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My AF Brain is fatigued

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    My AF Brain is fatigued

    Square one is never worse. Because you've come so far already. The path will be better marked if you need to traverse it again. Life is not a made-for-tv movie, and so don't hold yourself to superhuman feats.

    I figured out the Prayer connection and can give some scientific underpinnings to why it works.

    Alcohol gets it's hold because it hijacks a primitive part of our brain called the Amygdala, or popularly, your lizard brain. You can google up those two words to learn more. It's the part of your brain that you share with lizards. Among it's functions is a reward center for doing survival acts like finding enough food, achieving the goals of a hunt, or having a lot of children. Alcohol is probably a mistake, really. It happens to affect some neurotransmitters and receptors, to artificially create a "boost" or reward when you haven't actually accomplished anything. Some other distinctive features of the Amygdala is that it doesn't sleep (hence midnight cravings) and it doesn't use language so it can't talk. However, it can control enzymes and hormones so it will cause adrenaline rush, rapid breathing and heartbeat, sweats and other biological functions.

    So how do you "talk" to a part of your brain that operates outside language? How can you logic with a part of your brain that operates on a pure emotional level? Here are some things I hit on through experimenting:

    Slowing your breathing using 4-7-8 breathing (you can Google that too). The Amygdala controls your breathing, but you can control it back by steadying your breath. Calm and lower your blood pressure, and this will send a message.

    Accomplish things. Do a crossword, or complete a task. Arrange socks in a drawer or clean a closet. Finishing the task issues a reward, which is what the Amygdala craves. If you start craving, go find 2-3 things you can accomplish quickly. Enough challenge to take your effort, but not something that you will "lose" at like gambling. (BTW that's why gambling is like drinking, because it's all about hijacking the reward center).

    Chocolate. And love. Go figure.

    And Faith. Believe in something. Believe in God. Believe in yourself. Believe that of all the really tough things you've done in your life, you can get over this current tough thing, and move on. Faith by itself routes entirely past the "logical" and "educated" part of your brain, and speaks to the lonely and attention craving child hidden inside. The more faith you have, the more you can reward this center through non-chemical means.

    So I fully recommend Faith as a part of the process. There are scientific reasons for it.


      My AF Brain is fatigued


      I do pray most nights. My mother was very spiritual and religious and I talk to God often. And if I have a relapse which I hope won't happen but if it does, I won't beat myself into oblivion. I will pick up myself and learn from the experience. I am proud to be doing AF10 as of tomorrow. And whatever happens no one can take that away from me.
      I really feel I have changed (even if slightly) for the better in the past 2 weeks from joining MWO.

      I look forward to your interesting replies, and great advice on my threads and on others. Take care have a good sober night!


        My AF Brain is fatigued

        Hi Meech, I am 12 days AF and this week was a real challenge! what really helped me was sitting quietly in meditation first thing in the morning and when i get home from work. This gets me to a place of observing the endless chattering in my mind (and i do mean endless chattering!) i then just observe the complusive thoughts i dont judge them i just sit with them - they are just thoughts they are not you. There is a great book called the Power of Now it teaches you techniques to gain inner peace and this will help you fight the beast whenever it's ugly, persistent head pops up. Dont forget that AL has been in your life for a while its not going to give up easily but with all the tools mentioned by everyone else YOU CAN BEAT IT!!!!
        Stay strong and hang in there!
        Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


          My AF Brain is fatigued

          Thanks overittoday. I am feeling better now. I am AF13 today and work the next two nights. So I'm pretty sure I'm over this hump....until the next one.

          I think I'll make it to AF15.

          Congrats on you AF12.

          I'll check into the resourses. I have been doing a bit of positive affirmations in my head before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up before I get up. Things like "I do not drink. I am a good person. I only put healthy things in my body. I will wake up energized and happy to take on the day. I am a good Mom. I do not drink." Thanks for the encouragement!!

          Have a good Sober weekend. You are almost at the 2 week mark! Awesome.


            My AF Brain is fatigued

            Meech...we are all here with you. I just joined today, have not read book yet or taken any meds or supplements and I am SO excited to get my life back.
            Put on your IPOD with some rockin tunes and go fast really helps!
            Can you believe I have actually done it buzzed a few times so I could hide the drinking from my sweet husband?? How stupid is that?
            Hang in there can slay the beast!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem

