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New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

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    New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    Suggestions on starting? I am going to seek outpatient care and have an appointment Wed.
    Mixed feelings. The costs of drinking are rising, I can't see how to continue and yet I feel a sadness. I know it is insane, but truthful. I am letting my family and self down. Feeling like such a phony, nobody at work knows I have problems with alcohol.
    Any encouragement would be appreciated.
    All things are possible,

    New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    Hi Moxiemom. You are not alone. I too was a high functioning alcoholic for many years and somehow managed a good career despite the AL abuse. I suspect there are way more of us than there are alcoholics living under bridges.

    I also deeply understand what you are expressing about missing AL already. For me, it was really a deep fear about how I would possibly manage to live without AL at my side every day.

    But here I am. And here are a whole bunch of us.

    Today I am not only free of AL but HAPPILY free of AL. I will be honest and say that "contented sobriety" eluded me for a long time. However I had to FIRST get rid of AL, then I could go to work on "me" and eventually find the contented part. Every step of this journey has been worth it to get FREE.

    Strength and hope to you. If I can do it, I know you can too.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

      :welcome: moxiemom,

      Agree totally with Doggy Girl, once the alcohol is out of your life then other problems will either vanish or become easier to manage.
      Not over night, but in time.

      You're not alone. Keep reading,keep posting. Let us know how you're getting along.

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

        Thanks gals, I have a terrifically supportive understanding husband, who can't understand. I know you do! Thanks
        All things are possible,


          New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

          Hi Moxiemom,

          I am new here too and understand your feelings of being overwhelmed. It's amazing the support from people on this site who have been there or are currently experience what we are. Keep checking in. The tools, tips, little mind games you can play are helpful.

          I keep thinking the more positive voices, little sayings, strategies that I learn and keep doing everyday will eventually fill up my head so that the evil AL voice in there has to finally give up and say "I'm outa here". then I'll be free. I HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT and so do you. It will take some time but eventually you're brain will be so stuffed with the good advice and techniques there will be no room for the AL voice that has been living like a hog in there for too long.

          Here's to overcrowding our heads with AF thoughts!!! In with the good out with the bad.


            New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

            Welcome Moxiemom!

            I'm new here too, so welcome. Praise God for wonderful husbands...I like your line that he is an understanding husband who doesn't understand. No one does unless they've gone through it. Your doing the right thing by being on here. Read through the posts...reading these stories and reallizing that there are people exactly like you is incredibly powerful. You can do this and we're here to do it with you!

            For my family, for my health, for me...


              New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

              Welcome Moxiemom,
              I too felt a sadness when I stopped first, it was like a death in the family when I thought about not drinking again a gaping hole in my life, that is where the one day at a time bit comes in actually at the beginning it can be one hour one minute at a time! A little bit of time away from AL and you begin to feel good feelings creeping in and little moments of enthusiastic happiness that actually were missing in the haze. A little while longer and it gets better and easier.
              I went back to the doctor today and had my bloods checked, results in tomorrow but have to be better than the last time, Doc was very kind and supportive but he made a point that work is often the last thing to be affected so not to congratulate myself too much that my job hasn't been jeopardised. My family has been wounded and hurt and I am repairing that on a daily basis
              Good luck all here it REALLY is worth it and it really gets easier
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

                Hi Moxiemom,

                Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
                I felt exactly like you one year ago & I'm happy to tell to - it's going to be OK

                Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread for some extra support - lots of people there just getting started as well.

                Wishing you the best on your journey!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

                  This is amazing -you are all living / have lived what I'm going through. Trying so hard to just quit. I'm ready and the encouragement on this site is just incredible. Thank you .


                    New and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

                    Hi Moxiemom - this is my 5th day AF and 5th day after 'meeting' these amazing people - I've been blown away by the support and shared experiences here - make sure you get to the Tool Box (monthly abstinance forum) - it will take you ages to read (good distraction therapy!) and there is so much wisdom and understanding. I'm also in the Newbies Nest, so hope we can help each other. Jane.
                    "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen

