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ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

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    ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

    'Morning ODATers!

    Wellll, I made a mistake! I thought this Sat. would make 1 mo. 3 wks. -- but discovered it will be TWO months!! That's a record for me.

    So that means, no matter What, no drinking until then... but no drinking Today for sure!

    I discovered that I DO like goals... or, I should say, Accomplishing them. I'm not competing with anyone except ME.

    Yesterday, I had a tough few moments after a rather grueling telephone interview... After hanging up, my first thought was: I need a stiff drink! (eeek) And my second thought was: Wow - I didn't Think about smoking during the interview!!

    Normally, that would have been a chain-smoking situation, so that was very encouraging...

    All that said, I know that it all comes down to: ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    Good luck to all - and have a Great Day!!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

    Well done safon 19,be proud of yourself, just another thought that may help.
    If success does not come immediately we need to keep trying, keep going forward, never surrender. Many people fail because they never really put in the effort. Sometimes that is because they feel that they are going to fail anyway. Sometimes it is because they fear failure and by not giving all of themselves they can convince themselves that "if they had really tried, then ....". So it can be a way of preserving their sense of self as having power by not actually testing it out.

    Nothing makes failure more certain than never trying. Unknown

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

      Hi ODATs

      Well I wavered last night - had a testing, stressful evening with teenage children. they have soo much back chat it is amazing. I thought now they're in bed I'm going to have a gin and tonic - but instead I went to bed as well and I feel great today as a result. But it is hard.

      Well done Savon for your 2 months - brilliant work.

      Have stressy pre-teen son home from school with "sore throat" (I didn't believe him totally) - turns out he has tonsillitis so is really ill! It's that Peter and the wolf thing again isn't it?

      Luv to all


        ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

        Mad Mummy;800421 wrote: Hi ODATs

        Well I wavered last night - had a testing, stressful evening with teenage children. they have soo much back chat it is amazing. I thought now they're in bed I'm going to have a gin and tonic - but instead I went to bed as well and I feel great today as a result. But it is hard.

        Well done Savon for your 2 months - brilliant work.

        Have stressy pre-teen son home from school with "sore throat" (I didn't believe him totally) - turns out he has tonsillitis so is really ill! It's that Peter and the wolf thing again isn't it?

        Luv to all
        NICE TO MEET YOU-WOW...iM GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING!!!!Keep up the good work!:goodjob:


          ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

          savon19;800412 wrote: 'Morning ODATers!

          Wellll, I made a mistake! I thought this Sat. would make 1 mo. 3 wks. -- but discovered it will be TWO months!! That's a record for me.

          So that means, no matter What, no drinking until then... but no drinking Today for sure!

          I discovered that I DO like goals... or, I should say, Accomplishing them. I'm not competing with anyone except ME.

          Yesterday, I had a tough few moments after a rather grueling telephone interview... After hanging up, my first thought was: I need a stiff drink! (eeek) And my second thought was: Wow - I didn't Think about smoking during the interview!!

          Normally, that would have been a chain-smoking situation, so that was very encouraging...

          All that said, I know that it all comes down to: ONE DAY AT A TIME.

          Good luck to all - and have a Great Day!!

          CONGRADULATIONS SAV!!!! You insprire me with both the cigs and the al...I said on my af Day 30,I plan to stop the cigs....p.s -Let me know if you get the job!!!:l


            ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

            Just popping in to say Hi and well done Sav!

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Wednesday

              Day 9 for me-
              Savon-what a cool realization that it's two months! I hope all went well with the interview-even if it's by phone-it's very stressful!
              Nothing really going on here-except snow.
              Have a great day!
              Luv, Fluff
              It's always YOUR choice!

