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One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

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    One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

    I went for walk on beach, then decided to stop at this outdoor (has roof) bar on the way home. I sort of had talked myself into having ONE drink ? but ordered an ice tea. Saw a bunch of older ladies at the other end of bar smoking --- it Didn?t look attractive. I'm quitting that, too.

    But I wanted to prove to myself I could go to bar and be around people both smoking and drinking. And not do either ? which I didn?t.

    HERE?S THE BIZARRE PART: My gym was on the way home. I didn?t feel like working out, but thought, wellll, I might as well stop in & go on the hydromassage bed to relax. I walk in the room? and right in the middle of the bed is a CIGARETTE!! OMG. Talk about a test!!!!

    I?ve been whining like a baby on my quit smoking site for the last two+ days? (I'm on Day 41) how I just want to give up, etc. And here is a cigarette just Presented to me. The only way it would?ve been More bizarre is had it been my brand with a lighter next to it! So weird?

    I picked it up and looked at it. Wondered what it ?meant?. Maybe it was a Gift? I could just smoke that ONE. But I set it down on the little table & got on bed.

    I guess I'm proud of myself... Maybe I needed that HUGE temptation to really reinforce to myself that I DO NOT SMOKE!

    (At least not Today!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

    Oooh - spooky! But a huge pat on the back for not giving in!

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

      Sav your a star for not giving in!
      I reckon a higher power believed in you and wanted to show you that you are stronger than you think........
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

        :yougo: GOOD FOR YOU SAVON!!! :yougo:

        Hang in there with your no smoking. I swear it got quite a bit easier around the 100 day mark. You know if you smoke one you'll be right back to the beginning having to go through that hell again. What quit smoking site do you use? I did Quitnet and still get the daily e-mails with my quit stats! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

          Wow!!!! That is soooooo crazy huh! I'm so impressed by your resolve! You passed with flying colors! I am still having a bit of trouble passing up the just one drink thing...I go out with friends and we'll have just one...which beats the heck outta a whole bottle of wine or something, but I still want to be AF...the Campral is kicking back in, started it again, so I'll get there, I'm just a slow starter! You hang in there, you should be proud of yourself! And remember, you'll save yourself lots of wrinkles and lines on your pretty face by not smoking! I don't smoke, but I can see a difference in my complexion and I don't have bags under my eyes, or a swollen face just after cutting way back on drinking, and for sure, after just several days of AF....all is better without the vices!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

            Doggy - yes, I'm on quitnet. Really good to have a place to go (like here). Funny you should mention 100 days. That's been kind of my new goal... Gosh, I hope you're right about it getting better. I feel like I've been in one Constant crave the past few days!!

            Thanks for all your nice comments, everyone. I didn't really come for the pats on back - Honest!! I just wanted to share the Strangeness with you.

            But I'll definitely take the pats! Honestly, the smoking thing is much harder for me.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

              You can't give up now Savon. You are almost a "Tweener." (half way 'tween 0 and the Elder Lodge if they still use all those nutty reward terms on Quitnet!!)

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                One of the MOST Bizarre things just happened...

                savon19;801181 wrote: I went for walk on beach, then decided to stop at this outdoor (has roof) bar on the way home. I sort of had talked myself into having ONE drink ? but ordered an ice tea. Saw a bunch of older ladies at the other end of bar smoking --- it Didn?t look attractive. I'm quitting that, too.

                But I wanted to prove to myself I could go to bar and be around people both smoking and drinking. And not do either ? which I didn?t.

                HERE?S THE BIZARRE PART: My gym was on the way home. I didn?t feel like working out, but thought, wellll, I might as well stop in & go on the hydromassage bed to relax. I walk in the room? and right in the middle of the bed is a CIGARETTE!! OMG. Talk about a test!!!!

                I?ve been whining like a baby on my quit smoking site for the last two+ days? (I'm on Day 41) how I just want to give up, etc. And here is a cigarette just Presented to me. The only way it would?ve been More bizarre is had it been my brand with a lighter next to it! So weird?

                I picked it up and looked at it. Wondered what it ?meant?. Maybe it was a Gift? I could just smoke that ONE. But I set it down on the little table & got on bed.

                I guess I'm proud of myself... Maybe I needed that HUGE temptation to really reinforce to myself that I DO NOT SMOKE!

                (At least not Today!)
                The devil is a liar!! and you've done a spactular job at denying him!!! Im so proud of you!!!:l

