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Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

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    Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

    Part of my problem with alcohol includes overeating. One of the reasons I quit drinking is the health threatening weight gain. Fortunately I have been AF since New Years Day and so far I have lost 13 pounds in that short time.
    I think that my issues with food and alcohol are interconnected. It seems when I am drinking invariably I am abusing my body with food as well. What is with this?! Any ideas? Anyone else have the same problem?

    Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

    Hi New Girl-I always overate when I drank-just kept snacking-I guess, especially with wine,
    my appetite increased-now that I'm not drinking I am not snacking-well, not as much and the food choices are better.
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

      One of the main things I found with alcohol was just the sheer lack of will power when it came to food. Once Id had a few drinks I would eat things I wouldnt normally just because I didnt have the same control over my mind as I would have done sober.

      As the night would wear on fast food always seemed more appealling and it would be "to hell with the consequences" as I tucked into a large pizza and fries!

      There was also the "hangover food" which would have to be comforting and usually laddened with as much fat as possible!

      I also worked out that I was comsuming around 3500 calories a week on alcohol alone.

      Well done on the weight loss it must be a great incentive to you.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

        Hi from me, too, NewGirl and congrats on both being AF and on losing the weight. I posted on a thread called Calories and Booze. It's on page four of the General Discussion forum. You might want to check it out. I made up a whole chart of how many calories alcoholic beverages have. I too, ate more when drinking. I would always have a cheese and mayo sandwich before I went to bed because I had drank so much that I wanted to make sure (even in my drunken stupor) that I had something fairly high in fat content in my stomach so that I wouldn't throw up from drinking so much so fast. Didn't want to choke to death on my vomit (such a pleasant thought!!) Anyway, the chart will give you an idea of how much you consumed calorie-wise and also, why you've lost the weight you have so far...Good luck on your AF journey...Stirly
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

          Newgirl, you are loosing weight so that's just a great benefit with the AF. Are you seeing a Dr for the alcohol and weight loss? I don't usually over eat with drinking, but the day after I increase calorie intake. It's my own pattern. I would guess that many people get a glucose imbalance and the body can make one think they need more, more, more just like alcohol. I watched the biggest loser lastnight, it was very inspirational, I also watched Dr Oz and the weight loss on his show. I think they both have online forums that may help you. I would like to loose a few pounds. I put on weight recently and just can't get into some of the clothes I wore last year.
          Congrats on the weight loss and working on not drinking.


            Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

            Thanks all!
            Stirly - I will check out the calories thread. That is really interesting to me.
            BPleasant - I am actually not seeing my doctor. I am not sure what extra advice she could give me on AL or food. In the past I was just referred to some unqualified psychologist and put on anti-depressants, which completely screwed me up. I don't have an organic depression. I think that the alcohol was causing depression. The longer I go AF the less depressed and anxious I feel. I am watching the Biggest Loser too and find it really inspiring. I love the fact that the lose in one month the total weight I intend to lose by June! Thats insane!!


              Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

              NewGirl2010;800537 wrote: Thanks all!
              Stirly - I will check out the calories thread. That is really interesting to me.
              BPleasant - I am actually not seeing my doctor. I am not sure what extra advice she could give me on AL or food. In the past I was just referred to some unqualified psychologist and put on anti-depressants, which completely screwed me up. I don't have an organic depression. I think that the alcohol was causing depression. The longer I go AF the less depressed and anxious I feel. I am watching the Biggest Loser too and find it really inspiring. I love the fact that the lose in one month the total weight I intend to lose by June! Thats insane!!
              Hi again. I've seen bits and pieces from The Biggest Loser. I have also seen former participants interviewed on Oprah. I know that they are under strict medical attention but sometimes I wonder how some of these people don't crack psychologically with all that pressure to eat only so many calories a day and all that sudden strenuous exercise. Gee, not for me, that's for sure!D! I did see a couple of people who had gained back a fair amount of weight and they said that they had been so used to being overweight that they didn't feel like themselves when they were thinner. I guess it all depends on how you look at yourself and how you feel about your appearance.
              Anyway, NewGirl, you are most likely right about the depression and AL. Certainly plays a big factor in making us feel and look lousy. If you stay AF and watch what you eat without obsessing about it - don't stress yourself is what I mean - you will lose the weight and that will be another incentive to help you stay AF...Again, good luck...Stirly
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

                It is so inspiring to watch the show. DR Oz has a good program, what's great about his is people are following and doing it on their own. One kid, age20 lost 150 pounds I think and on his own. He just did a low fat diet and mod exercise. Don't know about his alcohol intake but it was just great to watch. I know my SO has a food addiction that's one reason I don't understand how he can't understand my alcohol addiction. I think I could easily manipulate my happy hour stance if I mentioned some of the food they have, and what's great is at happyhour portions are halved! lol Oh, the mind of a sick person. I would have less guilt for using it to my advantage because the portions are small. Wow... Anyhow, I am encouraging at home but can't follow him around 24/7 and we don't live together 100% anyhow so his food addictions and driving through fast food I can not help him with or control. Today, I am wondering if I should even leave the house or just hide in my room to avoid feeling like I really do want to go out. UGH! I want to though, I love being in nice places and the all adult environment.


                  Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

                  CONGRATS ON THE 13 POUNDS I was actually working out and watching what i eat all while being drunk. I would take my vitamins with a shot LMAO thinking I was still being healthy LOL LOL
         My Story

                  AF - 08/06/2010


                    Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

                    Hi Newgirl and :welcome: Certainly the AL calories add up. That alone can add up to weight issues. I think sometimes the story can be even more intertwined with food and AL. I found the book The Diet Cure by Julia Ross an interesting read. The My Way Out program emphasizes correcting some nutritional deficiencies and amino acid deficiences. The The Diet Cure, Julia makes a connection between amino acid deficiencies AND AL problems AND over eating problems - especially sugar/carbs. Just thought I'd toss that out there in case you want some extra reading material.

                    Congrats on your AF time and on 13 pounds gone! YAY! :yougo:

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

                      Hi Newgirl
                      The AL is a double whammy, the calories in the booze and the RUBBISH I eat when pissed. I've lost 17lbs since 8th Jan, couldn't believe it, and actually am craving and eating chocolate that I never used to eat, think the bod is missing all the sugar in the booze. This AL life is all good really don't know why I didn't do it sooner!!! Going to 'Aqua Aerobics' on Friday, first organised exercise I've taken in about 5 years.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

                        Good for you mollyka!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Diet and Drinking. Just Wondering...

                          I have had a rocky relationship with food and with AL. I have also seen people who've lost weight turn to drinking when they wanted a "comfort behavior" I guess the addiction is in our brain, and it's pot luck what form it takes. . .

                          Re calories, I do think (just my non scientific opinion) that AL speeds up the metabolism or something, I've known people who went AF and gained quite a bit of weight from comfort eating or using calorific food to keep their sugar intake up.

                          Well done you on losing 13 pounds.


