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ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Thursday

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    ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Thursday

    Hi ODATers!

    Gorgeous, sunny day here in FL.

    As I approach 2 months, I'm finding myself almost Preparing to drink right after. WHY??

    Some of my reasons:
    - to remind myself what it feels like
    - because i've made it this long (reward?)
    - because I don't want to think I'll Never drink again
    - because, because, because

    Now, if I were thinking of having just a glass of wine with dinner, this wouldn't be such a bad thing. But... from my first reason above - it's about the Feeling, not the taste. NOT GOOD.

    Well, I will at least say I won't drink Today.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Thursday

    Day 10 for me!
    Hi Savon- What I noticed in my short quits is- I want to try and drink again to see what I was " missing"-but, then , I find out I am not missing out on anything. I think we need to find that " buzz" in something non-alcoholic. I can't wait to get to 30 days! I am not going to mess that up with curiosity-or boredom ( major trigger for me). Just don't entertain those drinking thoughts because they might talk you into drinking...
    You're in sunny Florida and I'm jealous-it's in the 20's here and a major snow storm is coming tomorrow!
    Happy sober Thursday to everyone!
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      ODAT (One Day at a Time) - Thursday

      Hi Savon Fluff
      Just realised I've forgotten how many days I am and had to count!! That has to mean I'm thinking less about the beast doesn't it?
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14

