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Want to stop

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    Want to stop

    Well, i have been wanting to stop drinking for awhile now, but it is one of the hardest things I have ever tried doing. I dont drink during the day of afternoon. All of my cravings are at night when my family is in bed sleeping, and they have no clue how bad my drinking is. And I just can't have one drink, I have to finish the all the drinks. And every morning I wake up feeling like crap, and day in and day out I feel the same way. I own my own buisiness and I am starting to see it slip away because i am tiered and lazy in the mornings. I have gained lots of weight I don't sleep much, and it seems like alcahol is taking over my life. I used to be the one that was in the gym 5 days a week, and could not sit still. I have a wife and two young daughters that I love soooooo much, and I want them to see the old me back again. I have watched my father drink himself stupid all of my life, and ever sinse he retiered with his million dollar pension, he has been drunk 24/7 for the last 6 years. I am shocked he is not dead. I DO NOT want to end up like him. Any help you guy's/ gal's can give me would be great.


    Want to stop

    Wild, anything worth doing is not easy. You have made the first step by coming here to MWO. You will get a lot of support. Read a lot and take a look at the Toolbox thread. Keep posting and tell us how you are feeling. Most of us have been in your position. You are not alone. Just take things one day at a time. Don't drink for today. And don't have any alcohol in the house to tempt you is the best advice I can give.
    Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


      Want to stop

      Hi there Wild and welcome to you.
      You have found a great place here that has turned many many peoples lives around (including mine) I too was desperate to stop and not turn out like my dad, but seemingly powerless to do so.
      Heres a couple of things you can do.
      Make a plan, check out the Toolbox for inspiration
      Read loads of posts here, you will learn that you arent alone, and that there is a way out of this mess.
      There are supplements you can take to ease cravings. I use lglutamine and kudzu. Both very good.
      Exercise and a good diet will go a long way to helping you feel better and have more energy. Even if you start off with a gentle walk, that will give you a boost.
      Good luck and keep posting, the support here is superb.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Want to stop

        Thanks Guy's. I havent had a drink in a few days because of this bad head/ chest cold. Like I said before in my posting, my cravings are from 10pm to midnight. Anytime before that or after that Im fine. Just lately,I feel like such a looser. I am well known for what I do, and I have people that look up to me for the person that I "was" and they think I still am. Today is a new day, and I am going to try to get back to that person I was. Thanks again.



          Want to stop

          welcome Wild.we met in chat this morning briefly,I do the same, drink at night alone, no one at home know's how much, I want my energy back and to feel human in the morning's again, read all the post's and come to chat, so much help and love here, love and hug's Twitch xx


            Want to stop

            Welcome Wild, you have taken the first important step in coming here and admiting to yourself that there is a problem. Have you considered downloading the MWO book? That is where I started. It will help you to put a plan in place. I would also say come here and post or chat when the cravings come calling. We do understand, believe me.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Want to stop


              wild;802924 wrote: Well, i have been wanting to stop drinking for awhile now, but it is one of the hardest things I have ever tried doing. I dont drink during the day of afternoon. All of my cravings are at night when my family is in bed sleeping, and they have no clue how bad my drinking is. And I just can't have one drink, I have to finish the all the drinks. And every morning I wake up feeling like crap, and day in and day out I feel the same way. I own my own buisiness and I am starting to see it slip away because i am tiered and lazy in the mornings. I have gained lots of weight I don't sleep much, and it seems like alcahol is taking over my life. I used to be the one that was in the gym 5 days a week, and could not sit still. I have a wife and two young daughters that I love soooooo much, and I want them to see the old me back again. I have watched my father drink himself stupid all of my life, and ever sinse he retiered with his million dollar pension, he has been drunk 24/7 for the last 6 years. I am shocked he is not dead. I DO NOT want to end up like him. Any help you guy's/ gal's can give me would be great.

              wow ,welcom,wild ? saddening story,numbe one youve pick ed a great place to be,made the 1st step,it is not the hardest thing,trust me,losing your business,health,and most of all your family,will bring you to a low no other will,i dont promote AA,but there is a story in there tht suits your father and you,,the chances of you suceeding him are hi,treatment is an option,for both of you,worked for me,after a while,some get no chices,they just get so sickly,the only thing left is death,someone the other day reminded me,people like us just have to stay away from having the 1st drink,struck me finally like a bolt of lightning,another said b4 he stopped there was a picture taken of his wife,cause of his drinking she esembled a holacaust victim,i dont mean to sound harsh but read what you wrote,without a drink in you,matter of time,you family will be without a father and possibly a gran father,what ashame isnt it, i do wish you well gyco ps there is hope amny of us have found it

