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Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

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    Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

    I thought I would dig out Allen Carr's book and give it a read. Has anyone read it? Any thoughts?

    I've taken the day off millionth day one, and have lounged wallowing in self pity all day. I have not drank....though drinking is all I have thought about all day. Thinking about how if I don't stop, it will ruin my life and everything I hold dear to me, will be lost. I am finding it tough that I am embarking on this new.....journey, and my husband is going away tomorrow for the weekend, for a boy's weekend. I will be home with my girls. I am thinking of doing something fun with them, a movie night or something.

    I do know I have to keep busy........I got a little side tracked from my original topic, sorry. I could go on and on, but.......I would be here all night.
    AF July 6 2014

    Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

    Christy - Im a huge fan of the Allen Carr method, I used it to stop smoking 14 years ago and never had a cigarette since. I also read his alcohol book in December and have been AF since 1st Jan. I love the reverse psychology of seeing AL as the enemy/monster and I when Im out with friends now who are drinking I have a secret chuckle to myself as I visualize them all knocking back this vile poison!!

    Good luck with it....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

      Hi Christy-I am reading Allen Carr's " The Easy Way To Stop Drinking"-kind of in spurts- I think it could be helpful to you. You have to de-glamorize alcohol-truly , it is a poison-but it just looks so right when we go out to dinner and everyone is having wine. Advertisements don't help either--drinking is all around us- people herald it in ways and then frown at it- it's a split personality-You need to see that it's just a glass of poison-it alters your thinking and judgement- and personality.
      Luv, Fluff
      It's always YOUR choice!


        Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

        great start

        Christy, I too love Allen Carr's book. The gist of it is that as long as you feel like you are being deprived of some pleasure or crutch everytime you abstain, you feel miserable and eventually probably go back to drinking with a gusto. So he basically dispells how society has been brainwashed all this time to think there is some benefit to drinking. I refer back to it alot. And although I still have bad days, I find the days I read a few pages are much easier for me.

        There is a thread with alot of pages in the "what we are reading" section that has good input on the book. Also, if you go Amazon and look it up there are tons of good thoughts on the book as well. Read as much of the reviews as you can... very helpful and encouraging.


          Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

          I met Alan on several occasions back in the 80's with the guarantee that his method would work.

          It didn't for me. Each time I saw him I stopped smoking for a few days and on relapsing I smoked significantly more than before our encounters

          The guarantee turned out to be a guarantee for more sessions, not stopping, not even money back. This became impractical when I left England at the end of the 80's

          His hypnosis gave my brain another excuse not to exercise mental, in tte moment control over my smoking. Thanks but no thanks.

          I stop short of calling him a charlatan because I can see there is something to be investigated about hypnosis.

          But have calculated at today's England's cigarette prices that he owes me me about $92000 and health damage.

          Any ambulance chasing lawyers out there reading me are welcome to pm!
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

            I actually found The Easy Way to Stop Drinking to be very helpful and would recommend it. As others have said, its premise is to give you a different way of looking at alcohol. If you can make this mental switch it will help you see not drinking as a positive rather than a negative.



              Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

              Hi Christy,

              I read the book a couple of months after I quit, and it was the first one that described something similar to my experience. I woke up one morning after a blackout, and it was like I had woken up from sleepwalking to find I had a loaded gun in my mouth.

              I never used the method Carr describes at the end of the book because (insert big yellow caution emoticon here) so far so good, so I don't know if it will help you. But lots of different things have worked, in different combinations, for people here, so give it a shot! It was a cheap download, I remember.

              Addiction has a neat trick of reinforcing self-defeating thoughts that keep it fat and happy. "THAT'll never work" is one of them. In for a dime... : )

              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                I have to admit I didn't know he had died

                Can I sue hie estate?

                At least I can't piss him off
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                  Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                  I haven't read his control drinking book, but I have 'The Easyway to Stop Drinking', and I love it. I think he's bang on about psychological addiction being WAY worse than physical addiction. Psychological torture is commonly reported to be FAR FAR worse than physical torture, so in my experience, getting rid of the psychological toture of quitting makes it so much easier. Then you're only left with the physical withdrawal, which he notes is barely anything in comparison. It's no worse than having the flu, and even someone who needs medical supervision is still at peace if they're psychologically detatched from their drug.

                  I don't think he offers a full solution, people may need help from medications or medical supervision to deal with the physical issues as they quit. But I think his psychological solution is EXTREMELY powerful and useful.
                  ED rather than alcoholic- but sugar is totally my booze and I sure act like an alcoholic.
                  Current treatments: Julia Ross' Mood Cure, some MWO elements, NLP, (upcoming) outpatient clinic, some OA and AA stuff.
                  I'm totally down with the 12 steps, yo. 8D
                  Ultimate goal is abstinance. Doing harm reduction right now until I can get more direct counselling.

                  ~If Eminem can get sober, so can I.
                  ~If KEITH RICHARDS of all people can get sober, so can I!


                    Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                    His book definitely helped me get started in my personal battle against alcohol. It put a different light on several assumptions about alcohol.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                      I read the 'Control' drinking book years ago, back when I thought I could control drinking and felt a bit cheated when in actual fact the 'control' he mentioned was actually giving it up. The 'easy way to quit' I haven't read yet, but lots of folks here have a lot of good to say about it.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                        I finished The Easy Way To Stop Smoking a few days ago and it has worked really well for me.
                        Sure, it's a bit like brainwashing and you have to want to believe what he writes but a big help to me.
                        Diggin' being alive


                          Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                          I told him I wasn't susceptible to hypnosis and suggestion. He told me not to worry just go through the motions anyway.

                          He took my money anyway

                          Jaysus. What an I supposed to say or do write a glowing obituary.

                          I think there is a lot to hypnosis and to the fact that psychological addiction is harder to break than physical.

                          I also think his brand of cure should come with a warning:
                          Little known side effect can lead to vastly increased consumption
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                            Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                            Take it you weren't that keen Ig?
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

                              Not keen on the man, Molly
                              Methods have some merit
                              When I saw this thread I was surprised anyone else had heard of the quack and I wonder how much money he did make. He lost me a lot. But alcohol has lost me more. Ha Ha
                              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg

