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A new life without alcohol?

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    A new life without alcohol?

    I am very excited to be here today and for the first time in a very long time, feel optomistic about not letting alcohol control me. For probably about a year now, I have been drinking daily. I buy a 12 pack of beer every week purpose being so my wife knows I have had a drink but what she doesnt see is the half pint of Rye that I consume every night. My routine is to wait until about 8:00pm and start by cracking a beer. Immeadiately after I go to where I have my Rye and pound back about a quarter of the pint so that I can get the buzz quickly. I start at 8:00 so that my family goes to bed before I black out. I stumbled across TSM and was excited about it but when I talked to my DR yesterday, he spoke with a fellow DR who deals with alcoholism and he said he has had great success with Baclofen. I was some what disaapointed that we were not going to go with Naltrexone but after reading some posts here, I feel excited to be trying Baclofen. Can anyone tell me how quicly it works and what is a typical start with it? Do I just keep drinking as normal?

    A new life without alcohol?

    Hi Hoping and:welcome: to MWO.
    I have no idea about the meds and supps so won't even attempt to answer your questions. There are others here who know about them and can answer you. Just wanted to welcome you and wish you luck on your journey towards living a healthier life. This is a great place with very kind people who truly care about each other. No one judges, no one criticizes. We are all in this together with the same goal, whether it be by being alcohol free (AF) or by moderating, we all want to live a better, healthier life.
    Read the posts, they are very helpful and ask whatever you want to. Someone here will no doubt have answers for you.
    Again, welcome,
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      A new life without alcohol?

      Thanks for the note. I think I am just going to dive into it as I am not getting much feedback from anyone, probably because of where I posted? I will keep updating as I go.


        A new life without alcohol?

        Welcome and good luck with the Baclofen. I have no experience with it but I hope it goes well for you!


          A new life without alcohol?

          hi & welcome hoping for the best
          This is a great community with lots of advice and support,get yourself a plan/goal to do.share your thoughts & feelings here,we have been all there and are certainly not alone.keep posting and read as much posts and threads as you can,goodluck.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            A new life without alcohol?

            Hi and good luck, know nothing about meds sorry but keep posting, loads of longtimers check in here and will advise you
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              A new life without alcohol?

              no alcohol tonight...


                A new life without alcohol?

                Good for you! I don't take Bac myself but support whatever works for the diverse community of folks around here working on sobriety. Just wanted you to know that you have a cheering section!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  A new life without alcohol?

                  Thanks DG! had a little trouble sleeping, didnt help my daughter was up with pains in her belly but oh well. got early today and went to the gym.


                    A new life without alcohol?

                    Good for you again! Part of what I think is hard for us to accept at first is that *life* happens, and will keep happening, and we just have to grow up and learn to deal with it instead of stuffing ourselves in the bottle. Kids get sick, other shi!t happens, life goes on. The more we can learn to take it in stride and be grateful for what is GOOD in our lives, the easier this gets.

                    And exercise totally rocks to help this process, IMO!

                    Go for another good AF day!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      A new life without alcohol?

                      hftb, there is a specific thread dealing with baclofan use, have you seen it?

                      as dg said, exercise is a major help in gives me a goal and a focus. when i feel "the urge" i hop on the treadmill or go outside and walk or work (when there isn't a foot of snow on the ground!!!).

                      there are alot of helpful folks here who are willing to support you, just reach out more if you feel like people haven't noticed your qustions...sometimes us oldtimers don't get out of our little comfort zones!



                        A new life without alcohol?

                        No, I have not seen it. do you know which one it is?


                          A new life without alcohol?

                          So here we go, day 2 AF. It was kind of hard this evening but took 10mg of bac and made me tired enough that I had a little snooze and now I am fine. Funny though, how AL tells you - "see you can do it so you dont have a problem right, so let's dance". Gotta stay strong and remember your goals.
                          Shooting for day 3.


                            A new life without alcohol?

                            Hoping for the best;803629 wrote: So here we go, day 2 AF. It was kind of hard this evening but took 10mg of bac and made me tired enough that I had a little snooze and now I am fine. Funny though, how AL tells you - "see you can do it so you dont have a problem right, so let's dance". Gotta stay strong and remember your goals.
                            Shooting for day 3.

                            AF July 6 2014


                              A new life without alcohol?

                              Hoping for the Best

                              Great job on Day 2AF.. Be STRONG on AF3 - You know what they say "Don't dance with the devil, no matter how good he looks (or tastes in the context) :H!

                              Jump into bed sober tonight!


