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A new life without alcohol?

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    A new life without alcohol?

    There's a whole string about meds under "Just Starting Out" - I found it earlier today. You should be able to get information out there.


      A new life without alcohol?

      I came home from my son's hockey game last night to learn that my wife found an empty bottle... the jig is up. she threatened to leave me if I dont stop. I told her about going on bac and said that I had already taken steps to quit but didn't tell her in case things didnt work out. I think she is quite upset mostly about hiding the drinking from her but at the end of the day, I have to worry about me. I am doing this for my health, my marriage and my family. Last night was day 3 AF.


        A new life without alcohol?

        might be the best thing ever happened your wife finding the bottle, everything is now out in the open and you can ask her for support. You're right, this has to be primarily for you or it will never work, 3 days is great - they are the hardest days
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          A new life without alcohol?

          Great job!! There is a whole thread about Baclofen under the meds thread. You will do this! This is the best support ever, this place is a lifesaver! You are doing great, just keep on keeping on!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            A new life without alcohol?

            Ditto on the exercise thing! Just do it! And, doing something different at the "witching" hour helps tons too....tonight, I'm going to a cooking school with a friend, I just keep trying to find different and fun things to do without having to drink to think its fun....
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              A new life without alcohol?

              Congrats on your start..I think we are riding in the same boat. I woke up monday morning to an empty vodka bottle sitting on the counter by the coffee pot , put there by my wife. I have been gone and AF since. I felt i had to be alone for awhile and work through this on my own, no meds though. I riding along with you on the same days, tonight is tough.
              Good luck to you
              "We will all be friends until we are old and senile..Then we will be new friends"


                A new life without alcohol?

                Take care my friend, if you need some one to talk to, i will be there.


                  A new life without alcohol?

                  Wow I made it through 17 years of marriage without getting busted. I finally told her a couple of months back ( we are going on a year divorced). Not sure what to make of it. Probably a good thing, as you said the jig is up. Ironic on the timing, now you have someone else rooting for you. She is only pissed because she cares.


                    A new life without alcohol?

                    Made it through the weekend no issues what so ever. cravings are minmal - so easy to say no on Bacflofen! 7 Days AF and no end in site! I have joined a gym so been going there a bit as well as getting on te treadmill at home. The only downside I see with bac is that I feel totally exhausted in the mornings but when you think of how i felt prior (hungover) its a small price to pay.

