LONG LONG way to go but I've got to believe I'll get there.
        You can believe it too. Keep us all posted and NEVER be ashamed to come talk to the MWO group if you relapse. This is the only place I have ever felt safe enough to share by good, my bad and my really bad.


          Feeling quite lost

          Wonderful post, Meech, thank you!

          Skeert, how are you today? Will you tell us?

          For my family, for my health, for me...


            Feeling quite lost

            Where are you skeert? How are you doing? Haven't seen you post anything. Please check in we are here to help.

