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abs to mod after years?

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    abs to mod after years?

    Another thought...(although I joined a few months ago I still feel clueless so I posted in this forum, not really knowing where else to post)

    Sometimes I hear of people who abstain for a period of years and then are able to return to moderation. I don't know if that is even worth trying for me though. All my major problems - depression, anxiety, low self-esteem - are aggravated, probably more than I realized by even relatively small amounts of alcohol, and overdoing it is just something that isn't working out anymore. Not that it ever did, but when I was single and not hurting other people by it (luck) I didn't take it very seriously.


    abs to mod after years?

    Hi Ag,

    it sounds like you may be answering your own question if you're saying that small amounts of Al still negatively affect you. However, if I may give some food for thought. One thing that has been successful in my journey is, if I am trying to mod and am worried that I might lose control with my choice of Al, which is wine, I will get something I don't particularly love, like a beer or a strong drink. I can successfully nurse one drink throughout the course of an evening...never feeling really buzzed, but have the satisfaction of a drink in my hand without the guilt of going nutso. Just a thought. I will interested to see others' thoughts about this. Good luck!

    For my family, for my health, for me...


      abs to mod after years?

      I'm glad to hear that is working for you.

      I resisted for years the idea that AL was worsening my depression, but then read somewhere in a post that even small amounts can cause it, and probably has been with me, but didn't want to admit it. I kind of rationalized it because I was depressed in my early teens before I started drinking, but that was probably partly due to my parents' drinking.

      Thanks for the support...


        abs to mod after years?

        I was not sure what your question was but if you are AF for years, why even tempt yourself.
        I just finished reading about Kindling and that is pretty scary stuff.
        So many teens are depressed, being a teen is a hard job. Do you have a goal in mind?


          abs to mod after years?

          I know that the In the Beginning, the thought of giving up alcohol forever seems quite is a paradox, alcohol is destroying our lives, we know that we must stop drinking, but at the same time, we want to leave the door open to drink again....."Some Day". When I was first getting sober, the thought of Forever Without Acohol seemed impossible. But, now with a bit over two years without alcohol, I cannot imagine ever wanting it in my life again......"A Little Poison", is still deadly! And, not only that, I never want the feeling that alcohol brings me again...the foggy confusion, depression and anxiety. Nope! I do not want any of it!

          You will find that after some months of sobriety.....sober life really becomes a joy, not a chore. Just give yourself some time....some "Real Sober Time", and see the difference that not having alcohol makes!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            abs to mod after years?

            What Kate said.... I too am grateful that I have reached a point where I would rather scratch my nose off my face with a rusty nail than drink.

            Think about the insanity of alcohol addiction / obsession/ whatever you want to call it. You describe all these negative things that happen when you drink. Then you ask if maybe it will be possible to drink again someday.

            The good news is that I think most if not all of us have gone through exactly the same thinking/wishing patterns that you are going through. So at least AL's insanity is consistent.

            AL - YOU ARE INSANE!!!!!! :nutso:

            Strength and hope to you. I don't want to play with fire any more, and I hope you decide that for yourself too.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              abs to mod after years?

              I can relate...struggling with the same question. It is helpful to feel like we are not alone in the insanity. It is frustrating to admit I can't moderate. But I feel more motivated to abstain than I did in the past - if I can look forward to less anxiety and depression, well, that is great. And if they hit in the future at some point, I have to be careful not to slip. Anyway...I appreciate all of your posts.


                abs to mod after years?

                I sometimes find myself thinking about the same question in a different variant ... under what circumstances would I think it was okay to have a drink? If I had a terminal illness? If I had a major shock and someone offered me a medicinal brandy? At a hugely significant occasion? (weddings, funerals etc)

                And then I remind myself that I could be run over by a bus tomorrow, and why am I thinking about anything other than what I do today .........
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe

