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A Newbie with withdrawal

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    A Newbie with withdrawal

    Hello everyone!

    So I am on day 6 without a drink and the fatigue and nausea is not fun at all. I just turned 29 last week and realized that I have been drinking excessively almost every day for at least 4 yrs..maybe longer. I guess I finally took a step back and looked at how screwed up my life is and being a mother of two, how much I am neglecting my kids for alcohol. I mean, I was functional...barely at times but my kids are 8 and 9 and need me to be a better mother!! So, I'm done! At least I hope so.

    I joined this support group for some, lol thru this trying time in my life. Any suggestions on helping with the fatigue and nausea?

    Thanks everyone and I look forward to talking to you all! God Bless!


    A Newbie with withdrawal


    Well done on 6 days AF (alcohol free)

    The good news is that you are over the period of severe withdrawals. I'm not surprised your tired with 2 kids that age. My 2 are 21 and 23 and can still wear me to a frazzle. I just drink water,water and more water for the nausea.

    Have a look into the link below to get you started.

    Keep reading. Keep posting. Please let us know how you're getting along.

    There'll be others along shortly.

    J x

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      A Newbie with withdrawal

      Me again ,

      You may also like to take a look in the 'Holistic Healing' section on the 1st page. Lots of ideas for over the counter and herbal supplements there.

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        A Newbie with withdrawal

        Hello, you should be over the hard part it will get better. RM


          A Newbie with withdrawal

          Hi mercdzbnz,

          Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
          Congrats on your 6 AF days - you will feel better very soon. Be sure to stay well hydrated, eat regularly, get a little fresh air - it all helps. I remember feeling a bit like I had the flu but it does go away. You are very young, it's good that you've decided to kick AL out of your life now!!! You & your children will all benefit!

          Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest' thread, introduce yourself & get to know others just starting out as well. I still post there every day after one year

          Wishing you the best!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            A Newbie with withdrawal

            Stay strong for your kids and for you. It is a road worth travelling.


              A Newbie with withdrawal

              Hi merc! Welcome! You can try some peppermint tea or some ginger (pour hot water over fresh ginger slices to make a tea and add some honey for sweetness) for nausea. Make sure you drink loads of water to help your body flush out the toxins.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                A Newbie with withdrawal


                I have found that fatigue is normal. I think it's just your body trying to get back to 'normal'. I have been pretty exhausted as well.....but I like you have younger kids that burn me out!
                AF July 6 2014

