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Health Issues-

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    Health Issues-

    I was reading a thread and in it a member wrote about health issues, blood in urine etc... I can't remember who posted, but would certainly like an update after the Dr visit. I hope there is not a serious problem and that all has a simple solution.
    I had a liver function check last year, and was fine but the thought has scared me a few times. I have always maybe stupidly felt a bit better because I just don't drink hard alcohol but I really have no idea if wine can do the damage hard alcohol can.
    Has anyone had liver issues but their liver repaired itself?

    Health Issues-

    Had a liver function test on 21st Dec last and it was not good, actually pretty rubbish, have been AF since 14 Dec (2009) except for one day and did a follow up liver function test today, results tomorrow, will let you know, wish me luck!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Health Issues-

      Wish you luck!! For certain! (((hugs)))

      I found the post It was Beauty that wrote that she goes to the Dr at 3:30 tomorrow.


        Health Issues-

        Hi Bp,

        I was mainly a wine drinker who later decided to add a bit of vodka to the mix. My blood test came back pretty awful (well really awful to be honest).

        The liver is a very forgiving organ and after about 6 weeks of no AL it was back to it's normal functioning levels.

        I know at the moment 6 weeks seems like a life time, but it is so worth it.

        J x

        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Health Issues-

          Right now, today because of a slight hang over 6 weeks doesn't sound like a lifetime, 7/7/09 seems like a long, long time! it's good to hear that you are in better health. I like hearing good news. Congrats on the 7/7/09!


            Health Issues-

            Milk Thistle works a treat as well. It's very good for cleansing the liver, as well as plenty of water.
            You'll find a lot of advice in the 'Holistic Healing' forum.

            BTW thankyou:l

            J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Health Issues-


              Personally, I have never had any liver problems, much to my own doctor's surprise! That said, I have seen lots of liver disease among family members and a close friend. Not trying to scare you, but bear in mind that liver disease often doesn't show up until it's too late.

              For example, I have a 53-year-old aunt currently suffering from cirrhosis of the liver. She was diagnosed at age 50, but up until that point had not experienced any major symptoms. She was warned about abnormal liver function tests a few years before she was diagnosed, but since she had no other symptoms she unfortunately ignored her doctor. However, by watching her diet religiously and doing everything in her power to stay healthy, even she, in an advanced stage of liver disease, has regained enough liver function such that her doctors are considering taking her off the transplant list.

              A friend of mind who is only 31 years old was hospitalized for several weeks with alcoholic hepatitis, inflammation of the liver caused by excessive drinking. This person had been consuming approximately 375 mL of vodka per day for 5 years, although had been a heavy drinker for 10 years in total. My friend lost his appetite, was nauseous, turned yellow, and was very, very tired. However, after being closely monitored in the hospital, quitting alcohol, and following a nutritious diet, he has made a full recovery with no signs of permanent liver damage.

              Enter my own case. In the past 5 years I have consumed approximately a fifth of liquor every day (750 mL), or alternatively, 2 bottles of wine. During my most recent check-up I had full bloodwork done, had an ultrasound of my liver, and everything was fine. Not a single extra globule of excess fat was detected in my liver, and all seems to be functioning like a well-oiled machine.

              I mention my own case because, in contrast to the previous two examples, it demonstrates that it is difficult to detect in advance who is vulnerable to liver disease. The only sure-fire way to avoid it (barring accidental exposure to hepatitis viruses) is to avoid all alcohol.


                Health Issues-

                JC was relieved to hear 6 weeks turned your liver around (so to speak!) thats the length of time between my last liver function test and the one I did yesterday, hopefully my results might be ok later on today! In response to an earlier query BP, alcohol is alcohol be it wine or vodka or whatever obviously the quantity of wine a person would drink would be more than the quantity of vodka so broken into units a unit of wine is as damaging as a unit of vodka just a unit of wine is a small glass and a unit of vodka is a very tiny tot
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Health Issues-

                  Check in after the Drs appts... MollyKa and Beauty!!



                    Health Issues-

                    Not good, more due tomorrow let you know then, really worried
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Health Issues-

                      Just want to throw in my 2 cents.. My husband quit drinking for 2 weeks because he had to have a physical at work- well-the doctor told him( he's been drinking since college and pretty heavily)( he's 50 now)-the doc told my husband that he had the liver of someone who never had a drink in his life! When my husband told me this-I was speechless. Just goes to show you everyone is different. His liver is probably not like it was then at the exam and that was last year- I think upon hearing that info-he started to really indulge more in drinking.
                      It's always YOUR choice!


                        Health Issues-

                        Sorry to hear that molly, wishing you all the very best...

                        When I was in detox/rehab just under a year ago they told me that my LFT indicated I had done some permanent damage to my liver, although it was not too bad. Then, I had another test done in October last year (had been drinking again by then for three months, but not to the same extent) and it was perfect.

                        As a result, personally I don't believe LFT tests show much other than where you are right now. A liver scan is the only thing that will show up true damage, I think.
                        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                          Health Issues-

                          Molly... do let us know. Also, I do believe that many things we can do naturally to help ourselves, milk thistle, lemon fresh squeezed, lots of water, ridding the body of things that make our body work too hard; over processed foods etc... Anyhow, you probably don't need this type of 'help' right now, so, I am thinking of you and hope there is good news and that you find a warmth of peace. ((((hugs))))


                            Health Issues-

                            Hi BP just wrote a big long message an its gone missing! Anyway yesterday was horrified at a result that came in yesterday, doubled since 6 weeks ago despite being AF since then except for one bad day. Was convinced I had something irreversible and got really really upset. Anyhow got the rest of the results today and apparently when all taken in context its actually very good. The bad one yesterday is slow to turn round the Doc says and often gets well worse before it gets better so hes not a bit worried now. Oh and without medication or any change in diet my cholesterol has come down from 7.8% to 5.6% I am absolutely thrilled with it all. Thank you for your kind thoughts and posts, it was lovely to know that someone cared,Fluff Eight days as well thank you and JackieClaire for your thoughtful message. Onwards and upwards!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14

