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Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

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    Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol


    christyacc;801201 wrote: I thought I would dig out Allen Carr's book and give it a read. Has anyone read it? Any thoughts?

    I've taken the day off millionth day one, and have lounged wallowing in self pity all day. I have not drank....though drinking is all I have thought about all day. Thinking about how if I don't stop, it will ruin my life and everything I hold dear to me, will be lost. I am finding it tough that I am embarking on this new.....journey, and my husband is going away tomorrow for the weekend, for a boy's weekend. I will be home with my girls. I am thinking of doing something fun with them, a movie night or something.

    I do know I have to keep busy........I got a little side tracked from my original topic, sorry. I could go on and on, but.......I would be here all night.
    hi christy,the good thing of starting over again is,you havent stopped trying,:goodjob:this sober life my dear is for you,no one else,peoples thots or idea s are great,imformation,someone once told me,gyco baby steps,it didnt mean a day or a week or 30 days,it ment minutes or hours at 1st,then you look back and see what youve accomplished,no one has to drink,i wish you well gyco:thanks:


      Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

      I've read it and it didn't stop me(at the time). If you change the words a bit his message isn't that much different to some of the things AA say. Basically it's not rocket science, nor a secret that AL is a poison that doesn't slake thirst and generally mostly brings misery into anyone's lives - even those who don't have a particular addiction with it.


        Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

        Christy - I am a huge Allen Carr fan! I cant emphasize enough how much I owe this man. It is 100% down to his method that I quit smoking and because his philosophy worked for this I had tremendous confidence in the same methods working with AL, which they did.

        Everything is down to how we see it and we need an open mind and a determination to tackle all aspects of life in order to suceed. With this mindset I found the tools offered by Allen Carr helped me to see another side to AL and by repeatedly telling myself it was a posion which was controling my life made me hell bent of beating the monster and taking back control.

        I made little cards with statements from the book and carried them around with me in case i needed reminding, like:-

        EUREKA! IM FREE!
        one drink keeps the monster alive
        whatever the moster tells you is just an illusion
        were you ever impressed with a drunk?
        AL is a poison which destorys you mentally & physically
        how can you enjoy life is you are "unconscious"
        Dont forget all the misery
        etc etc....

        Our attitude at the beginning of any undertaking determines the outcome....
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

          These books changed my life. Not had any alcohol since march, or any nicotine since may. It took a long time to get round to reading them, and by that time I was beginning to realise that if I didn't do something I'd end up dead. I felt like I was on a path, and that I couldn't stop walking towards the end, even though I desperately wanted to. The book made me see that I DID have a choice.

          Chillgirl the line I like best is:

          Don't EVER question your decision to stop.

          I am thankful everyday that I don't have to think about drinking anymore. A huge relief. I have my family and life back, and will be singing Mr Carrs praises forever.


            Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

            Summer, so glad to hear of your success. Thanks for posting as it helps us all!:thanks:


              Allen Carr's book Control Alcohol

              summer_holiday;1005687 wrote:
              Chillgirl the line I like best is:

              Don't EVER question your decision to stop.

              I am thankful everyday that I don't have to think about drinking anymore. A huge relief. I have my family and life back, and will be singing Mr Carrs praises forever.
              Summer this is an awesome line! Love it....
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996

