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ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Tuesday

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    ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Tuesday

    Good Morning ODATers....

    I came VERY close to caving yesterday. After more than a month & half. Got into that "I deserve it, I've been good, etc." mindset.

    "I deserve"... ruining my day, maybe making a fool of myself, getting nothing productive done and feeling like CRAP the next day?? Helllooo.

    It was a gloomy, cold day, and I had nothing planned to do (unemployed) - perfect day for drinking (huh?)...

    It helped, too, talking to my 3D MWO friend. The one thing she reminded me of that I was forgetting is that the "pleasure" part of drinking is very short-lived (if at all).

    And then I set about doing some kind of fun/productive things. Used a new deep conditioner on hair, put fresh sheets on bed, played on internet... and soon those thoughts about drinking went Poof. (The "distract" manoeuver Works!!)

    Also, I learned late afternoon that I will have a phone interview today. Had I been drinking, I may not have been at my best. The moral of that is we can never know what moment in the future will need us to be Sober. Other things, like being able to drive. That's a BIGGIE!! We tell ourselves that we have the free time, but how do we Know we won't have to drive for some emergency.

    Sorry for the LONG post. I write this stuff to help others, but also to help myself -- seeing things in writing helps!

    Have a great day, all. :l
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Tuesday

    Fluff checking in for ODAT -Tuesday!! Day 8!
    Savon-We have to remind ourselves that alcohol is a sneaky devil and will tempt you-and whenever those thoughts come around it's trying to tempt you back into a life of destructive behavior. So great of you to not listen to your craving and find healthy distractions!
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Tuesday

      PS - just thought after I wrote that, I don't want to give the impression to those just starting that this urge I had was a common occurrence. NOT AT ALL. I can count on one hand since I started having any "strong" urges. And they must not have been That strong, since I didn't give in! (And willpower is NOT my strong suit!!)
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Tuesday

        Home also

        Savon: I was laid off in early October and am home also. But luckily drinking during the day has never been as issue for me. Probably because I have been working for 25 years and couldn't develop that habit!! Ha Ha! But don't start that now just because you are home while looking for a job. Otherwise you will have that to deal with also when you go back to work. Continue to keep up the good work! Good luck with your phone interview. What type of work do you do? I have been in Healthcare accounting/audit/billing for 20 years. Have a good day and behave yourself!!!


          ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Tuesday

          Savon19, I love your post and look forward to tracking your ODAT messages daily, they are very encouraging...I have much to learn and your posts are giving me alot of good knowledge...thank you for sharing!

          For my family, for my health, for me...

