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I'm Back

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    I'm Back

    Hi everybody,
    Some may remember I was a regular poster in the weeks up to Christmas then my internet service went down and is still down and can only post randomly until its sorted. Pre - Christmas I managed 28 days AF. Over the Christmas I had a few nights out on the beer with friends etc Stephens Day and New Years Eve. In Jan I went away for a weekend with the lads and last Sat night I went to a friends birthday bash. So while I have gone out drinking I've had no marathon all night parties, missed work or done anything ridiculous. Work and relationships with family and friends are all great. Despite this I feel I need the benefit of some significant time AF as the benefits of AF certainly outweighs the cons - certainly for me personally. My first goal is 30 days and see from there. I am in a much better place than when I first arrived at MWO some months ago when my spirit was truly broken by AL. I want some time AF but not now as a knee-jerk reaction to the post binge blues or due to something awful I have done but cos I can really see the danger of falling into an extended time of not being AF.
    So since Saturday I have 5 days AF - looking forward to your support as before.
    PS. Apologies for any grammar errors etc I am typing this on the most ludicrously small notepad ever - not mine

    I'm Back

    Congrats! Are you doing any program or just using your own willpower?


      I'm Back

      Welcome back Davie. There are definately a lot of benefits to AF. Wish you luck.


        I'm Back

        Welcome back Davie. And the typing is fine. My hubby is from Dublin and when we go visit his family OH BOY. We are mostly beer drinkers, but the alcohol content of the beer there is MUCH GREATER than in the States.

        I always find it highly amusing too. We go there and get Harp and....I can't remember the other Irish brand St something, it was a green bottle, anyway, his family would look at us like we were crazy and they liked BUD. An American beer we think tastes like horse p*ss. LOL

        Anyway, it is such a part of the culture to drink over there. The only thing that doesn't stop us from gaining tons of weight is we luv to walk, especially Phoenix Park, it's so beautiful. I'm not crazy about Dublin, too big, crowded, dirty etc., but luv Phoenix Park.

        The rest of Ireland I love. Though never been North. Joe has no family there.

        Can you tell I've been missing Ireland. sorry to take over your post :blush:


          I'm Back

          My plan will include logging on to and posting on MWO everyday, a clean but not restrictive diet, exercise 4-5 days a week, have a non-drinking plan for Saturdays (my danger day), maintaining a positive outlook on life, keep busy and refer to my own list and other literature when thoughts of boozing come upon me. Also I am taking L-Glutamine as a supplement to weight training so may also help.


            I'm Back

            Hi Dave - I'm in a similar situation - I've moderated within my own limits successfully, but am currently doing a 30 day AF as a sort of 'self-check' to see how I do. I have to say that so far I have had no major cravings, and I even have a couple of bottles of fizz in the fridge!

            Well done on your 5 days I'm checking in on MWO more regularly, and will be looking out for you!

            Travel Well,

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              I'm Back

              welcome back dave,hope to see you around,drop into the army thread you are more than welcome

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                I'm Back

                Hi Dave nice to see you back with us.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  I'm Back

                  Welcome back,Davie.
                  Nice to 'see' you
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009

