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About withdrawal

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    About withdrawal

    Quick ?? how fast can withdrawal hit you?? You know the bitchy and tense thing. Cause I've been cutting back on my intake, and suceeding most days, but although I wake proud of myself for not over doing, I'm I'm angry, frustrated, and emostionally distraught by mid-day, with No Good Reason, is it withdrawal?? And if so what the hell do I do? Will it ease up after a while... and how long?? Please, this is almost as bad as when I drink too much and hate myself the next day.


    About withdrawal

    hi katblois ive been through withdrawal symtons myself and it can affect you in differant ways ,it took about 4 days when i went through it and i hated every day of it ,drink plenty of water to flush your system out ,stick with it luv because you will feel like a new person in a day or two and it will all have been worth it robx


      About withdrawal

      Thank you rt001

      Thank you for the response, it was greatly appreciated, funny thing tho, up until a year ago, I could take it or leave it. I hate how I feel... So I've come up with a plan, and will attempt it at the end of the week. It's kind of a mix of things I've researched myself, and the program I found here. I'm going to attempt to break ALL my addictions, I'm really hoping it works, they all seem to be inter-related at this point, and I really dispise being dependent on anything.I also dispise the depression I've been battling along side of the addictions and, have discovered I need to work on my negativity.I'm hoping the subliminal messages will help there as well.

      Wish me luck, I'm scared, but at the same time excited, the idea of actually being free; feeling happy and healthy again... To Live, not merely exist....

      Thanks again, Kat :thanks:


        About withdrawal

        Kat, funny you bring this up because I have been soooooo angry lately. I know part of it is the brain damage, or whatever you want to call it, from years of drinking too much, but also I am angry that I have this problem, that I allowed myself to get to this point, that I actually might have to consider never having a drink again. I am going through a bit of a pity party and then that gets me mad at myself because I am usually not so self absorbed. If you find anything that helps with the anger let me know. I recently started going to an anger therapist (first time in my life doing therapy) but I swear it is making me angrier! Maybe because I am reliving things in my past that I had been blotting out with alcohol? Keep us posted on how you are doing, okay?
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          About withdrawal

          Lush, this is a long response, but hope it helps

          Hi Lush,

          First I need to say, since I asked my question about withdrawal, that, I?ve determined my ?grumpiness? is in fact withdrawal. I have never in my life had an over the top hissy fit about anything minor until recently. So the beer has got to go, I not only want to be myself again, I Need to be myself again.

          Like you tho, I have many things in my past I had every right to have been angry about, I can?t and won?t talk about them, and I guess that?s my advice, all these things are in the past. Yours, like mine, have very likely affected you and your life quite dramatically, but they?re past, hanging onto the anger keeps the anger and pain alive, so to my mind, I?m allowing ?them? to hurt me still?. No Way!!

          For the withdrawal ?grumpies?? I?m still working on that, by the sound of it, it?s something you Have to put up with for a while.

          Okay, here?s my check list;
          For irritability ? warn the people you care about, or work with, that you?re having a bad day, that you want Zero stress, everyone is to do what is expected of them, be it chores, cleaning up after themselves or doing their work properly, and efficiently.

          If you can, do something to get into your Zone, be it music, a movie, favorite tv show, what ever it is for you, I?ll watch Ramsey, if I?m really irritable, because I know it will deflect off the people I don?t want to be unfair to, and be aimed at the people in the program.

          For out of control, spittin? angry, (hopefully only caused by old stuff) ?
          Go to the gym, hit a punching bag, be aggressive, even if you look a little nuts, you?ll feel better when you?re done.

          There are things you can do in the house too, the other day I needed to ?vent?, and raked the lawn, you can be Very aggressive raking leaves, it worked, I was sooo pooped when I was finished, I was waiting for the boys bed time so I could go too, And I barely had any beer at all, I was more worried about getting into bed (endorphins are a wonderful thing)

          Another time I attacked my stove, my hands were raw when I was finished, my thoughts weren?t directed, I began being angry at one thing, and as I focused on every single crustation, I attacked another hurt or misdeed, including those done to myself by myself.

          I do it with a mountain of dishes sometimes too, but I have Corelle, I won?t recommend it if you have earthenware.

          Anger? I prefer it over depression, because it can be redirected, depression feels like this Huge weight of hopelessness sitting on your shoulders pushing you down, a weight that lets in the dimmest of light, and when you push back, and see a glimmer of hope, but fail, or have nothing good to hold onto, the weight just gets heavier and thicker?.

          I?m trying to use my anger to fight it right now, I know I have things to fight for, my boys deserve a better Mom, and I deserve to be who I am meant to be, the alcohol is robbing all of us of something so much more.

          K Lush, a little long winded, but these are the things I?m working on. And I?d recommend that you and your counselor start focusing on the good stuff to come.
          Going over the old stuff?. What?s in for you? Nothing. If it enters your head and you?re angry, don?t talk about it, talking isn?t going to change anything, get it out and be done with it. Don?t give the people that hurt you the power to keep hurting you.

          Kat :l


            About withdrawal

            Scared but want something better

            This is all SO me! I TOTALLY understand feeling angry, bitchy, and depressed.
            Drinking is the security blanket that makes the horrible feelings that I'm inadequate go away for awhile.

            I began REALLY drinking when I lost my job a few years ago. I went back to college and finished my degree but got the ax anyway due to budget cuts. Then my sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I went from one bad job to another while my sister went to chemo. Finally got a good job closer to home so I could help her and my mom, but she died shortly after. My husband has been a rock through all this, working many hours, helping with the house, etc. but he's got his buddies, and I have no one. All my friends were from the job I no longer have.

            We have 2 girls ages, 8 and 10, and try to be good parents. These kids bitch CONSTANTLY about EVERYTHING. It's like they expect Disney Land, 24/7. Nothing is EVER ENOUGH.

            I'm so sick of feeling under the gun. I tried about a year ago to get help through hypnotherapy. Was unable to keep appointments due to two deaths in the family in late 2005. By the time my sister passed away in early 2006 the weather was too treacherous to travel to appointments. Spent the past six months helping my mom cope - my sister lived with her - catching up past-due household projects, and getting my 18-year-old son started in college.

            It's been 5 years of hell, but things are looking up a bit. But can I live without the drinking now?


              About withdrawal

              man......I read you words," unregistered", and I am ashamed of my problem with drinking when my life has been a bed of roses compared to what u have been through in the last 5 years........well, let me tell you you are very very VERY strong to have been able to handle all those things, and I know when u feel so ANGRY drinking is the only thing that soothes the pain, and u wonder how can u possibly do without.......good luck.

