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New and need advice

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    New and need advice

    Hey guys! I recently graduated from college. A hardcore party college. for the past 4 years a typical week we would go out and drink 1-4 times a week. Granted I had weeks where I didn't have time to party. the binging was random, some nights I'd go out and have 2 drinks...other nights i'm puking or helping my friends puke from the night out. I moved to a different state and am trying to find a stable job. However, to pass the time I drink (i've only actually drank by myself 2wice) I live with my boyfriend and he doesn't really ever drink. I have only been drinking for about 4 years however it is time to grow up. I don't drink when i'm said, or angry..its still just the party scene. A part of me wants to give it up 100% but a part of me just wants to keep it in moderation...a couple times a month at most. I just know that this is a progressive disease and I want to stop it before it gets me addicted. Any tips on how to turn my history of college binge drinking to moderation? Should I just give it up completely? I am happiest when sober and feeling great. I just want some advice on where too start. :l


    New and need advice

    nice chatting

    Nice chatting w/ you last night/this morning, wishing you a wonderful af day, me too............. will pm you right now w/ my # and email...............if u ever need help!

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      New and need advice

      I think when you put forever giving it up into the equation it becomes almost overwhelming to think about. How about trying not to drink for a period of time that you allocate. You are right that it can spiral out of control so you are very smart to think about moderation at this time. People drink for a lot of reasons but when you break it down it usually is for either pleasure/social or to seek pleasure by not having anxiety or withdrawal. I have found that volunteering or involvement in other activities is very helpful. Is there a organization you are passionate about? Is there something your want to accomplish? If you could only measure your life in the months, thats not a lot when you think about it, what would you like to have accomplished on your bucket list. Just ideas.


        New and need advice

        Hi virgo and a big welcome to you! I think it is fantastic that you are looking at this issue now. Why don't you download RJ's book (Health Store at the top of this page) and give it a read. Give yourself 30 days AF (alcohol free). Then see where you stand.

        I personally, and I know this to be true for many others, forever giving it up is not overwhelming, it is liberating. IT takes the issue completely off the table. I am thrilled to see you say that you are happiest being sober and feeling great. Don't ever let that go!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          New and need advice

          thanks guys. yeah my first plan is to have a 30 day cleanse. I'm only on day two so I am going to need to just keep busy. I have to have great will power and not give into peer pressure. I have a very important interview on Tuesday and hopefully if I get the job it will be a fantastic start for a new and improved, non-party me!! I'm glad I found this post..its good to vent without being judged.


            New and need advice

            Hi Virgostar. I join those who commend you on addressing this issue NOW while you are young, and before alcohol has a chance to cause some real damage in your life. I think this statement of yours speaks volumes:
            I am happiest when sober and feeling great.
            I sure wish I had chosen a life of feeling good and being hangover, guilt and remorse free a whole lot earlier than I did.

            30 days AF sounds like a great start!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              New and need advice

              I, like DG, wish I had been wise enough to quit the partying and drinking when I was young. I always thought it was cool to drink all the guys under the table. I was the life of the party. It started on the weekends and by the time I was in my late 20's I had developed a serious addiction that caused pain and suffering in my life. In many ways I stopped maturing and did not develop into the person I potentially could have been. I lost many good years.
              Do whatever you need to to stop that cycle you will save yourself so much heartache. Give yourself the gift of growing up sober.


                New and need advice

                It's hard to assess your situation. From what you've written, it doesn't sound like you have a drinking problem, or that you are on your way to developing one. I base this on the fact that you do not report any significant difficulty staying off the booze now that college is over for you. Did I misunderstand? Are you having a major compulsion to drink but are experiencing difficulty staying sober?

                Drinking heavily in college is a common phenomenon in Canada and the United States. I drank very heavily in college (2-3 times per week), as did most of my friends, but upon graduation they were able to effortlessly tone it down while my drinking became worse. I vowed to quit for a while upon graduation and then tone it down, but was unsuccessful. That's when I began to realize that I may have a drinking problem.

                There's nothing wrong with evaluating your drinking, but honestly, it doesn't seem like a big problem from what you've described. However, to be on the safe side, perhaps try quitting completely for a few months. If you find it is hard to attend social functions without getting drunk, or that you have a desire to get drunk by yourself when the weekend arrives even if nothing is going on, then this should ring some alarm bells.


                  New and need advice

                  My problem is the fact that I hang out with people who go out and drink to get drunk. It is what I am use too. granted i had many times where I didn't go that far and had at most one drink. I am so use to going on and getting wasted a few times a week because of college. so this is my test...tonight is saturday, I was invited to 2 different outings. I said no just because I didn't want to be put in a pressure situation yet. I already had a couple people look at me weirdly because I declined to go drink. But I didn't mind. It's going to be interesting to tone it down ALOT....

                  however i am very excited :-) thank you guys for talking to me about this

