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always day one

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    always day one

    there are such inspirational stories here, and every morning I wake up and think today is the day, but it never is. I did manage 5 af day's a couple of week's ago but now I seem to be sinking into a depression which is totally unlike me and I just can't seem to see a way out,I have no reason that I can think of to drink myself to oblivion everynight,I function during the day or I did, now I just seem to sit and think, and never find an answer, I just wanted to write this down, makes it clearer to me,sorry for whinging, I have had such support here, I feel I am letting everyone down.But I will keep trying.

    always day one

    Twitch,i mean this in a nice way but You have NOT let any of us down. You couldn't. We don't get effected by your mistakes, much as you don't get effected by ours,We can all relate to what your going through,but there is a way out and you will find it,dont stop trying,just start again one day or hour at a time,sending you lots of positive thoughts,..get back in here.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      always day one

      Twitch, I'm sorry you're feeling depressed. AL will just make it worse though...
      take care...


        always day one

        Twitch- Do you have a plan? You need to change your routines-and have a diversion plan ready for when the craving comes- the only person hurting you is you-you are the only one with the hand that's reaching for the bottle and putting it in your mouth. Can you reach out to the 3-d world-try AA or something else? I mean, along with coming here, as well. You are not disappointing us-you are disappointing yourself. By the way, 5 days is a really good stretch- now start again and make it longer.
        Luv, Fluff
        It's always YOUR choice!


          always day one

          Hi Twitch, I agree, you havent let anybody down. We support each other here and we know only too well how bad it can get and how hard it is to make that first step. The only thing I can say is I have yet to meet anyone here who regreted taking that step. Only you, yourself can decide not to pick up that next drink. I hope for your sake you do and am glad to hear you say you will keep on trying. If it takes delaying it for ten minutes before picking up then stretching that to an hour then a day, whatever it takes. I dont mean to be blunt but what are the alternatives? I wish you well on your journey.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            always day one

            twitch keep reading the board for strength and keep trying don't give up
   My Story

            AF - 08/06/2010


              always day one

              Hi Twitch. Yes, the only one you let down when you drink is you. You are WORTH the sober and good life that is just waiting out there for you! It's hard work. The early days and weeks are not easy - at least I can say they weren't easy for me. You have to want sobriety more than you want to drink.

              Have you written down an actual plan for not drinking each day? Plans to keep yourself motivated? Plans for what you will do? Where is the booze coming from each day? (i.e. have you removed booze from your house and vowed to stay away from places that sell it for awhile?) Do you have a list WRITTEN of things you could divert yourself and do when the inevitable cravings hit? (I liked having a written list. I didn't have to think - just grab my list and pick something when the going got tough!)

              If I can get sober, I know you can do it too. Feeling good about yourself rather than the guilt / shame / remorse is just WAITING HERE FOR YOU!!!!!

              Strength and hope - never give up,

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                always day one

                I think what Doggy Girl said is really true among those who keep failing when trying to quit-
                [ You have to want sobriety more than you want to drink.]
                It's always YOUR choice!


                  always day one

                  DoggyGirl and Crew to the rescue again! Twitch, we love ya no matter what! You can do this, even if day 1 happens a million times. Just don't give up. Have you explored the option of antidepressants? I am a big believer in happy pills if you can find just the right one. Take a few deep breaths, get up and try again. I'm famous for the days of minute to minute, hour to hour, etc. It sounds trivial, but for many of us (myself included) it's where I am sometimes. Your cheerleaders are here for you, just hollar if you need us!

                  For my family, for my health, for me...


                    always day one

                    Hi Twitch,
                    It's crazy how in the morning we can say "Oh no not drunk again,why?how?I'm definitely having no drink tonight!"Then that night once the urge comes it is so difficult to resist.But if you can manage 5
                    days free then you were doing something right and it is in you to do it again for longer.
                    The first time i posted on this site i was 5 days free and am now at 32 days.I too had a problem with depression and my GP prescribed me Sertraline.This has worked really well for me.Don't be afraid to ask your GP for help.Good luck and don't give up.


                      always day one

                      Hi Twitch,

                      Just wanted to tell you that I had to address the depression problem before I was able to quit drinking entirely!
                      Rx antidepressants work for some.......didn't for me. I ended up going on an herbal supplement that did the trick.
                      Talk to your Doc - see what is available for you!

                      Just don't give up!
                      Wishing you the best on your journey!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        always day one

                        Hi Twitch, I keep a list of things to do on my refridgerator - also a written plan for each day. Keep trying - the break through will come.
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          always day one

                          Twitch you did 5 days before and did great, you know you can do it, just start again now, take it minute by minute, don't push yourself too hard, I've found that helped this time round, I forgot the bigger picture I'd always aimed for before, just took baby steps this time, cried for hours in the chatroom as you know and got the support I needed from the people here..

                          Like the others asked have you got any AL in the house now? When you go shopping can you shop somewhere different for a while where you don't have to go near the evil aisle? The first week and a half I changed supermarkets as my local one had the alcohol situated right next to the check out... Have you thought about trying the sups? I find the L glut and kudzu really help especially now I've found the right time of day to take them..

                          Honey it doesn't matter how many day ones you have, you'll beat this thing if you want... PM me if you need too:l:l
                          WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                          Just taking it day by day.......


                            always day one

                            Twitch, I have been in your shoes so many times and my heart goes out to meet yours. And I've done the three steps forward, 5 steps back thing too. Just for now give yourself the gift of one day. Even if you dont do the second day (and you know you can!!) it starts to build your confidence that you can do it again.

                            Believe in yourself and your ability to live the life that is yours.

                            I've just tried to attach a thing that someone sent me today but I'm not sure it worked! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1150830=5474-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              always day one

                              oh ...I see it did, but too small to read!!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

