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Someone please help me.....................

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    Someone please help me..................... oldest hates me at this point. She just came and asked me if i was an alcoholic...I said no, yet, she calls me a liar as he , my husband told me I said I was...omg...what a total shit ass night.......

    At this point I am feeling like I shouldn't drink at husband is pissed at me, as are my kids.......I feel like the worst mother and wife on the planet.............

    Some one please help me......
    AF July 6 2014

    Someone please help me.....................

    Hi Christy - just get to the tool box secton (monthly abstinance forum) - there is so much in there: something will help you. This is my 5th day AL, and 5th day using this site - I've tried giving up so many times over the years, this is the first time I have really felt I can connect with people going through the same thing. I don't know what will work for you - I haven't even found what will work for me! - but from the wisdom posted, we must stop dwelling on what we were or what we did and have to take each day at a time - alcohol free is the only way for me: I know I'm not strong enough from moderation. Your family don't hate you, they just don't know how to help you, and they can't - we have to help ourselves. Just try and stay one evening, one day AF and build on that - get that feeling of waking up sober and not loathing yourself once and just try to keep repeating it! How ridiculously easy must that sound to someone without a drink problem!!
    Keep in touch and good luck, Jane.
    "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen


      Someone please help me.....................

      Christy, I can't go to Live Chat right now but please go there right away. You need to talk to somebody. It sure sounds to me like alcohol is a problem in your life. This place can help you if you are ready for it. I'll pray for you to be ready.


        Someone please help me.....................

        Hi christyacc,

        It sounds as though your kids are worried about you rather than angry - just as you'd be worried about them in the same situation.

        I know when people confront us about our drinking it's easy to get defensive and deny there's a problem, but maybe it's time to take a long, hard look at how bad your problem is (and be HONEST with yourself) and how much friction it's causing within your family and think about how you can move forward.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Someone please help me.....................

          Thank you for responding. I don't really feel better today. I know I can' t drink .
          AF July 6 2014


            Someone please help me.....................

            Hi Christy -

            You say: "At this point I am feeling like I shouldn't drink at all......."

            Were you feeling you should drink? What if you stopped? Try 30 days. Your family might be astonished (in a good way!!).

            I am finding goals are Really helpful - it's good to have those stepping stones of Accomplishment! I don't know where you are on your path (or if you're on a path?)... but you can start with ONE day... or ONE week... etc.

            If your family SEES you sober for a period of time, this problem wouldn't exist...

            Good luck.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              Someone please help me.....................

              Hi Christy. One of the most difficult things I ever did was admit that I am an alcoholic. I fought that fact for so many years and through so many horrible drink induced problems. It was actually a relief when I finally accepted the truth and decided to do something about it.

              For me, there IS something that was far worse than knowing I'm an alcoholic. That was the years where I kept denying it, and drinking, and experiencing one problem after another.

              Only you can decide how bad your problem with alcohol really is. I just wanted you to know that if you DO decide you are alcoholic, there are worse things - like having your children be frightened for you and having your husband be scared and frustrated.

              A life without alcohol is not only possible, it can be really really good. I wish you all the best in sorting this out.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Someone please help me.....................

                Hi Christy- Make today your first day- you will be so happy and guiltless tomorrow! What a difference just one day makes! You CAN do it!
                Luv, Fluff
                It's always YOUR choice!


                  Someone please help me.....................

                  Thank you for your support and advice. I am going to go for 30 days but start at day one.
                  AF July 6 2014


                    Someone please help me.....................

                    Great news, Christy - Come join ODAT (one day at a time) thread!! If you don't see that one's been started, feel free to start it. There is one I started today...

                    You can use the thread for anything, really - but mainly as a way to keep focused on being AF Today. Which is all that counts...

                    Great time to go 30 days, too, since Feb. just started!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      Someone please help me.....................

                      Good for you Christy, you can do this.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Someone please help me.....................

                        Christy- there is also the Newbies nest thread-you will find other new to quitting there-please jump on in!
                        Luv, Fluff
                        It's always YOUR choice!


                          Someone please help me.....................

                          Hi Christy, I have been a member of this group for along time but have not been using it. I have been fooling myself for years into thinking that I was not an alcoholic. I am starting all over again. I also have kids that are worried about me. I am tired of going back and forth with this thing and am going to admit to myself that I am an alcoholic and that I can't and won't drink. I don't like feeling guilty of my actions and lack of self control. I hope that my children don't grow up with the same problem. If they see that I can stop maybe they will know that it is possible for them too. My 2 older children have gotten into trouble with dui's and I feel resposible. I have a younger son and maybe I can spare him the misery if I stop now. I wish I could go back and never have taken a drink in my life, but I will have to settle for stopping now and hopefully making a change in the future for my family.

                          I didn't drink yesterday and feel good today. I want to make yesterday the first day of the rest of my life. I hope things go well for you and I will be thinking about you!


                            Someone please help me.....................

                            christyacc;799948 wrote: Thank you for your support and advice. I am going to go for 30 days but start at day one.
                            Christy, I think that is an excellent goal. It took me a long time to "get" what one day at a time really means. But my life is SO much better now that I focus each day on staying sober, and getting the most LIFE out of each and every day.

                            Buffy, it sounds like you have made some very important decisions. That process is not easy. I hope you feel a sense of relief, as I did, when I finally became willing to get honest with myself.

                            Strength and hope,

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Someone please help me.....................

                              There is not a better place for you to be than right here. 30 days is alot, but ODAT is obtainable! We're here to walk with can do this...we all can.

                              For my family, for my health, for me...

